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  • Fix Your Love Series

    Contributed by David Salisbury on Jan 16, 2003
    based on 59 ratings

    Lesson 7 in a series. This lesson focuses on how to love our enemies.

    Fix Your Love Matthew 5:43-48 Intro. Did you ever wonder why we like super heroes so much? I mean what is it about us that wants to fly, leap tall buildings, bend steel and stop bullets? Why do we have such a fascination with being able to read peoples thoughts or turn invisible? I think more

  • Finding Purpose Through Love SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 11, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Explore how Jesus lived His life with a clear purpose, setting the right priorities and demonstrating a godly passion. Learn how to apply these principles to your own life.

    We all desire to live a life that has meaning and purpose. It is a question that resonates with the deepest longings of our hearts: "What on earth am I here for?" This quest for purpose has led many to seek guidance from various sources, including the bestselling book "The Purpose Driven Life" by more

  • Timothy: A Call To Be A Worthy Example

    Contributed by Bishop Prof. Julius Soyinka on Dec 8, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Every Christian is expected to be a Worthy Example of a believer and to a believer. This is achievable through the power of the word of God.

    Timothy: A Call to be a Worthy Example. Study Text: I Timothy 4: 12 - 16. Introduction: - Every Christian is a marked person because he or she has claimed to be a child of God. People will be watching you to find out what a child of God is like. - How does he behaves, speaks, what more

  • Walk In Love Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Aug 2, 2015

    1) The Plea (Ephesians 5:1–2a), 2) The Pattern (Ephesians 5:2b), 3) The Perversion (Ephesians 5:3–4)

    The world claims to want love, and love is advocated and praised from every corner. Romantic love especially is touted. Songs, novels, movies, and television serials continually exploit emotional, lustful desire as if it were genuine love. Questing for and fantasizing about the “perfect more

  • Walk In Love Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Aug 28, 2020

    1) The Plea (Ephesians 5:1–2a), 2) The Pattern (Ephesians 5:2b), the warning of 3) The Perversion (Ephesians 5:3–4) and finally the consequences of rejecting the walk in facing 4) The Punishment (Ephesians 5:5–7).

    Ephesians 5:1-7 [5:1] Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. [2] And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God[3] But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among more

  • "Love Thy Brethren"

    Contributed by Christopher Williams on Feb 9, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    As a Christian, we have a duty to love our Lord and love each other, for the Word of God says there are no other commandments greater than these.

    Romans 12:9-21 OPENING: In a sense, Paul is telling us how to act or behave towards others, on God’s behalf. This is how the Lord wants us to behave while in waiting for His Second Coming. The Main point to get across here is Love. To love one another. These different things Paul mentions more

  • Fearful Thing To Fall Series

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Jun 14, 2014

    To show the right fear in the Bible and what love does to fear.

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you fear hell? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show the right fear in the Bible and what love does to fear. IV. TEXT: Hebrews 10:31 (Amplified Bible) 10:31 It is a fearful (formidable and terrible) thing to incur the divine penalties and be cast into the more

  • How To Be A Godly Father / Father's Day

    Contributed by J Jeffrey Smead on Jun 19, 2017
    based on 12 ratings

    Dr. James Dobson, states, "Good fathers are made, not born." Then he goes on to suggest three specific things that a father should incorporate into their lives. Let us look to our Heavenly Father, the perfect Father. Updated June 2022.

    A young woman ... brought her fiancé home ... to meet her parents. After dinner, .... her mother asked the father to find out about the young man, ...... so, ... the father invited the fiancée into his study ... for a drink. "So, ... what are your plans?" ... the father more

  • The Importance Of Love

    Contributed by Kevin Jones on Mar 3, 2010

    The greatest thing to focus on is love.

    The Importance of Love Well in case you are unaware today is Valentine’s Day. The origin of the day is uncertain as there are several stories of how this day came into existence, but the origin is not really that important. We do realize that it is big business for greeting card companies, more

  • Choices Series

    Contributed by Dennis Lawrence on Apr 20, 2001
    based on 49 ratings

    Making Godly choices in all matters is an essential part of our Christian walk.

    Choices, Choices, Choices April 21, 2001 We live in a wonderfully free country! One of the incredible freedoms we have in our nation is to be able to make choices. We can decide what we want to eat today, and all of us have choices. We can decide to buy a different vehicle, and we have not only more

  • "What, I'm Supposed To Love Who?" Series

    Contributed by Geoff Bruschi on Jan 19, 2007

    Godly Character is on display when we love each other the way Jesus loved us!

    Series Title: How to have Godly Character Type: Series/Christian Growth Objective: Every Christian Can display Godly Character by applying three supports that are found in John 15. Sermon 2: “What, I’m Supposed To Love Who?” – The Fellowship of Believers Text: John 15:12-17 Intro: Has anybody more

  • Being A Good Example Series

    Contributed by David Hughes on Jan 15, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Paul told Timothy to be an example in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity. As Christians we need to be setting a good positive example in each of these 5 important areas.

    Like many children, Billy didn’t like to study, and would much rather go outside and play baseball after school rather than doing his homework. Unfortunately that meant his grades suffered, and he even failed math. His parents tried everything they could to get him to do better in math, but more

  • A Start To Walking In Love

    Contributed by Eric Hanson on Oct 13, 2017

    Walkling in the Lord's love can be quite different from earthly conceptions of what love is. This message explores a Biblical understanding of what this means and how we need to live as followers of Jesus Christ.

    Read I John 4:7-8 Jesus walked in love. Make no mistake about this. He perfectly demonstrated the statement found in verse 16 of the same chapter. “God is Love”. When Jesus offered forgiveness to the woman caught in adultery, he demonstrated love. When he told her “Go, and sin no more.” he also more

  • True Love Series

    Contributed by Gary Moore on Jan 21, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Love is the final apologetic.

    Francis Schaeffer wrote that love is the final apologetic; it is the last word in the Christian’s defense of the gospel. John’s Gospel informs us that Jesus gave his disciples one last command before he was led away to be crucified: A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just more

  • God Is Love

    Contributed by Darren Rogers on Jan 31, 2008
    based on 37 ratings

    Do we fully understand what the word "Love" really means?

    God is Love – 27th May 2007 pm 1 John 4:7-21 Love is a very popular idea in today’s world, it’s on everyone’s lips. Songs are sung, books are written, and films are made all about love. But, we often forget that love is a truly Christian idea. It is seen in its fullness only in Christ. Love more

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