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  • God Loves Children

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Sep 18, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    It's one of the best know scenes from the Gospels, Jesus blessing the children, this message looks at why children need to be important to our local churches.

    It was just about this time of year 22 years ago. We had just moved to Bedford to start what would eventually become Cornerstone and I had to fly to Colorado to attend what was called “Church Planters Boot Camp”, an intensive week long training session that included men and women from more

  • Jesus Loves The Little Children

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Jun 16, 2013
    based on 5 ratings

    Jesus loves little children so much that He: 1. wants us to carry them to Him (vs. 13). 2. criticizes people who get in their way (vs. 13-14). 3. calls them to come to Him (vs. 14). 4. cautions us to be like them (vs. 15). 5. wants to carry them (vs. 16).

    Jesus Loves the Little Children Mark 10:13-16 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - June 9, 2013 *You have surely heard the tune. It was first written as a marching song for the Union Army, during the Civil War: "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp, the Boys are Marching." *Later this tune became one more

  • Children Of God

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Apr 26, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    God’s love, sin, brotherhood, and brotherly love all come together in this chapter. John says four times, "This is how we know..."

    (The audio version of this concludes better) What does this chapter say about Children of God? The Old Testament describes a privileged relationship between God and his chosen people in terms of “covenant.” God made a covenant with Noah, with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the children of Israel more

  • God's Love

    Contributed by Virginia Tate on Feb 24, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    God’s love for all His children.

    “God’s love for His children.” Everybody talks about love. But most of the “love they’re discussing falls far short of the real thing. “God’s love for His children.” God loves with a love beyond human comprehension. He knows everything about you – your needs, your desires, and your dreams – and more

  • Why Kids Are So Important

    Contributed by Chris Kelly on May 20, 2014
    based on 3 ratings

    Children are so often neglected in our society. But in Jesus' kingdom they are the keys to the community!

    Why Kids Are So Important Series: Kids of the Kingdom May 4, 2014 Kids Message: (Gather kids and ask 1 kid to put an easy puzzle together. Tell him/her that if they put it together under the time limit then they will get a prize. Say, “Go!” but give them only 5 seconds. Say, more

  • Children Of Love

    Contributed by Joel W. Lohr on Jan 2, 2002
    based on 60 ratings

    Since God is love, we ought to be loving to the world on his behalf. A call to be the instruments of Love to our world in the new year.

    As I have reflected this week as to what I think might well be the most important thing for us to know about the faith that we are planning to grow in during the year to come, I have come to the following conclusion: We must realize that we are in fact children of God. Not that we have earned more

  • The Lord's Love For Children

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Nov 7, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    5 signs of the Lord’s love for children

    The Lord’s Love for Children Luke 18:15-17 Sermon by Rick Crandall McClendon Baptist Church – Sept. 21, 2008 *The tune was first written as a marching song for the Union Army, during the Civil War: “Tramp, Tramp, Tramp, the Boys are Marching.” Later this tune became one of the all-time favorite more

  • Love The Children Series

    Contributed by Duane Wente on Feb 20, 2023

    For the love of family, the children in our lives need our unconditional, steadfast love. We need to learn some Biblical ways to show that love each day.

    Introduction Video Ill.: Do As We Say - The Skit Guys Well that’s certainly one way to raise children, isn’t it. I wouldn’t say it is a very effective way. Solomon also had some ideas about raising children. I love the way that the Living Bible shares this passage from Proverbs more

  • Live As God's Children Series

    Contributed by Robert Kerr on Sep 3, 2002
    based on 29 ratings

    Paul begins a detailed discussion of the Christian life-style

    Introduction: Several years ago the "Christian Life and Faith" magazine presented some unusual facts about two families. In 1677 an immoral man married a very licentious woman. Nineteen hundred descendants came from the generations begun by that union. Of these, 771 were more

  • God's Children (2) Series

    Contributed by Gregory Neill on May 31, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Lesson 6 in a series of expository lessons from 1 John

    Children of God (2) I. Introduction A. Chosen not Had 1. Children playing at school began to tease an adopted child. a) “You don’t have real parents,” one boy stated. b) Another chimed in, “You don’t know who your parents are.” c) The adopted child simply stated, “Your parents had you, but mine more

  • Children's Sermon: God's Love

    Contributed by Ken Pell on Mar 9, 2009
    based on 25 ratings

    God’s love is capable of embracing everyone without rations or exclusions

    Children’s Sermon: God’s Love Ephesians 3:17b-19 Sermon Objective: To show God’s love is capable of embracing everyone without rations or exclusions. Sermon props: Glass that is half full of water and some marbles. Good morning everyone! It is so good to see you today! I just love meeting with more

  • Children Of God Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jun 6, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    You are a loved child of God in the process of becoming like Christ. Please, believe it and live it! It’s the only way you can overcome the sin in your life and become all that God wants you to be.

    Charlie Chaplin was a huge movie star in the silent-picture era. He was so popular that several Charlie Chaplin look-alike contests sprung up all around the country. Contestants attempted to imitate Chaplin dressed as the “tramp” character he made popular in his films. Even the young up-and-coming more

  • Daddy's Children

    Contributed by William Akehurst on Jun 19, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    Little children express their love to their parents with a vibrant love. We are to Love the FATHER, as our little children love us. We prove our Love to the Father, by our obedience to Him. Jesus proved His love for us by taking our place upon the cross.

    6.15.08 Daddy’s Children A message for any day including Fathers Day By William Akehurst, HSWC Daddy’s Children Verse: 1 John 3:1 “Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God” THEME: We are to Love the Father, as our little children more

  • Christians Are God's Children

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Aug 16, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    PENTECOST 9 --- Christians are God's children. This means that even though we are sinful we are still, always loved by God - our heavenly Father.

    CHRISTIANS ARE GOD’S CHILDREN (Outline) August 14, 2011 - Pentecost 8 - ROMANS 8:12-17 INTRO: From last week to this week our texts take us from slaves to children. This is quite an adjust-ment for our Christian character to comprehend. There is a wide gap between lives as more

  • Aim High!

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Mar 2, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Baby Dedication Sermon to remind parents of the ultimate priority in raising children -- lead them to follow God.

    1. Stork A little boy asked his mother where he came from, and also where she had come from as a baby. His mother gave him a tall tale about a beautiful white-feathered bird. The boy asked his grandmother the same question and received a variation on the bird story. Outside to his playmate he more

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