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  • Advantages Of The Strong Small Church Pt 2

    Contributed by David Welch on Aug 4, 2018

    This message continued my reflections on the small church from part one.

    Chico Alliance Church Pastor David Welch “The Advantages of the Small Church” Pt 2 Review Many pastors of small congregations feel inferior or failures or intimidated by larger churches. I have wrestled most of my ministry career with the subject of church growth and health; what constitutes more

  • Funeral Eulogy For Denise Nevins

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Dec 1, 2018

    This is a eulogy for a woman who was an outstanding wife, mother, and worker in the church for the Lord. Her death was completely unexpected and left a huge hole in the church to be filled. The message seeks to bring some healing when death hits us unexpectedlyl

    Denise Nevins December 1, 2018 Psalm 139 2 Timothy 4:6-9 It is in moments like these that our faith is greatly tested. We are all gathered here because of the shining beacon that Denise Nevins was in all of our lives. The suddenness of her death cut more

  • God's Business

    Contributed by Troy Borst on May 4, 2017

    Easter Morning Sermon focusing on the resurrections in the Bible presenting the idea "God is in the business of resurrection."

    GOD’S BUSINESS #NBCCEaster2017 THREAD: GOD IS IN THE BUSINESS OF RESURRECTION [CONGREGATION REPEATS] My purpose today is to convince you or to remind you that God is in the business of resurrection. He always has been and He always will be. Now in order to convince you of such a thing, there more

  • The Story Of Samson. Delivering Despite Pride Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Jun 16, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    in spite of his pride, God used Samson and God can use you also!

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • Last week we started our Great Deliverers series by looking at a man who was fearful and humble almost to a fault. Gideon was able to overcome his fear and become a great deliverer for God. • Today, we are going to go to the opposite end of the spectrum and look at a man more

  • Who Touched Me?

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Mar 26, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    A message about how we don't interrupt God.

    Note: Some notes from Wayne Dority's message on Mark 8 and a men's devotion on Luke 8 Title: Who Touched Me? Theme: We are not interrupting God with our request. Text: Luke 8:40 - 56 Opening Text Mark 5:21-43 NKJV Now when Jesus had crossed over again by boat to the other side, a great more

  • I Doubt It Series

    Contributed by Pat Cook on Dec 5, 2011
    based on 8 ratings

    Thomas had doubts, and so do we sometimes. How does Jesus deal with doubters? With much grace!

    John 20:24-29 – I Doubt it Today we are continuing our series on what happened AFTER Jesus rose from the dead. Who was affected? How did their lives change? What difference does the risen Lord make in people’s lives? Why does the Resurrection matter? Today we are in John 20:24-29, and more

  • Church Happenings

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Jun 5, 2007
    based on 63 ratings

    In the first church, let’s take a look at what happened and how it relates to the church today. 1- the proclamation of the gospel 2- the persecution of the apostles 3- the proliferation of the church

    INTRO.- Church happenings. What is happening in our churches? ILL.- A group of women were talking. One lady said, “Our congregation is sometimes down to thirty and forty on Sunday night.” Another said, “That’s nothing, sometimes our group is down to six or seven.” An old maid added her bit, more

  • Christmas Mystery Remembered

    Contributed by Jon Lipka on Feb 26, 2012

    The incarnation is a unique touch of God in the world, unparalleled since the creation; all Christians are given a glimpse of this mystery to share.

    Do you remember how exciting Christmas was when you were a child? The lead up into the great feast of the Nativity was almost too much to bear. We sang advent hymns at church; we colored candy canes and cut out snowflakes at school; we decorated the Christmas tree and set up the crèche at home. more

  • Unshakeable Faith Series

    Contributed by Tim Hinrichs on May 31, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Through Abraham’s story with Ishmael, we learn that we cannot be saved by works but only by trusting in God’s works done for us. Then impossible things can happen!

    New York Times, April 16, 2011: So unshakable was this town’s faith in its sea wall and its ability to save residents from any tsunami that some rushed toward it after a 9.0-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of northeast Japan on the afternoon of March 11. After all, the sea wall was one of more

  • Touched By Jesus

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on Jun 12, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus restored the leper, literally one whom society had pushed away, driven away, piled into the dump and forgotten about.

    Touched By Jesus June 3 2012 Mark 1:40-45 Intro: At first he tried to hide it. Perhaps no one would notice. Maybe it would go away. It could be nothing. But instead of shrinking, it grew. His skin started to get blotchy. It broke open, began to ooze puss. The fear that had been ever more

  • A Fantastic Reality Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Dec 19, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon looks at four realities of Christmas. 1. God came to EARTH 2. God became FLESH AND BLOOD 3. Jesus Came With A PURPOSE 4. Jesus Is LORD

    A Fantastic Reality Over the past few weeks we have been looking at the Christmas story from various angles. We looked at the importance of the virgin birth. Then we looked at the response of Mary when she was given the news that she would have a son – even though she was a virgin. We more

  • Nt Survey - 2 Corinthians, Christian Maturity Series

    Contributed by Paul Zeron on Oct 9, 2013

    Serving self lies at the rood of immaturity and impedes our spiritual growth

    As we move along in our survey of the books of the New Testament, we come to the book of 2 Corinthians. The theme of 2 Corinthians is opposite of the theme of 1 Corinthians. To understand 2 Corinthians you have to know that when Paul wrote his first letter to them, he was not happy. The entire more

  • Victory Over Dieases

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Sep 29, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    Victory over diseases begin with a desperate desire to be well (2) A willingness to Act on Your Faith: put forth an effort, A Willingness to put Faith in Christ alone, A Willingness to Acknowledge the true source of victory and A Willingness to Praise God and Testify before men.

    Victory Over Diseases Mark 5:21-34 Introduction: Jesus returned again to Capernaum, and was met by Jairus, a ruler of the Synagogue, whose daughter is sick unto death. On his way to Jairus' house, the woman of our text interrupts him and receives a "wayside miracle" ... an more

  • Lessons From Mary - A Mother's Day Sermon

    Contributed by Pastor Matthew Faure on May 14, 2023

    Lessons from the life of Mary, The mother of Jesus

    Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Today, as we celebrate Mother's Day, I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and the lessons we can learn from her. Mary is an example of a strong, faithful, and courageous woman who endured many hardships more

  • Shaping The Next Generation

    Contributed by Brian Williams on May 16, 2023

    We can, by the power of the Spirit be part of shaping the next generation and encouraging them to take a stand for the Lord, to speak up for truth and what is right when the world is telling Christians to sit down and keep our convictions to ourselves.

    I was reading an article on how to understand Millennials and Gen Z (born between 1980-2012). This article said, “You can learn a lot about a generation by looking at the generation of parents that raised them.” In a book called A Generation at Risk, a 20-year longitudinal study revealed how more

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