
Summary: This is the 204th sermon in the series "Action". This is the 2nd sermon from 1 Timothy.

Series: Action [#204]


1 Timothy 1:8-20


1 Timothy 1:8-11

I read a Sermon that started with this survey- How many times have you drank alcohol? How many speeding tickets have you had? How many times have you spread a rumor or gossip? How many times have you lied? How many times have you skipped church just because? After each question were 4 options that ranged from none, 1-10, 11-20, or too many to count. After you answer the 5 questions, then you add up the numbers; and you find out how big of a sinner you are. The survey is simply to remind you that you are all lawbreakers. The Law is proof that we are all sinners deserving of eternal death.

1 Timothy 1:12-14

God’s grace is amazing because it…

1. Empowers us.

Paul could not live the Christian life by himself. He needed God’s strength. “Given me strength” means empowered. The same word is used when Paul says, “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” God saw what Paul was; but He also knew what Paul would become. Diamonds in the rough. Grace has the ability to empower us for the Lord’s service. In Acts 4 Peter and John are thrown in prison for preaching the Gospel. They are brought before the Sanhedrin and told not to preach about Jesus anymore; and then they were released.

Acts 4:33

In facing the battle of being Christians in a secular world, we can be empowered by God’s grace to meet the challenges we face. Paul had a history. Paul was sincerely defending his Jewish faith. In the midst of his campaign against God. God showed him mercy. What is the difference between mercy and grace? Mercy means we don’t get what we deserve. Grace is getting what we don’t deserve.

1 Timothy 1:15-17

God’s grace is amazing because it…

2. Saves us.

Here is the Gospel in 1 verse: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners- of whom I am the worst.” Notice Paul says, “I am the worst”; not, “I was the worst”. Grace never makes us feel superior or proud. Paul’s salvation is an example. He shows us that no one is so sinful that God will not forgive them. Just thinking about this brings Paul to praise.

1 Timothy 1:18-20

God’s Grace is amazing because it…

3. Equips us.

Prophecies refer to Timothy’s ordination. God gifted Timothy to fulfill God’s purpose for Timothy’s life. Each of us have at least 1 gift that God has given us to fulfill the ministry He wants us to do.

Romans 12:6

At conversion, God’s Holy Spirit indwells us- Equipping us and giving us the desire and power to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives.

Philippians 2:13

Paul also talks about the fact that some had shipwrecked their faith. Shipwrecks were a common occurrence in Ephesus. Refusing to listen to your conscience will lead to a shipwrecked faith. When tossed around by a moral storm our conscience is our anchor. These shipwrecks come in many forms- Broken marriages, broken relationships and fractured reputations.

Paul had to deal with 2 men who were in this shipwrecked condition. We don’t know what they did. They were excommunicated from the church. This was a corrective measure not punitive. Paul wants them to be restored after repentance.


Without God’s grace, we have no chance; but through God’s mercy and grace, we can live according to God’s will and purpose.

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