
Summary: Requirements of spiritual growth and fruitfulness

Spiritual growth, requirements of fruit-bearing(Luke 13:6-9):

1- Death of the old life John 12:24

2- Good soil Matt 13:23,

3-Opression Exodus 1:12, psalm 105:24 And as they afflicted them, so they multiplied and so they grew That is, in proportion to their afflictions was their prosperity; and had their sufferings been greater, their increase would have been still more abundant……Christianity spread most when it was persecuted: the blood of the martyrs was the seed of the church

4- struggles Gen 26:12-25, 2 Samuel 5:17-25

5- living waters psalm 1:3 John 7:37-38 Isaiah 12:3,

6- Abiding in Christ John 15:4,

7- chastening or pruning John 15:2 Heb 12:11,

8- investment of life's resources Luke 19:16-19,26

Ephraim, psalm 92:12, Isaiah 27:3. Reasons of unfruitfulness: Worldliness Matt 13:22, Hosea 12:8, Failure to invest life's resources Luke 19:20----Joseph: Gen 49:22, Ephraim: doubly fruitful, John Mark: fruitful stumbled fruitful,*if you are late in fruitfulness don't be upset Psalm 92:14,* trust in the Lord to be fruitful Jeremiah 17:7,* you will be watered every moment Isaiah 27:3

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Michael Ghaly


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