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  • "What God Showed John"

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on May 2, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    The sermon shares what God showed John. He showed him he could carry him, He showed John a mountain, He showed John what's coming down, and he showed John a River of Life.

    What God Showed John? Revelation 21:10, 22 22:5 1. God showed John he could carry him, John was carried away to great High Mountain and was showed • 10And in the spirit he carried me away to a great, high mountain and showed me the holy city Jerusalem more

  • Showing John The Baptist The Gospel

    Contributed by Michael Blitz on Dec 14, 2024

    For the Third Sunday in Advent, we look at John the Baptist in Jail, stuck in depression and questioning God. His search for who the Messiah is supposed to be helps us to see clearly who God is, and how He works in our lives.

    Showing John the Baptist the Gospel Good Morning. We live by expectations, and that’s not necessarily bad. When we go to bed at night, we expect the alarm to work. We expect others to stop at stop signs. In fact, we have a lot of expectations about how others should act. Our days are full of more

  • When God Shows Up Series

    Contributed by Jon Miller on Mar 1, 2011
    based on 9 ratings

    This message is part of the series on the gospel of John and reminds us how everything changes in our lives when God shows up.

    When God Shows Up John 20:19-23 a little baptist church in Tennessee was planning to have their annual revival "Our spring revival starts in just a week and a half," the senior pastor was saying up front. He named the evangelist who would be coming to preach and told a little about him "We sure more

  • God Shows Up! Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Jul 25, 2020

    God shows up... 1. So don't get distracted (vs. 1-3). 2. Expect God to work in your everyday life (vs. 3). 3. Trust God to guide you (vs. 4-6). 4. Point other people to Jesus (vs. 7).

    God Shows Up! The Gospel of John John 21:1-7 (Reading vs. 1-14) Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - August 22, 2018 (Revised July 25, 2020) BACKGROUND: *In John 21, God tells us about one of the wonderful appearances of our Risen Savior. It happened on the shore of the Sea of more

  • Faith For Show

    Contributed by John Ong on Sep 30, 2015

    Today’s topic is at the very core of Christianity. It speaks of how we interpret our world as Christians and look beyond what is temporary.

    Today’s topic is at the very core of Christianity. It speaks of how we interpret our world as Christians and look beyond what is temporary. As we wake up every morning, and the gears of our brain and heart starts to function, we are solely watched by God and not assessed by those around more

  • John's Baptism

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Oct 22, 2013

    To show GOD's for us and not against us.

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you have Heaven on your side? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show GOD's for us and not against us. IV. TEXT: Mark 11:30 (The Message) 11:30 About the baptism of John—who authorized it: heaven or humans? Tell me." V. THESIS: GOD is backing us more

  • Show Or Show Off? Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on May 25, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Many times when we think of God using us and us using spiritual gifts we think of some pretty impressive stuff - miracles, prophecy, healings and the like. But Paul gives us some great instruction about the color of the ways God uses us.

    We’ve come to this point in our study through Romans by seeing that since God has had so much mercy on us that it is only reasonable for us to make ourselves available to Him to help spread the truth of God’s love and gift of salvation. Last time we saw that we need an accurate look at ourselves more

  • Show The World

    Contributed by Alan Rosenaur on May 24, 2005
    based on 3 ratings

    In John 3:1-2, the apostle tells his readers that the world doesn’t know them, and therefore they won’t recognize the God they believe in. Based upon this, we as the body of Christ need to realize and not be suprised that when we share the gospel, it is o

    The Problem At Hand- The Challenge of the Great Commission Great Commission- We are all familiar with the great commission given by Jesus of Nazareth in the gospel of Matthew before his ascension. It is to go into the world to proclaim and circulate the good news, baptizing the new believers into more

  • Showing Hospitality Series

    Contributed by Timothy Darling on Jan 3, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    In 14 verses John tells us things that no one else really expounds in the entire Bible. He talks about Christian hospitality. He talks about a man who opens his home lovingly, readily and willingly to see the work of the kingdom of God go forward.

    Showing Hospitality 3 John 1-14 This book is very short. It is the shortest book in the Bible. In 14 verses John tells us things that no one else really expounds in the entire Bible. He talks about Christian hospitality. He talks about a man who opens his home lovingly, readily and willingly to more

  • Show Us!

    Contributed by Karl Eckhoff on Apr 29, 2002
    based on 14 ratings

    We all ought to develope the attitude that seeks to know God more. But Jesus also wants us to go and show others.

    Easter 5 A John 14:1-12 Show Us! 04/28/02 I’ll never forget the first day of drivers training. The process in Illinois wasn’t at all like it is here in Iowa. First we had to wait till we were 16 – Juniors in high school, not in Jr. High. Imagine, two years of high school where we could more

  • Imitating God

    Contributed by Norman Bernad on Sep 27, 2022

    Paul has been fervently writing down God’s Words for the church as the Holy Spirit has guided his pen across the page. He has been working on communicating to us how it is we can stand out as light in a darkened world.

    Psalms 127 1. Ephesians 5:1-2 1 Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children 2 and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Paul writes to the church at Ephesus and tells them to imitate God. Paul has more

  • Approved Of God

    Contributed by Alton Coleman on Feb 4, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    How wonderful it would be if Christians today would live in such a way that God Himself would “show off” His approval of us by manifesting His Divine Power in our lives as He did in the life of Jesus Christ! I believe that it is His will to do so in thes

    Approved of God Scripture Reading: Acts 2:14-24 Scripture Text: Acts 2:22; I Thess. 4:1 Acts 2:22 Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know: more

  • Showing Love

    Contributed by Greg Johnson on Feb 15, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Some have difficulty showing love, but not those that have been born of God. They are the beloved. They have experienced the love of God and His love shows through them.

    Showing Love By Greg Johnson February 14, 2007 1 John 4:7-11 How did you show your love today? With this being Valentine’s day, many gave and received gifts; chocolate, flowers, cards…. Some have difficulty showing love, but not those that have been born of more

  • John The Baptizer

    Contributed by Steve Steve on Mar 9, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    Children’s sermon showing what some people have gone through for God’s kingdom.

    1-sack of Bit o Honey candy 1 sack of chocolate morsels 1 sack of check mix Use the bit o honey for bodies, the chocolate morsels for eyes and the brown wafer looking things for wings, and nuclawave them. It only takes a few seconds to get the bit o honey warm enough for the eyes and wings to more

  • God Showing Through Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Jan 25, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    We often talk of the qualities or qualifications of elders from 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. However, there is a more basic qualification -- the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5.16-25). The presence of the Spirit of God is crucial to the life of God's leader.

    1. God Showing Through A little girl on the way home from church, turned to her mother and said, "Mommy, the Preacher's sermon this morning confused me." The mother said, "Oh! Why is that?" The girl replied, "Well, he said that God is bigger than we are. Is that true?" "Yes, that's true," the more

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