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  • One

    Contributed by David Mcbeath on Nov 23, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    One with Others: Love Them One with God: Love Him Unity and Love

    Series: None Message: One Text: John 17:20-26 Date: Nov. 6, 2011 Pastor: David McBeath PRAYER INTRODUCTION—STEVE JOB’s VISION Anybody here this morning own an Apple product, an Ipod, Ipad, Itouch, Iphone, or a Mac? If you don’t most of you own technology originally more

  • Excuse Me, But You Have A Piece Of Broccoli In Your Teeth Series

    Contributed by Steve Hankins on Feb 28, 2017

    This is one sermon from a survey through Matthew looking for the questions Jesus asked and His answers we need.

    Excuse Me, But You Have a Piece Of Broccoli in Your Teeth Matthew 7 NKJV Have you ever sat at the dinner table with someone having that enjoyable conversation, and you notice they have something in their teeth, I have and I have found it becomes difficult to concentrate on the conversation until more

  • Go And Tell

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Aug 21, 2014

    Jesus commands us to share the Gospel.

    Go and Tell August 10, 2014 Morning Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: Jesus commands us to share the Gospel. Focus Passage: Matthew 28:18-20 Supplemental Passage: How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom more

  • As Jesus Was Sent, So We Are Sent Series

    Contributed by David Taylor on Jun 26, 2014

    The Incarnation Tells Us: As Jesus was sent, so We are Sent

    The Incarnation Tells Us: As Jesus was sent, so We are Sent John 17:18-21; 20:21-22 We are in the last week of a four week series on the “What the incarnation tells us.” The first week we saw that the incarnation tells us that God is on a mission: God is committed to winning people to more

  • Don't Put Yourself Above The Gospel Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Dec 28, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    What's permissible for me to do once I believe in Jesus Christ? The answer to that question is actually tied up in how Jesus wants to use you in spreading the gospel. Learn in this lesson how to put His love above your freedom.

    As we begin chapter 8, Paul answers a second question the Corinthians posed. And for that I want to mention two things: 1. I want to go back to what I’ve said throughout this study. As believers in Jesus Christ we are first being transformed into the character of God (Rom 12:1 , 2 more

  • ¡estoy Involucrado! ¿estás Involucrado?

    Contributed by J Spurling on Feb 18, 2009

    Un Sermon sobre las misiones. Hay una explicación de la importancía de misiones. Hay una explicación de nuestro papel en misiones. Y hay un desafio de ser parte de misiones.

    Como ustedes pueden imaginarse, soy apasionado por misiones. Estudié y trabajé por 10 años para estar acá como un misionero. Entonces esta mañana voy a hablar con ustedes acerca de una de las pasiones más grandes de mi corazón—misiones. Pero no solamente haré eso, voy a intentar convencerles de more

  • Found Faithful In Our Witness Series

    Contributed by David Cook on Feb 13, 2010
    based on 9 ratings

    Our commission, compassion, character will determine our witness unto Jesus.

    1 For you yourselves know, brethren, that our coming to you was not in vain. 2 But even[a] after we had suffered before and were spitefully treated at Philippi, as you know, we were bold in our God to speak to you the gospel of God in much conflict. 3 For our exhortation did not come from error or more

  • Out From Behind Locked Doors Series

    Contributed by Chris Heimsoth on Jun 14, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Opening Sermon to an Acts series, although this passage is not in Acts but in John, the passage bridges from Resurection to the begginnings of the Acts community. Main Passage is John 20:19-23

    Well, we have come out of Easter having taken some time looking at some of the area’s where God is calling us to follow in his steps. And we have seen how God is inviting us to walk with him in resurrection power, so we are now moving beyond the resurrection to see. Into the bigger picture, more

  • The Requirements Of A Disciple Series

    Contributed by Bart Price on Jan 8, 2016

    If we are going to follow Jesus' call to Make Disciples, we need to know what is required of us as his disciples.

    Let’s get to our passage. Turn over to Matthew 16. This passage might be pretty familiar to you, but that’s ok. When you get to Matthew 16, we’ll read verse 24. Pay attention to this passage…as it lays the foundation for what we’re studying today. Let’s read our more

  • The Command In Discipleship Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Jun 15, 2016

    I fear many fail to consider the seriousness of Jesus' command to make disciples. As followers of Christ, we are all commanded to make other disciples. Thankfully, our Lord provided insight to His great command.

    The Command in Discipleship Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:8 After several weeks of discussion and consideration, I hope to conclude our series on discipleship. Hopefully we have been enlightened regarding discipleship, having a greater knowledge of what is expected, and how to be better equipped as more

  • Into All The World

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Jun 8, 2017

    Jesus said to to go, make, baptize and teach what?

    Intro Among the notable sayings of Jesus are the Great Commandments and the Great Commission. Purpose Let’s look at the Great Commission that Jesus gave to His Church. Plan Let’s explore this in Matthew 28:16-20. Matthew 28:19 Go In Matthew 28:19 the first verb in the Great Commission is to more

  • Practising Witnessing Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Jul 23, 2017

    The Great Commission is given to all Christians. As we go, we are charged to fulfil this mandate to witness. The message explores some parameters of the commission to encourage believers to fulfil Christ's command.

    “Jesus came and said to [the disciples], ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, more

  • Mission Possible Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Apr 5, 2016

    Mission, Purpose, Discipleship

    AN “I” EXAM: Restoring Our Vision for Christ’s Mission – Mission Possible Matthew 28:16-20 (p. 698) April 10, 2016 Introduction: Say this with me, ready? The Mission of the church never changes!!! One more time...The Mission of the church NEVER changes!!! And that more

  • "Inviting People To The Party” Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Jan 15, 2018

    How should we go about inviting people to come to Christ?

    Jesus enjoyed parties. His very first miracle was at a wedding feast. When He called Matthew to follow Him, He went to Matthew’s house for a party. So it’s not surprising, when the religious leaders criticized Him, they said He went to too many parties, attended by wrong people. “The Son of Man more

  • Forty Days - From Resurrection To Ascension Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Apr 25, 2022

    After the resurrection day appearances of Jesus, He made many other important appearances during the next 40 days until He returned to heaven. Those important appearances included He gave the great commission, recommissioned Peter, and ascended before their eyes. He is coming again!

    A. As you know from experience, in our day and time, there is a lot of misinformation the flows through the internet, in news headlines, and from public figures. 1. There are at least two internet sites that are satirical “newspapers,” but unfortunately, some people don’t realize they are “fake more

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