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  • All Things Work For Good

    Contributed by Jimmy Dillon on Nov 14, 2011

    All things work for good for those who love God

    All Things Work for Good Romans 8:28 Introduction In the early days of our country a weary traveler came to the banks of Mississippi River for first time. There was no bridge, of course. It was early winter, and the surface of the mighty river was covered with ice. Could he dare cross over? more

  • Christmas Sign - God Is With Us

    Contributed by Andrew Chan on Dec 17, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    what this sign of emmanuel means for us

    GOD IS WITH US… 18Now this is how Jesus the Messiah was born. His mother, Mary, was engaged to be married to Joseph. But while she was still a virgin, she became pregnant by the Holy Spirit. 19Joseph, her fiance, being a just man, decided to break the engagement quietly, so as not to disgrace her more

  • The Certainty Of Those Things

    Contributed by Gerald Steffy on Sep 3, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    God wants us to be certain regarding spiritual matters and our salvation since our faith is rooted in history.

    THE CERTAINTY OF THOSE THINGS Luke 1:1-4 Proposition: God wants us to be certain regarding spiritual matters and our salvation since our faith is rooted in history. Objective: My purpose is to challenge people to be certain regarding their spiritual relationship and more

  • Unwrapping The Presence

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Dec 10, 2018

    We talk about the "presence of God" in our worship services and our daily lives. Do we really mean it?

    1. Francis Chan in his book “Letters to the Church,” tells about a conversation he had with his daughter about her birthday party: I asked my daughter how many kids would come to her birthday party if all we offered was cake. No games, no entertainment. They could come to the house to spend time more

  • Three Things That Keep Us From Being Thankful Series

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Nov 21, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    In Luke 17:11-19 we read about ten men who were healed by Jesus of their leprosy. Out of those ten men only one came back to give thanks. Here's the story.

    Alba 11-20-2022 Three Attitudes That Keep Us From Being Thankful Luke 17:11-19 Rudyard Kipling was a great writer and poet who wrote Jungle Book, Gunga Din and many others. Unlike some other writers, Kipling was one of the few who had opportunity to enjoy his success while he lived. He made a more

  • Common Men With An Uncommon Opportunity

    Contributed by Clayton Beck on Jan 16, 2009
    based on 8 ratings

    God’s looking for common, ordinary people to do an uncommon thing through them.

    Common Men with an Uncommon Opportunity… Matt. 4:18 ¶ And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers. 19 And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. 20 And they more

  • The Things Death Cannot Take Away From Us

    Contributed by Brett Crosson on Feb 17, 2020

    Death is a difficult time. But we have the Lord on our side.

    John 11:35 Everyone here today will suffer some form of loss. A job...a relationship...and even a loved one through death. Along with every loss comes PAIN This pain must never be denied or suppressed In the midsts of pain, we must remember the many advantages of being a Christian. But more

  • One Thing

    Contributed by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid on Aug 11, 2015

    The Sermon on the Plain---a level teaching place that Jesus used to conquer the flesh of man in the truth of heart to live the best life possible in the midst of evil and sins.

    ONE THING by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid (August 9 "And he came down with them, and stood in the plain, and the company of disciples, and a great multitude of people out of all Judea and Jerusalem, and from the sea coast of Tyre and Sidon, which came to hear him, to be healed of their more

  • Why God Allows Bad Things To Happen

    Contributed by Craig Condon on Dec 20, 2015

    We must remember that when bad things happen, God is in control. He loves us and wants us to be saved. He allows events for his good purpose.

    An old church building needed remodeling, so during his sermon the minister made an impassioned plea and looked directly at the richest man in town. At the end of the sermon, the rich man stood up and said, “Pastor, I will contribute $1,000.00” Just then plaster fell from the ceiling more

  • God's Infinite Wisdom Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Aug 13, 2012
    based on 8 ratings

    The full wonder of God's glorious wisdom & power are utterly beyond human understanding. It staggers even the most mature Christian mind, including the mind of the apostle himself. God's wisdom is as inscrutable as it is unfathomable to mere humans. Here

    ROMANS 11: 33-36 GOD'S INFINITE WISDOM [Isaiah 55] For eleven chapters Paul has been sharing the power of the gospel. Step by step he has shown God's way of putting sinners right with Himself, how Christ died for our sins and was raised for our justification, how we are united with Christ in more

  • He Makes All Things New

    Contributed by Jeff Foster on Feb 6, 2007
    based on 29 ratings

    This sermon explores how life can be transformed through faith in Jesus. It uses the examples of Zacchaeus, the woman at the well, the fishermen of Galilee, and the rich young man.

    He Makes All Things New Learning about JESUS: the Way, the Truth and the Life A sermon by Jeff Foster preached to the Cortez Church of Christ January 14, 2007 When I was a child, the man who lived across the alleyway from my family was a rather strange man who had an extraordinary gift. We would more

  • Many Things Vs. One Thing Series

    Contributed by Clark Sneed on Jul 27, 2005
    based on 89 ratings

    Short Bible Study - Focus: That ONE thing God wants you to do.

    Title: Martha, Martha Text: Luke 10:38-42 I. Introduction a. John wanting some time, but I am too hurried II. Exegesis a. Martha Received Him b. Mary Heard Him c. Much Work was Possible, but III. Conclusion a. One Thing was needful i. Notice this is countercultural, for Jesus’ time and ours as more

  • Simon Carrier Of The Cross Series

    Contributed by Troy Maxwell on Apr 11, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    1st message in a series about people in the bible who were ordinary but achieved extra-ordinary things with God

    Unlikely Heroes Simon – Carrying the Cross Hero – A man of distinguished valor, enterprise in danger, a great, illustrious or EXTRA-ordinary person! WE have a HERO inside of us waiting to get out! • There are moments in life – “Divine Moments” – orchestrated by God in which that Hero inside has more

  • How God Uses Failure

    Contributed by Sajayan Chacko on Jan 24, 2024

    Some Powerful Steps How to Overcome Failure in Life and Bounce Back

    How God Uses Failure (Exodus 2:11-25) “HOW TO LEARN FROM FAILURE Some Powerful Steps How to Overcome Failure in Life and Bounce Back Life of Moses/Peter Luke 22:54-61 john 21:3 • Shame over past failures and sins can haunt and inhibit us in many ways. • And Satan seeks to steal and destroy our more

  • Crucial Things To See About Christ Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Dec 31, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    God wants us to see: 1. How the Lord prepares His people (vs. 18-20). 2. The trouble Jesus took on for us (vs. 21). 3. Great signs of our Savior's love (vs. 22-30). 4. Jesus getting the glory He deserves (vs. 31-32).

    Crucial Things to See about Christ The Gospel of John John 13:18-32 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - July 5, 2017 (Revised December 31, 2019) BACKGROUND: *Please open your Bibles to John 13. Remember that in this chapter, God's Word has moved forward to the night before the more

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