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  • The Father Gives Good Gifts

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on May 4, 2015

    To show that only GOD is good in giving the HOLY SPIRIT to us as a gift. Acts 1:8 (Amplified Bible) But you shall receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem and all J

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you good? No. Only GOD is good. Mark 10:18 (Amplified Bible) And Jesus said to him, Why do you call Me [essentially and perfectly morally] good? There is no one [essentially and perfectly morally] good—except God alone. Luke 18:19 (Amplified Bible) Jesus said to him, more

  • A Good Soldier Of Christ Jesus

    Contributed by Bill Mostrales on May 19, 2015

    God's bearer - means self-denial and death-it’s an opportunity to die to pride, die to ego (self-esteem), die to sin, die to self.

    A Good Soldier of Christ Jesus 2 Timothy 2:3 (NLT) “Endure suffering along with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus.” I. Is a Bearer of the Cross a. it means self-denial b. It means death-it’s an opportunity to die to pride, die to ego (self-esteem), die to sin, die to more

  • Repent And Believe The Good News

    Contributed by William Baeta on Jan 24, 2015
    based on 3 ratings

    “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel”. (Mark 1:15)

    Theme: Repent and believe in the Good News Text: Jonah 3:1-5, 10; 1 Cor. 7:29-31; Mark 1:14-20 Jesus began his public ministry with a call to repent and believe in the gospel. Repentance is a frequently abused word. Many people equate repentance with being sorry or with regret or remorse. more

  • Jesus Is The Door And The Good Shepherd Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Feb 16, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus said, "I Am the Door," and "I am the Good Shepherd." But what does this mean for us? 1. Jesus wants to guide us. 2. Jesus wants to guard us. 3. Jesus wants to give to us.

    Jesus is the Door and the Good Shepherd John 10:1-18 Series: The Great I Am Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - Feb. 9, 2014 *Did Jesus ever claim to be God? -- The answer is: Yes He did, very often and very clearly. In fact, this was the main charge against the Lord from the more

  • The Enemy's Good Are Kept In Peace

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Jan 24, 2016

    To show that the enemy has possessions and goods in our soul before the cross of calvary now GOD is the Triumph over all of them after the crucifixion.

    I. EXORDIUM: What to do to resist the devil successfully? Submit to GOD, be subjected to His WORDS. James 4:7 (Amplified Bible) So be subject to God. Resist the devil [stand firm against him], and he will flee from you. II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers/unbelievers III. OBJECTIVES: To show more

  • Choose To Share The Good News! Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Jan 25, 2016
    based on 5 ratings

    If we believe Jesus is the only way of salvation, If we believe salvation is the free gift given to all who place their faith and trust in Jesus. Then part of being a dynamic disciple involves sharing the truth of who Jesus is with others.

    Do you try to avoid conflict? Most of us will not enjoy conflict in our lives. We simply want to avoid uncomfortable situations. Often, it is within uncomfortable situations that we find our deepest levels of faith. Christians are often unprepared when it comes time to share their faith with more

  • A Few Good Men & Women

    Contributed by Horace Wimpey on Feb 27, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    Scripture tells us that God is looking everywhere for faithful people. In the story of Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son, we see the type of person God is looking for.

    A Few Good Men &Women Genesis 22:1-18 (NLT) for audio, video of this sermon, .Three military recruiters were on hand to address a gathering of high school seniors. The recruiters represented different branches of the military: Army, Navy, and Marines and each of was given more

  • Is He Still Good To You?

    Contributed by Pastor Paul E. Davis on Jul 18, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Remembering the goodness of God. Not becoming complacent in your worship to God. Don't take credit for what God has done for you.

    Is He Still Good To You? Deuteronomy 8:10-11 (NASB) "When you have eaten and are satisfied, you shall bless the LORD your God for the good land which He has given you. Beware that you do not forget the LORD your God by not keeping His commandments and His ordinances and His statutes which I am more

  • Saul - The Ruin Of A Good Man

    Contributed by Sam Mccormick on Jul 28, 2017

    Saul began well and ended poorly. What happened to put Saul on the road to ruin?

    THE RUIN OF A GOOD MAN 1 Sam 9 – 31, 1 Chron 10 Note: I have developed a set of slides on PowerPoint 10. If anyone is interested in having the .pptx file I will send it to you by Email. Send your request to me at with the subject Hedges of Protection Slides and I will send them more

  • Why Confession Is Good For The Soul

    Contributed by Gus Lohrum on Mar 7, 2016

    Confession is more than admitting sin. Based on Psalm 32 we see how confession was a process by which David's relationship to God was restored.

    Why Confession is Good for the Soul Psalm 32 March 6, 2016 Video’s message - Getting in agreement with God. I love the point that video makes that Jesus is the Great Physician who can fix our heart; but we need to live in agreement with what he is telling us; instead of listening and more

  • Saying Good-Bye To Egypt Series

    Contributed by Bob Marcaurelle on Mar 9, 2016

    Message 9 uses the day the Exodus began as an example of how God keeps his promises and how He leads us through the wilderness of temptation, trial and tears to make us strong. It also shows that Jesus is our cloud and fire to guide and guard us,.

    Moses 9 SAYING GOOD-BY TO EGYPT Exodus 12:31-42; 13:17-22 D. Salvation from Egypt 4. The Coming Out In one night the nation of Israel was born. In one night the church of the living God was formed. In Genesis we have individuals - Abel, Enoch, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob - worshipping God. more

  • Affliction Can Be A Good Thing

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Mar 9, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Whatever drives you to Jesus makes you stronger!

    Affliction Can Be A Good Thing Hos 5:15 I will go and return to my place, till they acknowledge their offence, and seek my face: in their affliction they will seek me early. God hides Himself when we turn from Him. He causes or allows affliction so that we will seek Him. When we realize how more

  • The Problem Of Evil And A Good God Series

    Contributed by Jason Smith on Sep 11, 2013

    There is a subject that comes up many times whenever we talk to the lost about the God of the Bible and His nature. It has led many people to reject God and has challenged Christians in their faith. The topic: the problem of evil. How would you answer it?

    There is a subject that comes up many times whenever we talk to the lost about the God of the Bible and His nature. It has led many people to reject God and has challenged Christians in their faith. The topic: the problem of evil. The problem of evil has represented the most serious objection to more

  • All Evil Turns In To Good Series

    Contributed by Caleb Simon on Oct 17, 2013

    The plan which was planned by Satan of crucifying Jesus, the same plan was used in heaven to bring victory

    God gave me a good thought about changing all evil in to good, and i am glad to share it with all the children of God. For thousands of thousands years Satan was fearful about a prophecy said by GOD about him. Scripture says in Genesis 3:15 " I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and more

  • A Good Servant Of Christ Jesus

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Oct 27, 2013

    The responsibility of the pulpit to promote godliness in the Community of Faith is explored

    “If you put these things before the brothers, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, being trained in the words of the faith and of the good doctrine that you have followed.” [1] Godliness looms large in the thinking of the Apostle. The term “godliness” occurs fifteen more

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