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  • Are You A Good Example To Follow

    Contributed by C Vincent on Feb 13, 2009
    based on 10 ratings

    The priest who was buried a king

    Bible has many examples of people who we can learn from The two men I want us to study are: 1. Jehoiada 2. Joash Jehoiada Jehovah-known; the father of Benaiah, who was one of David’s chief warriors (2Sa 8:18; 20:23). The high priest at the time of Athaliah’s usurpation of the throne of Judah. more

  • Good Words For Bad Days Series

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Mar 18, 2009
    based on 84 ratings

    Bad words may be the first to come to mind when times are hard. But our text has some encouraging good words, particularly right now. Link inc. to formatted text, audio, PowerPoint.

    Good Words for Bad Days II Thessalonians 1 Bad words may be the first to come to mind when times are hard and things come crashing down on you. But our text has some encouragingly good words God wants to remind us of, particularly right now. Have you more

  • Steps Towards Good Stewardship Series

    Contributed by Chad Garrison on Mar 30, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    God has called us to be constantly fanning the spiritual flames inside us, and it is up to us to train ourselves to make the Spiritual Disciplines part of our routine, or lifestyle.

    Spiritual Disciplines Steps to Stewardship Eric Hulstrand writes in Leadership magazine: “While I was preaching one Sunday, an elderly woman, Mary, fainted and struck her head on the end of the pew. Immediately, an EMT in the congregation called an ambulance. As they strapped her to a stretcher more

  • Following The Crowd Is Not A Good Idea Series

    Contributed by David Elvery on May 7, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    A children’s Service talking about how people think we can get to heaven

    Following the crowd is not a good idea. Luke 13-22-30 Gladstone Baptist Church - 6/8/06 pm S1 - Heaven seems like such a wonderful place and everyone wants to get to heaven don’t they. But many people will miss out. Hi Boys & Girls, Mums & Dads, today I want to talk to you about heaven. more

  • Good Relationships And Strained Relationships

    Contributed by John Rollyson on May 9, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    An outline and brief exegesis of 1 Samuel 17:55-18:30

    Good Relationships and Strained Relationships 1 Samuel 17:55 – 18:30 29 April 09 I. His Relationship With Saul ……………………………………..1 Samuel 17:55–58 II. His Relationship With Jonathan…………………………………1 Samuel 18:1-4 III. His Changed Relationship With Saul……………………………1 Samuel 18: 8-16 IV. His more

  • Jochebed - Attribuutes Of A Good Mother

    Contributed by Kevin Burden on May 17, 2009
    based on 27 ratings

    God has entrusted to Mothers the most precious treasurer’s of His creation. Motherhood is the highest & noblest of callings. The little lives within the sphere of your influence will reflect your virtue and your character – or lack thereof!

    Pastor Kevin W. Burden Buena Vista Baptist Church For Sunday, May 10, 2009 Jochebed - Attributes of A Good Mother Exodus 2:1-10 “And there went a man of the house of Levi, and took to wife a daughter of Levi. 2 And the woman conceived, and bare a son: and when she saw him that he was a goodly more

  • The Shepherds Meet The Good Shepherd Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Dec 21, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Since mankind is made up mostly of common people, common shepherds were the first visitors to welcome the Savior of mankind.

    The Shepherds Meet the Good Shepherd (Luke 2:7-18) 1. Remember the commercials a few years ago that said, "Got Milk?" We Vasiceks are into dairy. We use lots of lowfat cottage cheese, yogurt, and obviously milk. 2. Wisconsin is "the Dairy State," although California is advertising. The land of more

  • Good News Of Great Joy!

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on Dec 28, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Christmas message.

    Good News of Great Joy! Luke 2:8-20 December 20, 2009 NOTE: THE ME/WE/GOD/YOU/WE FORMAT IS FROM ANDY STANLEY’S BOOK, "COMMUNICATING FOR A CHANGE." Me: I don’t know about you, but for me, sometimes the joy of the holiday season can get lost in the hustle and bustle of just getting ready for more

  • Good Friday Night Failures

    Contributed by Walter Miller on Jan 14, 2010
    based on 8 ratings

    There are many ways we fail Jesus, and we need to ponder on these failures, so that we can mature into what Christ calls us to be.

    Bulletin and Sermon Notes/Outline: This is the full service outline for Good Friday , with several mini devotions inserted, instead of one long sermon. Atmosphere - Service is to start out: 1. joyful (disciples singing praise songs while leaving Passover/Seder meal), then turn to 2. more

  • I Am The Good Shepherd

    Contributed by Douglas Phillips on Jan 26, 2010
    based on 1 rating


    I AM THE GOOD SHEPHERD JOHN 10 :1-18 INTRODUCTION: A shepherd was looking after his sheep one day on the side of a deserted road, when suddenly a brand new Porsche screeches to a halt. The driver, a man dressed in an Armani suit, Cerutti shoes, Ray-Ban sunglasses, TAG-Heuer wrist-watch, and a more

  • The Problem With Religion That Looks Good Series

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Feb 18, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    This message looks at the problems that come with living your life to impress others.

    A LIFE GOAL: Live your life so that people will say good things at your funeral. - The Pharisees were doing things for an audience of people. - Key phrase is v. 5a – “done for men to see” - Three examples: a. Phylacteries and tassels. - These were things talked about in OT more

  • A Practical Look At The Good Samaritan

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on Feb 21, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    A second look at the parable of the Good Samaritan, this time looking at the very practical ways the Samaritan helped the wounded man.

    A Practical Look at the Good Samaritan Luke 10:30-35 February 21, 2010 NOTE: THE ME/WE/GOD/YOU/WE/FORMAT IS FROM ANDY STANLEY'S BOOK, "COMMUNICATING FOR A CHANGE." Me: Being a pastor, I get calls for help quite a bit, usually from people who I’ve never met and who have no connection to the more

  • A Good Soldier Of Christ Jesus

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Feb 25, 2010

    Funeral sermon for John Sheppard, retired Army sergeant, who had taken on a life of service and who had suffered with illness for several years.

    If a picture is worth a thousand words, then today the photographs you have selected will suffice for the message. In one of them there is a young man, wearing the uniform of the United States Army. This young man’s face displays dignity; his bearing is proud, his eyes are steady, his stance is more

  • Tomorrow Can Be A Good Day

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Mar 2, 2010

    How to Live in a Better Day: ◆ Look to a Better Day ◆ Start Each Day with God's Perspective ◆ Don't Live in the Past ◆ Get Rid of Bitterness

    ❶ Last Week Had Bad Days • Health care summit gets & political divisions • SeaWorld trainer killed by killer whale • Chile’s 8.8 earthquake: death toll passes 200 • Hawaii issues tsunami alert with 3 to 8 feet waves, evacuating up to 100,000 residents and more

  • Good News Of Great Joy

    Contributed by Matthew Stoll on Jan 5, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Through the visitation of the shepherds and magi we see that Christ was indeed good news of great joy for all people.

    The Christmas story is so familiar to us that we tend to view it through rose colored glasses. We tend to sanitize the scene to make it seem beautiful, pristine. Our nativities represent a postcard picture of Jesus in a pristine creche as he lies in a manger on a bed of hay or straw. It is more

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