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  • Salvation By Grace Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on May 7, 2021

    The first church proclaimed that salvation is by grace.

    Salvation by Grace Jeffery Anselmi / General Proclaim-The Gospel Has Come / Grace / Acts 15:1–21 The first church proclaimed that salvation is by grace. INTRODUCTION • When the Reformer Martin Luther nailed the Ninety-Five Theses to the church door in Wittenberg and set the world on fire, he more

  • Amazing Grace

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Jul 8, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    The amazing grace we receive is that we are adopted as children of God.

    Amazing Grace – Ephesians 1: 3 - 14 Intro: This morning I would like for you to think for a moment about what might be the best news you could receive. Good news comes in so many forms. Let me share a few: You’re cancer free and you are cured. / Happy 100th birthday and congratulations on more

  • Throne Of Grace Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Aug 17, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus became the ‘Great High Priest’ who took on Himself the sins of the world by shedding His blood on the cross for each one of us. Since Jesus is the ‘Great High Priest’, He is now at the right hand of the Father in heaven, interceding on our behalf.

    We read in Hebrews 4:14, “Let us, then, hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we have a great High Priest who has gone into the very presence of God…Jesus, the Son of God.” (GNB) We live in a world where it is so easy for us to be ensnared and in bondage to various sinful habits. Outwardly we more

  • Benefits Of Grace

    Contributed by Pastor Duncan Shabane on Feb 27, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    God loves us with an undeserving favor and His love toward us is unconditional, we are to believe in Him and to honor Him for loving us this much

    GRACE : Meaning, Benefits and how to receive it What is GRACE? “The very center and core of the whole Bible is the doctrine of the grace of God.” “Grace” is the most important concept in the Bible, Christianity, and the world. It is most clearly expressed in the promises of God revealed in more

  • Embracing Grace

    Contributed by Isaac Butterworth on Apr 2, 2022

    The vast majority of people do not "accept" Christ (Luke 4:24) but refuse the "favor" (grace) He offers (v. 19). God has sent Christ to offer His grace. We must embrace the grace offered in Christ. Luke shows us how.

    There’s a key word in this passage that I would like to point out. It is not obvious in the English, so it’s a bit tricky. But the word ‘favor’ in verse 19 and the word ‘acceptable’ in verse 24 render the same Greek word, which is dektos. In fact, in the King James Version it is translated more

  • Grace For The Humble Series

    Contributed by Jim Keegan on Mar 18, 2021

    If pride is the deadliest of sins, humility is the greatest of all Christian virtues, because it honors God’s rightful place of authority and serves his good and perfect will above all else. "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble."

    A computer whiz, a minister and a Boy Scout were the only passengers on a small commuter plane, when suddenly the pilot rushed back into the cabin and told them there was a mechanical problem and that the plane was losing altitude. He opened the storage compartment and discovered that it more

  • Law And Grace Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 29, 2021

    The law of grace, the law of liberty, the law of love of the New Testament is the law that must distinguish the Christian from the world. Jesus took the whole law and summed it up in loving God and our neighbor.

    The new bride said to her husband, "I took the recipe for that cake you are eating out of my cookbook." "Good," responded the husband, "It never should have been put in there in the first place." Some feel this same way about the law being in the Bible. They see it more

  • Need Grace? Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Dec 26, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 5th sermon in the Advent Series "A COVID Christmas 2.0".

    Series: A COVID Christmas 2.0 [#5] NEED GRACE? John 1:14 Introduction: Now that Christmas is over, we can move on to something else, right? That’s often how we handle things and maybe that’s the problem- We do the Christmas stuff and then get back to normal. What are we without Christmas? As more

  • The Progress Of Grace

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Nov 18, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    The connection between grace and generosity is clearly defined in the text.

    1. God is the source of grace. 2. Grace is the source of gratitude. 3. Gratitude is the source of generosity. 4. Generosity is the source of glory. more

  • Unexpected Grace Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Jan 17, 2020

    Our response to those who are have false motives and who scoff at Jesus is to show unexpected grace so that the ungodly may still have an opportunity to experience God’s forgiveness and love.

    Message Jude 17-25 Unexpected Grace The book of Jude takes many different and, sometimes, unexpected turns. Jude wanted to write about the wonders of salvation – instead a difficult and spiritually dangerous situation compelled him to urge the recipients to “contend for the faith”. They needed to more

  • Grace In Groaning Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Apr 23, 2020

    If you want to grow in difficult times, get to know God, obey God, and cry out to God if you must; but no matter what, learn and grow from God’s discipline.

    Richard Lee had been the lone police officer in the small town of Croydon, New Hampshire for 20 years. So, two months ago (February 2020), when the local board decided to outsource their law enforcement needs to the state police, Lee walked out, disgusted. He also walked out in his underwear. The more

  • Saving Grace Series

    Contributed by Stephen Sheane on Apr 28, 2020

    GRACE - God's gift, Received by faith, Available to everyone, Christ purchased and Extending to eternity

    SAVING GRACE In a small cemetery of a parish churchyard in Olney, England, stands a granite tombstone with this inscription: “John Newton, pastor. Once an infidel and libertine. A servant of slavers in Africa. Now by the rich mercy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, preserved, restored, more

  • Offering Grace Series

    Contributed by Stephen Sheane on Apr 28, 2020

    What forgiveness is and is not.

    OFFERING GRACE The Rhone River begins high in the Swiss Alps, some 5000 feet above sea level. It is one of the most important commercial waterways in France, stretching more than 500 miles in length. The river that glistens and sparkles through France, however, is much different than it was at its more

  • A Life Of Grace Series

    Contributed by Vic Folkert on Jun 9, 2020

    To avoid unrighteous judgment: 1) Be merciful, 2) Be humble, 3) Be helpful.

    Healthy Disciples: A LIFE OF GRACE—Matthew 7:1-6 ***(before you read the text) What quotations from the Bible are you most likely to hear from non-Christians?...There is one in our text today.** Read Matthew 7:1-6. “Do not judge…” No one likes to be judged—for their appearance, their taste in more

  • Grace Or Law?

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Aug 23, 2019

    A look at healing on the Sabbath and our choice of grace or law!

    Grace or Law? August 25, 2019 Luke 13:10-17 When we’re young we don’t think about bending over for things, do we? We just do it, we react. But, as we age, we tend to get a little more cautious. We realize if we pick up that package the wrong way, if we trip over that crack in the sidewalk, even more

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