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Sermons on gods mercy:

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  • God's Merciful Will Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Jun 29, 2014
    based on 6 ratings

    God is holding back the establishment of His kingdom so that the multiplied billions may have a longer, & hopefully better, opportunity to hear the gospel, & come to repentance & faith in Jesus Christ.

    2 PETER 3: 8-9 [Our Precious Faith Series] GOD'S MERCIFUL WILL [Isaiah 55:6-11] After addressing the lost's mocking of God's Word and the Lord Jesus' seeming delay in returning to correct mankind in the previous verses (1--7), Peter goes on to speak about the restraint of the Lord in verses more

  • God's Mercy

    Contributed by Matthew Davaughn Cox on Apr 9, 2013

    Ps. 6:2

    God has mercy on us when we don’t do what he tells us to do. God gives us many chances when we mess up in life. Every time we mess up in life God will give us another chance. A lot of the times that we mess up it is because we didn’t listen to God. He knows that we will try to go along more

  • God's Mercy Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Mar 6, 2016

    This message helps us to understand and to feel how troubling the mercy of God can really be. For if we do not have such understanding, we will take too lightly the mercy we are to possess and the mercy that has been shown to us.

    Jonah 3:10-4:2 God’s Mercy 11/16/14 D. Marion Clark Introduction When one thinks of Jonah fleeing from his assignment to preach in Nineveh, the assumption is quickly made that Jonah was afraid of Nineveh. We feel for Jonah. After all, who among us would relish the call to walk into the more

  • God's Mercy PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 31, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the concept of God's enduring mercy, emphasizing that His love for us is constant and unwavering, regardless of our actions.

    Good morning, family. It's another beautiful day to gather together and share in the Word of God, isn't it? I hope you're all feeling as blessed as I am to be here today. Now, I want to share with you something that's been on my heart lately. It's a verse that I'm sure many of you know well, but more

  • God's Mercy PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Mar 19, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the profound depth of God's mercy, its manifestation at Calvary, and its transformative power leading us to new life in Christ.

    Welcome, brothers and sisters in Christ! It is a joy to gather once more in the house of the Lord, united by our shared faith and the boundless love and grace that God showers upon us. Today, we immerse ourselves in the profound depths of God's mercy. The mercy that is so vast, so wide, and so deep more

  • Mercy For The Merciful

    Contributed by Esther Collins on Jan 16, 2023

    The Lord is merciful to us in so many ways, and we need to be merciful to others too.

    Matthew 5:7 “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.” While the world calls blessed those who are well-educated, wealthy, good looking and the accomplished, Jesus re-defined those who are blessed from a heavenly point of view. God sees not as man sees, for God searches the hearts of more

  • The Mercies Of God

    Contributed by David Coe on Nov 12, 2000
    based on 198 ratings

    A sermon showing the blessing of God's mercies.

    The Mercies of God Lam. 3:22,23 I. The FACT of God's Mercies "...the Lord's mercies..." II. The FULLNESS of God's Mercies "...mercies..." (plural) III. The FORTRESS of God's Mercies "...that we are not consumed..." IV. The FORCE of God's Mercies " not..." V. The FRESHNESS more

  • The Mercy Of God

    Contributed by Steven Cannon on Feb 13, 2006
    based on 19 ratings

    Gods mercy is beautiful and life changing.

    THE MERCY OF GOD Today we’re going to look at the mercy of God. Have you ever done something wrong and needed someone to be merciful? I remember being asked by a friend to take care of her car while she was on vacation. What I didn’t know is that her license plates were expired. A police more

  • Responding To God's Mercy Series

    Contributed by Timothy Peck on May 29, 2001
    based on 46 ratings

    Three stages in appropriately responding to God’s mercy as it is revealed in the good news about Jesus Christ.

    The last few years my wife has been trying to help me be a bit more cultured. Some of you know my wife Chris has been playing in the Claremont College Concert Orchestra for two seasons, so I’ve been attending quite a few classical concerts lately. Now for me, classical music is 1960s rock, but I’ve more

  • God's Merciful Sacrifice

    Contributed by Daryl Bahn on Jun 4, 2002
    based on 48 ratings

    The religion of sacrifice vs. the way of mercy. God made the sacrifice and shows the mercy!

    Have you ever received an apology that wasn’t sincere? Somebody does something to hurt you, and in order to win you back, they say they’re sorry. In spite of their good-sounding words, you know they don’t mean it. You can tell by the tone of their voice and the look in their eyes that they aren’t more

  • In View Of God's Mercy Series

    Contributed by Mitchell Skelton on Jun 10, 2003
    based on 15 ratings

    Because of what God has done you owe Him your life.

    Romans Series Mitchell Skelton In View of God’s Mercy Romans 12:1–21 I. Offer Your Bodies A. As Living Sacrifices. 1 Cor. 6:20 B. Holy and Pleasing. Romans 12:9–13 1. God’s word shows us how to live holy lives. 2. Isa. 35:8 II. Don’t Conform to the World. A. Christians no longer belong more

  • In View Of God's Mercy Series

    Contributed by Greg Nance on May 31, 2005
    based on 49 ratings

    What is a reasonable response to God who did not spare his own Son, but freely gave him up for us all? Romans 12-16 tell us!

    Romans 12 In View of God’s Mercy Romans reaches a climax at the end of Paul’s theology section. Chapters 1-11 are a systematic look at Christian theology. Chapters 12-16 will be a systematic look at Christian living. Someone has said, Christian theology is grace and Christian ethics is more

  • The Wonder Of God's Mercy

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Mar 18, 2003
    based on 59 ratings

    Some notes on how wonderful is God’s mercy

    Christchurch Bridlington 24. 01.99 "For he (God)says to Moses: I will have mercy on whom I have mercy and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion" (Rom 9:15) Have you ever wondered why we need God’s mercy. Have you ever wondered how wonderful God’s mercy is Introduction Let’s more

  • The Wideness Of God's Mercy

    Contributed by Tony Grant on Oct 17, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    We are concerned about our reputations; God is not caught up in that egotistical way of thinking. God is concerned about us, even at the expense of his reputation.

    Wideness of God’s Mercy Jonah 3:1-2 07/17/05 2404 words 1 The word of the LORD came to Jonah a second time, saying, 2 "Get up, go to Nineveh, that great city, and proclaim to it the message that I tell you." One Chance When I was a young man just out of military service, I got a job and I more

  • The Greatness Of God's Mercy

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Dec 13, 2015

    To show that the people receives great mercy from GOD because of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, until now from the time He has delivered us from sins (Egypt) He has forgiven us.

    I. EXORDIUM: Is the LORD merciful? Yes, absolutely and infinitely Yes. More than we can understand. II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers/unbelievers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that the people receives great mercy from GOD because of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, until now from the time He has delivered us more

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