  • Richard Sharp

    Contributing sermons since Nov 28, 2006
Richard's church

Pupit supply/evangelist
Washington, Michigan 48094

About Richard
  • Family: Married for 17 yrs. to my wife Darla, we have two boys Josh (14) and Jonathan (12) and a cat, katie.
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Newest Sermons

  • A Longing For God

    Contributed on May 4, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    In Times of discouragement, we rest in God’s Attributes. Knowing Who God Is, Brings us confidence in Times of Difficulties of daily living

    Psalm 63 A longing for God Introduction: Someone once said that music has a tremendous impact in our lives. Whether we want to accept it or not music can influence the way we think and live our life. The Psalms were a collection of hymns, It ‘s the Jewish hymnbook. In it we find sound theology more

  • It's All About Relationships

    Contributed on Jan 10, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    In the opening verses of Galatians 4, Paul shares about our relationship with God and our relationship with others. How do they relate? How important our relationships to God?

    Galatians 4:1-16 It’s All about Relationships Ben Hooper was born in Newport, Tennessee in 1870 He was born out of wedlock , to Sarah Wade. As a result, He had a tough childhood, being taunted by others. In his early school years , his Grandfather died, and his mother was forced to place more

  • Thank You Lord

    Contributed on Nov 9, 2007
    based on 24 ratings

    This morning we will Conclude our mini- series by look at giving Thanks to God. We will look at Several scripture passages this morning and discover some specfic things we can thank God for.

    Thanksgiving 2006 Sermon # 3 0f 3 Nov. 26th 2006 AM Most of us know the story of the first Thanksgiving—at least, we know the Pilgrim version. But how many of us know the Indian viewpoint? No, I’m not talking about some revisionist, p.c. version of history. I’m talking about the amazing story more

  • Walking The Tightrope Of Christian Liberty

    Contributed on Oct 27, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    What is the purpose of our freedom in Christ? How does our relationship in Christ relate to our relationship with others? What struggles do we has christians have against the flesh ? against the law?

    Walking the Tightrope of Christian Liberty Galathians 5:13-26 Introduction If you have ever been to the circus, you can recall the tightrope walker on the platform high above the crowd, it sometimes seemed that she could almost touch the top of the circus tent. In front of her was this more

  • God's Cure For Stress

    Contributed on May 14, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    How do you handle the daily stresses of life? Here David has a cure for Us- When Stress comes,We need to find rest in God.

    God’s cure for Stress Psalm 46 Introduction: Opening Ill.- A man went to his doctor complaining about severe headaches. He was told to stop smoking, which he did. The headaches persisted, he was told to stop using Alcohol. He did, but the headaches continued. The doctor told him to lose more

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  • While Spending A Week At Her Grandfather's, Sarah ...

    Contributed on May 4, 2008

    While spending a week at her grandfather's, Sarah felt inner peace and comfort. She recognized that something was different here. During that week, She observed her grandfather pray with passion and he seemed to always be reading from his Bible. Sarah at the ripe age of five sensed the relationship more

  • Whatever We Can Desire Or Stand In Need Of, It Is ...

    Contributed on May 4, 2008

    Whatever we can desire or stand in need of, it is wrapped up in this phrase, "THOU ART MY more

  • A New Mother Stayed With Her Parents For Several ...

    Contributed on Jan 10, 2008

    A new mother stayed with her parents for several days after the birth of their first child. One afternoon she remarked to her mother that it was surprising that the baby had dark hair, since both her and her husband had brown blonde hair. The grandmother said “well, your daddy has black hair. “ more

  • Ben Hooper Was Born In Newport, Tennessee In 1870 ...

    Contributed on Jan 10, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    Ben Hooper was born in Newport, Tennessee in 1870 He was born out of wedlock , to Sarah Wade. As a result, He had a tough childhood, being taunted by others. In his early school years , his Grandfather died, and his mother was forced to place Ben in an Orphanage in Knoxville Tenn. At Age Nine, more

  • A City Missionary In London Was Called To An Old ...

    Contributed on Nov 9, 2007

    A city missionary in London was called to an old building where a woman lay dying in the last stages of a terrible disease. The room was cold and she had nowhere to lie but on the floor. When the missionary asked if there was anything he could do, she replied, "I have all I really need; I have more