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  • "surprised By Grace"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Nov 16, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    A sermon about remembering what God has done for us.

    “Surprised by Grace” Ephesians 2:1-10 We are a forgetful people. I know I am. I think that is one reason some of us wander from the faith. To remember what the Lord has done is something the people of God have always been called to do. For example, the Lord told the Israelites, back when more

  • Faith Amnesia

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Aug 24, 2016

    We must not forget what God has done for us.

    Faith Amnesia August 21, 2016 Evening Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: We must not forget what God has done for us. Focus Passage: Mark 8:1-10, 13-21 Supplemental Passage: "Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one! "You shall love the LORD your more

  • The Reluctant Missionary: Jonah Preaches To Nineveh

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Jan 16, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    God's will will be done whether we are willing or not.

    The Reluctant Missionary: Jonah Preaches to Nineveh Jonah 3:1-10 The story of Jonah and the whale is a favorite story at Vacation Bible School. Children are drawn with the fascination of the idea of being swallowed alive. It also addresses the natural fear children have of the unknown. A story more

  • Thanks Be To God (A Prelude To Thanksgiving) Series

    Contributed by Dr. Lewis W. Gregory on Nov 21, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    THANKSGIVING is a time to give thanks to God for all He is and for all He has done for us. But above and beyond all our earthly blessings let us remember to give thanks to God for the indescribable gift of His Son Jesus Christ.

    “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” 2 Corinthians 9:15 THANKSGIVING is a time to give thanks to God for all He is and for all He has done for us. But above and beyond all our earthly blessings let us remember to give thanks to God for the indescribable gift of His Son Jesus Christ. more

  • God Can And Will Do It Again!

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Dec 14, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    Have you ever faced a situation that you wondered whether anything could be done to fix it? God tells Ezekiel what to do about the condition of his nation. God stirs his faith for action. Ezekiel responds. How would God direct us to respond to our impossi

    Intro I want to begin with a question God asked Ezekiel, in Ezekiel 37:3: "Son of man, can these bones live?"i Have you ever faced a situation that you wondered whether anything could be done to fix it? Have you ever had a financial debt that that looked like an insurmountable mountain? Sometimes more

  • I Got Mess, But God... Series

    Contributed by Dr. Dave Hartson on Aug 2, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    I began this series by talking about how God and I are not on the same page when it comes to timing. I am an impatient person who likes everything done now, and our God is an extremely patient God waiting to the last moment to act. And that left me with a question. "Why?"

    Introduction: I began this series by talking about how God and I are not on the same page when it comes to timing. I am an impatient person who likes everything done now, and our God is an extremely patient God waiting to the last moment to act. And that left me with a question. "Why?" It more

  • Prayer And Fasting Series

    Contributed by Imelda Mesa on Apr 29, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    The fact that no one has done it, doesn’t mean it cannot be done.

    It takes me back almost 2.5 years ago when we planted the church in Manila. We were anxious. We did it because we believed that this was God’s direction. Yet, we didn’t quite know what to expect. It is a big step out of our comfort zone. But, as a Church, we pushed some walls down. The fact that no more

  • The Miracles Of Grace Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Jan 15, 2001
    based on 199 ratings

    The story of three miracles, two done through Peter and one done in Peter.

    Sermon # 19 “The Miracles of Grace” Acts 9: 32-43 Our text today is a story of miracles. We love miracles, stories of the miraculous. The concluding portion of Chapter nine and the beginning of chapter ten is the story of three such more

  • Serving The Lord With All Your Heart

    Contributed by Lola Olanrewaju on Nov 4, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    Brethren I believe there is a lot to serve God for, not because of what He has done for us but because of Who He is. Our God deserve an outstanding service from us because He is the best employer and He owns the best organisation you can ever work for in the world.

    The book of Romans 12:11 analysed what it means to serve God with all our heart. It basically means to be fully devoted to God. It means to show enthusiasm in the things of God and be on fire for Him. I believe having a fully devoted heart is one of the characters we need to possess as a Christian. more

  • Victory Is Mine!

    Contributed by Charles Cockroft on Jul 8, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    We're not fighting for Victory, we're fighting from Victory, because of what Jesus has already done for us!

    Victory is Mine! Joy, Happiness, Prosperity Every promise in the Bible, can be and are yours today! And just in case your wondering there is at least 7000 promises in the Bible although they are not all referred to as promises. God cannot lie and so every more

  • Grace-Greater Than Vengeance

    Contributed by Jim Caswell on Jan 31, 2018

    God’s grace is greater than anything that has been done to you.

    Title: Grace Greater Than Vengeance Place: BLCC Date: 2/4/18 Text: 2 Timothy4.14-18 CT: God’s grace is greater than anything that has been done to you. [Screen 1] FAS: According to Rick Atkinson in The Guns at Last Light, as WW2 drew to a close, American took more reprisals against German more

  • Visitation Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on May 29, 2021

    What has God done in your life; what has God done for you? That’s worth considering every day, both the big miracles and the tiny ones.

    Visitation When we give our lives to our Lord Jesus Christ, everything changes, doesn’t it? Most of us, from childhood, are habituated to self-centered lives. Things are important to us if they do something for us, if we enjoy them, if they give us security, pleasure, excitement, money. People are more

  • Theology Proper: Special Revelation Series

    Contributed by Greg Brown on Aug 5, 2014

    God has revealed himself specifically through visions, angels, prophets and apostles, Jesus Christ, etc. He has done this so that we might come to know him and be saved.

    Special Revelation We have been talking about how we know that God exists. Is there evidence? What are the ways that God has revealed himself? The first thing we looked at was general revelation. God has given revelation to all people showing that he exists. We looked at two primary ways we see more

  • Crazy Love

    Contributed by Danny Anderson on Jul 6, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    Passion is a God-thing that tends to prompt God’s people to get things done.

    Crazy Love Text: Isaiah 62:1-2a - "I will not keep silent because of Zion, and I will not keep still because of Jerusalem until her righteousness shines like a bright light, and her salvation like a flaming torch. Nations will see your righteousness, and all kings your glory." Introduction: I want more

  • Despite His Wonders Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Apr 20, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Despite experiencing the most dramatic miracles recorded, the Hebrews fell back into their ways of living as though God had done nothing for them. We are going to explore how such a relapse could occur.

    Psalm 78:32 Despite His Wonders 12/30/12 D. Marion Clark Introduction Have you ever made a comment like this? “If that I had happened to me, I would never forget.” We can say that negatively, but I mean positively. “I will never forget what you have done for me.” “I more

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