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Sermons on godly love:

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  • The Shunammite Mom Series

    Contributed by Jerry Owen on Aug 15, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Mother's Day Sermon about being a Godly wife and mother.

    THE SHUNAMMITE MOM 2 Kings 4:8-37 Elisha the prophet traveled throughout Israel and many of the neighboring kingdoms. We think of the Biblical prophets as only preaching in Judah and Israel, but they also preached God’s Word throughout the whole region. During his travels, it seems he would pass more

  • Love And Being Christ's Bride

    Contributed by Richard Futrell on Oct 7, 2010

    The love described in 1st Corinthians chapter 13 helps heal and restore unity to a divided and bickering congregation to live out the unity of the faith.

    Intro If there’s ever been a part of the Bible that we’ve used--and abused!--it’s 1st Corinthians chapter 13. We’ve understood that chapter in so many different ways that we’re not even sure what point Paul is making, except that it’s something about love. To more

  • Wisdom For Moms

    Contributed by Jason Duhon on Mar 11, 2016

    For Mother's Day, there is no better gift than to share God's words of wisdom to moms. To all the mothers, step-mothers, and like-my-mothers out there, have a happy Mother's Day.

    Wisdom For Moms 2 John 1-13 Preacher G. Campbell Morgan had four sons and they all became ministers of the gospel. At a family reunion, a friend asked one of the sons, "Which Morgan is the greatest preacher?" While that son looked at his father, he replied, "Mom." An old Spanish proverb says, more

  • Is Jesus In Here? - 3:16 & Jesus Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jun 28, 2005
    based on 67 ratings

    As powerful a verse as I Timothy 3:16 is, it seems out of place with verses around it. That is, it seems out of place until we understand "the mystery of godliness". What is the "mystery of godliness?"

    OPEN: 5 year old Johnny was in the kitchen as his mother made supper. She asked him to go into the pantry and get her a can of tomato soup, but he didn’t want to go alone. “It’s dark in there and I’m scared.” She asked again and he persisted. Finally she said, “It’s OK-Jesus will be in more

  • Gifts For Ministry

    Contributed by Kelvin Mckisic on Jun 25, 2023

    Every man has some gift; no man has all. So, every man must minister.

    Gifts for Ministry 1 Peter 4:10 As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. The idea today, as with the days of the past, is that everybody is a minister. And the passage that we just read verifies that idea, that it is a biblical more

  • The Christian Home Series

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Mar 7, 2016

    So what kind of home are you building for your family? Is it one where God is honored, loved and served faithfully or halfheartedly?

    The Christian Home Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him. Psalm 127:3 Deuteronomy 6:1-9 6 These are the commands, decrees and laws the LORD your God directed me to teach you to observe in the land that you are crossing the Jordan to possess, 2 so that you, your more

  • 20 Things We Need To Tell Our Children - Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Kim Lawrence on Jul 10, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    We need to understand that our children are under assault by an unseen enemy. Over the next six weeks we are going to look at 20 things we need to tell our children, truths that will help and encourage our children to be all that God wants them to be.

    Go ahead and turn in your Bibles to Proverbs Chapter 22. I’m beginning this morning a new series of messages called 20 Things We Need To Tell Our Children. Over the next few weeks you and I are going to look at some important truths that we need to communicate to our children, our teenagers, and more

  • Living With Higher Priorities Series

    Contributed by Tim Richards on Sep 4, 2014

    Paul shared rules for godly living with the Corinthians that relate well for us today as well.

    Introduction: 1. According to an Associated Press report from May 17, 2001 student led prayer was going to be allowed at the Washington Community High School graduation in 2001 until the ACLU & senior valedictorian, Natasha Appenheimer, filed a law suit against the district. They won an injunction more

  • The Dangers Of Obsessive Jealousy And Possessiveness In Marriage Or Any Relationships. Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Sep 21, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Marriage is a beautiful union between two individuals, built on love, trust, and mutual respect.

    Marriage is a beautiful union between two individuals, built on love, trust, and mutual respect. However, when obsessive jealousy and possessiveness creep in, the relationship can become toxic and damaging. The Bible offers guidance on navigating healthy relationships and warns against the more

  • God Wants Everyone To Know His Great Love Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Jan 31, 2024

    God wants everyone to know: 1. How His love was given (vs. 14). 2. How His love can be received (vs. 15-16). 3. How His love can be perfected in us (vs. 17-19). 4. How to prove that His love is in us (vs. 20-21).

    God Wants Everyone to Know His Great Love 1 John 4:14-21 Sermon by Rick Crandall Series: The First Epistle of John (Prepared January 31, 2024) MESSAGE: *The other day an old Gaither song came to mind. Part of the lyrics say, "Everybody ought to know, Everybody ought to know, Everybody ought more

  • The Lost Sheep...again Psalm 119:169-176 Series

    Contributed by Ron Tuit on Aug 19, 2014

    The Psalmist of Psalm 119 clearly demonstrates Gospel Humility and points to the Gracious Love of God.

    “The Lost Sheep” Psalm 119:169-176 We have been reading through Psalm 119 which describes God’s perfect character and for attributes and PRAISES Him for HIS WORD because through it we come to know that God is sufficient for the man or woman who has their trust in Him. We learn more

  • Mother's Day Special

    Contributed by Kadmiel Latha Sudhir Kumar on May 8, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Mother is an epitome of love and sacrifice. God has bestowed on her the responsibility of building the home.

    Mother’s Day special: Mother is an epitome of love and sacrifice ! A MOTHER UNDERSTANDS WHAT A CHILD DOES NOT SAY. “A wise woman builds her house......” - Proverbs 14:1 This verse puts forth an indispensable truth. Though a family or home more

  • Everyone Loves A Love Story

    Contributed by Charles Holt on Aug 2, 2005
    based on 120 ratings

    The focus of this message is the great love of God as illustrated in the life of the Prophet Hosea and his wife Gomer.

    Charles W. Holt Community of Grace Vinton, LA Email: EVERYONE LOVES A LOVE STORY Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends (Jn. 15:13). Scripture text: Hosea 1:2,3 and 3:1-3 Perhaps one of the most famous love poems every penned was more

  • Loving God, Loving People.

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Jul 26, 2004
    based on 274 ratings

    The two great commandments: 1- Loving God 2- Loving People

    INTRO.- ILL.- There was a not-too-bright fellow who decided to become a counterfeiter. He hired an engraver of equal intelligence, and they proceeded to produce some counterfeit money. By some mix-up, the money turned out to be $11 bills. Not wanting to waste the effort, the crook decided to more

  • Loving The Way He Loves

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on May 21, 2004
    based on 47 ratings

    The secret to loving is first receiving God’s love, knowing you are greatly loved, and quit focusing on people and start focusing on what God has done.

    We are taught to love others. This is what God command, that we love one another. But how can we? How can we be kind to those who harm us? To those who are unkind to us? How can we forgive those who backstab us? How can we love the way Jesus loves? We want to. We long to. But how can more

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