Explore how Jesus lived His life with a clear purpose, setting the right priorities and demonstrating a godly passion. Learn how to apply these principles to your own life.
We all desire to live a life that has meaning and purpose. It is a question that resonates with the deepest longings of our hearts: "What on earth am I here for?" This quest for purpose has led many to seek guidance from various sources, including the bestselling book "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren. However, the ultimate example we can learn from is Jesus Christ Himself. In His life, we find three guiding principles for living a purposeful life: knowing our purpose, setting the right priorities, and pursuing a godly passion.
Jesus demonstrated a clear understanding of His purpose throughout His life. He intentionally chose to pass through Samaria, a route that most Jews would avoid. His purpose was to bring the message of God's love to the Samaritans, as evidenced by His encounter with the woman at the well. Jesus lived His life with a divine purpose, and we too can find our purpose by seeking God's will for our lives.
Jesus taught His disciples about the importance of setting the right priorities. When His disciples urged Him to eat, Jesus responded by saying, "My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work." Jesus prioritized doing God's will over physical needs. Similarly, we need to seek God's guidance and prioritize His will in our lives. This requires prayer, seeking wise counsel, and planning our actions accordingly.
Jesus exemplified a passionate pursuit of God's will. He was consumed with love for lost souls and focused on saving them from sin. Jesus redirected His disciples' attention from physical needs to spiritual matters, emphasizing the importance of spiritual food. We too should develop a passion for God's work and be concerned about the salvation of others. Time is running out, and we must seize the opportunity to make a difference in people's lives.
Living a purposeful life begins with knowing our purpose, setting the right priorities, and pursuing a godly passion. We can learn from Jesus, who lived His life with a clear purpose, the right priorities, and a passionate pursuit of God's will. Let us make our lives count by aligning ourselves with God's purpose for us, prioritizing His will, and passionately pursuing His work. May this year be one of purpose and fulfillment as we seek to live according to God's plan for our lives.
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