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  • "The Gospel Not Of Man"

    Contributed by Clark Tanner on Nov 5, 2009

    What aspect of the Gospel differentiates it from every philosophy or doctrinal statement of mankind? It is that it comes directly from God. It is otherworldly. It is entirely divine in origin.

    “For I would have you know, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man.” Vs 11 Preacher and Bible commentator, John Stott, said this in his exposition of Paul’s letter to the Galatians: “To tamper with the gospel is to trouble the church… Indeed the church’s more

  • The Gospel Of Man, I Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Mar 30, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    In three sermons, we will look at the man-made gospel of the law, the man-made gospel of the heart, and the God-made gospel of the cross. First, the gospel of the law.

    7/7/13 The Gospel of Man, I Acts 15:1-5 D. Marion Clark Introduction For the next two Sundays, we are going to examine two alternative gospels to the gospel. They are two sides of the coin that can be labeled the gospel of man. They are quite popular, so popular that their adherents exceed more

  • The Gospel Of Man, Ii Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Mar 30, 2016

    Last Sunday we began a three-part series on the gospel and its alternatives in the gospel of man. We looked at the gospel of law-keeping. The gospel considered now is that of the heart. God already accepts us because he sees the basic good in our hearts.

    7/14/13 The Gospel of Man, II Judges 17:1-13 D. Marion Clark Introduction Last Sunday we began a three-part series on the gospel and its alternatives in the gospel of man. We first looked at the gospel of law-keeping. The good news is that if we do our part well enough, God will do his part in more

  • The Greatest Man Series

    Contributed by Travis Moore on Jan 17, 2001
    based on 134 ratings

    The Life and ministry of John the Baptist

    THE GREATEST MAN Luke 3: 1-20; 7:28 INTRODUCTIONœ: Consider what it means to be GREAT. A. Greatness Defined: Important, Notable, Renown, B. Greatness Desired · Matthew 20:20-21 - The mother of James & John asked that her sons be given a prominent place in the kingdom · Mark 10:35-37 - more

  • The Wild Man Series

    Contributed by Byron Harvey on Jul 16, 2003
    based on 74 ratings

    This is a message in a series I preached on Witnesses of Jesus Christ. Each message is preceded by a dramatic monologue, which is included.

    Demoniac (Adapted from a drama originally performed by Curt Cloninger) “You go way from me. You go way from me. I know who you are, Jesus; I know who you are! You a holy man; You a holy man Don’t come up here by me; don’t come up here by me! No! No no no no no! Don’t come up here; don’t come more

  • Peter The Man Series

    Contributed by Richard Sharp on Mar 27, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    This is a brief outline of Peter’s life that I used to Introduce our Sun. nite study Series on I Peter

    A Brief Sketch of Peter’s Life Four main area’s of Peter’s life: A. His calling Mark 1:16-18 (also Luke 5:3-11) * fishing in Sea of Galilee with his brother Andrew. * they are partners with James and John in a lucrative fishing business * ALL This changes when more

  • Through This Man Series

    Contributed by Troy Walliser on Apr 19, 2021

    God has called EVERY BELIEVER to TELL OTHERS about Jesus.

    Through This Man Acts 13:13-52 The message of Jesus, what he has done and what he has accomplished has been the message of all eternity. From the moment of the fall of man, God forecasted this king that would come. And that message has gone out. And many of you who are here this morning have more

  • Man's Three Responses To The Gospel

    Contributed by Kenneth Trent on Nov 17, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    When the Gospel of the Lord Jesus is preached in its fullness, those who hear will respond in one of three ways.

    MAN’S THREE RESPONSES TO THE GOSPEL Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him more

  • A Man For All Seasons

    Contributed by Brian Credille on Jan 13, 2001
    based on 131 ratings

    In the example of Epaphroditus, we can find instruction on how to live our own lives.

    “A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS” Philippians 2:25-30 In the example of Epaphroditus, we can find instruction for our own lives: I. He Was Willing to be Involved (2:25). The Phillipians had sent Epaphroditus to bring aid from them to Paul. Paul was imprisoned in either Rome, Caesarea, or Ephesus. He more

  • The Man Who Witnessed

    Contributed by Tim Zingale on Dec 5, 2005
    based on 108 ratings

    A sermon for the 3rd Sunday in Advent B A sermon about John the Baptist witnessing to the coming light

    Third Sunday in Advent John 1:6-8,19-28 "The Man Who Witnessed"   6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. 7 He came for testimony, to bear witness to the light, that all might believe through him. 8 He was not the light, but came to bear witness to the light. 19 And this is the more

  • A Young Man's Question Series

    Contributed by James Hayford Sr. on Jul 6, 2001
    based on 56 ratings

    Jesus is confronted by a rich young man who wants to be His disciple.

    A Young Man’s Question” Third message in the series: “Conversations With Christ” Mark 10:17-31 LET’S LOOK AT OUR TEXT: 17 As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. "Good teacher," he asked, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?" 18 more

  • The Blind Man

    Contributed by Cleavon Matthews Sr. on Feb 5, 2010
    based on 26 ratings

    A message to encourage men to use what they have to the glory of God.

    THE BLIND MAN Mark 10:46-52 By Cleavon Matthews June 2004 INTRODUCTION The significant city of Jerusalem is the destination. On the pathway to this pericope of passion is the historic ‘city of Palm trees’ Jericho. This is not the original city of the Old Testament. It is two more

  • Simple Man

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Jan 17, 2024

    In the reading today there many simple folks who simply do what they can and the results are not so simple or common.

    “Simple Man” 1 Samuel 3:1-10, (11-20) 1. Samuel was just that a simple man ? He was a worker in the Temple as an apprentice to Eli, the high priest. ? Samuel got there because his mother, Hannah, had prayed and prayed to the Lord that she might have a son. ? When Samuel was born, Hannah made a more

  • John Has Purpose For Gospel

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Oct 4, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    See Jesus in in the Gospel.

    JOHN HAS PURPOSE FOR GOSPEL John 20: 29 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. 30 And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in more

  • Rich Man And Lazarus Series

    Contributed by Russ Barksdale on Jun 6, 2019

    Jesus teaches us that: Everyone lives forever, Heaven and Hell are real, eternal places, How you respond to God’s word now determines your eternity.

    Rich Man and Lazarus Luke 16:19-31 Jesus teaches us that: Everyone lives forever Heaven and Hell are real, eternal places How you respond to God’s word now determines your eternity. This means that: If we believe what Jesus teaches is true, And we care about others, We must engage them more

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