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  • Our Awesome God Series

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 87 ratings


    BIG IDEA: OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD: WORTHY OF OUR WORSHIP AND PRAISE I. (:1-4) AWESOME IN HIS WORKS OF POWER Hymn: “O Worship the King, All Glorious Above” A. (:1-2) The Glory of His Name Calls for Glorious Praise B. (:3) The Greatness of His Power Calls for Joyful Submission even God’s enemies more

  • Our Refugee God Series

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on Jan 12, 2010

    Jesus was a refugee - we need to welcome the refugee

    Advent/Christmas 2009 Epiphany Sunday, January 3, 2010 The Incarnation Our Refugee God - Matthew 2:13-18 Begin with Hushidah’s story and Maria’s. Hushidah Bagam is 20. For two years now, she has lived in a squalid bamboo and corrugated iron hut in a Bangladesh refugee camp. But more

  • Our Unpredictable God Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Sep 28, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    God chooses to let things happen or supernaturally intervenes based upon His own purposes.

    Our Unpredictable God (Acts 12:1-23) 1. We love predictable sayings. In Texas, for example, they say, "Everything is big in Texas." But not always. 2. This week, we read of a special birth in Indonesia. Take note that Indonesia is not in Texas: KISARAN, Indonesia – Indonesia’s heaviest-ever more

  • Our Offerings To God Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Apr 17, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    The people offered their presence in the city, their praise to God and their possessions for His house.

    RECAP: Neh 10 - The nation made a binding agreement before God, in writing. • Committing themselves, and the generations to come, to SUBMIT to God’s Word (obey Him), to SEPARATE themselves as God’s people (to be a good testimony), and to SUPPORT the Lord’s ministry in the more

  • Our Relationship To God. Series

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 30, 2010

    Our Relationship to God. (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    Session 1: Our Relationship to God. Reading: Romans chapter 12 verse 1-3. • Newspapers contain a number of things - for example ‘Headlines’; • Here are a few that they would probably have changed. Ill: • “Drunk Gets Nine Months in Violin Case” • “Red Tape Holds Up New Bridge” • “Safety more

  • God's Word Or Ours?

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Sep 11, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Religious traditions are dangerous. We can easily be satisfied by them. Passified by them so that we go to sleep and do not follow God's call. May God deliver us!

    Matthew 15:1-20 has been a key passage to point out the danger of vain worship by following man made traditions instead of God's word. I have often heard this passage applied to the activities that we do in our church services, but Jesus' application is actually much broader. So just what is a more

  • Our Mighty God Series

    Contributed by Mark Haines on Dec 9, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    We all are very independent individuals. Some of our first words – perhaps even our first sentence – expressed that self-reliance. "I can do it myself." This is healthy when we’re dressing and cleaning up. It becomes unhealthy when we try to control o

    Introduction: The names in this story have been changed out of respect for their privacy. Julie W told her family’s story in a magazine article. [My daughter], Allison, came home for the weekend. She opened the door, didn’t speak, and dropped her duffel bag. Smudges of mascara circled her eyes. more

  • "Our God Reigns"

    Contributed by Ken Harris on Dec 26, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The purpose of this sermon is to motivate the hearers to affirm to others that the birth of Jesus is a good news story that strikes a chord, with all of us, that “Our God reigns”.

    25 December 2008 U.S. Army Chaplain (MAJ) Ken Harris Fortress Chapel F.O.B. Sykes Tall-afar, Iraq BIG IDEA: The birth of Jesus is a good news story which strikes a chord, with all of us, that “Our God reigns”. REFERENCES: Christmas Sunday Morning; (JPV) Joy, Peace, and Victory; Isaiah more

  • Our Covenant With God

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Dec 31, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    An Anglican’s reflection on the Methodist Covenant

    04-01-09 Frisby Methodist Church The Covenant Service 1. Introduction A story is told of a man in the church who once made a covenant with a young vicar. They agreed that, come what may. they would each tithe ten percent of their income every year. They were both young and neither of them more

  • God, Our Refuge

    Contributed by Aaron Johnson on Jan 17, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    From Deut. 19:1-13, parallels how God is our refuge, and we must run to Him (firefighter theme).

    The book of Deuteronomy is such an awesome book to read and study! I never was a big fan of the Old Testament, but I became one as I recently did a study of the book of Deuteronomy. The reason this book is so great is that it contains all the information for living a blessed, Christian life. more

  • God Is Our Refuge Series

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Jul 8, 2008
    based on 10 ratings

    Everyone needs a place of refuge in life and theire is not better place to be, then in the hand of God.

    God Is Our Refuge Ps. 46:1 Intro In a day when our nation stands in danger of terrorist attacks and on-going wars, this psalm, proclaiming that God is our refuge, has a message that is needed. Each family can be blessed immeasurably if somehow they can enshrine in their home the picture of God more

  • Our God Of The Impossible

    Contributed by Anthony Seel on Oct 20, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon about how nothing is impossible for God.

    The Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost October 19, 2008 St. Andrew’s Anglican Church The Rev. M. Anthony Seel, Jr. Genesis 18:1-15 Our God of the Impossible In his book, Just As I Am, Billy Graham writes about an encounter in a roadside diner in New Jersey. While he was eating lunch, more

  • Our Surprising God Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Aug 26, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Isn’t life based solely upon the laws of nature and cause and effect? Most of the time, yes -- but sometimes God surprises us.

    Our Surprising God (Acts 3:1-10) 1. This week has been a rough, depressing week for many people. 2. Keith & Aimey Williams were through an awful ordeal… 3. Last week, a teenager in our community committed suicide after losing a brother a year ago in an accident… 4. Hundreds of Engineers and White more

  • God Is Our Source

    Contributed by Margaret Olubiyi on Sep 14, 2008
    based on 17 ratings

    God who is Jehovah Jireh is our Source and Provider who has promised in his word to meet our every need.

    I can honestly confess that 2008 has been the worst year in terms of the state of the economy that I can ever recall in my generation. I believe many people will agree with me that we are facing one of the worst financial hardships in recent years. We can see it in the news and all around us, more

  • Our Sufficiency Is Of God

    Contributed by John Akosile on Jun 1, 2009
    based on 7 ratings

    THE sweetest graces by a slight perversion may bear the bitterest fruit. The sun gives life, but sunstrokes are death. Preaching is to give life

    Our Sufficiency Is of God But above all he excelled in prayer. The inwardness and weight of his spirit, the reverence and solemnity of his address and behavior, and the fewness and fullness of his words have often struck even strangers with admiration as they used to reach others with consolation. more

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