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  • Let Us Go Over

    Contributed by Ron Callen on Feb 15, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus calls us to get past our fears and our failures and go on to serve Him as He has called us to do

    Let Us Go Over Luke 8:22-25 There are many places to which we can “GO”. We can go bowling. We can go to the grocery store. Each day some of you get up and go to school. Each day some of you go to work. On Sunday and Wednesday we can go to church. Once or twice a year many of you go to more

  • Over My Dead Body

    Contributed by Jack Warford on Sep 28, 2001
    based on 79 ratings

    “Over my dead body”, was a phase that I heard many times while I was growing up in the fifties and sixties. But today it takes on a greater significance than it has ever held with me before. Today the one using these words is Jesus Himself.

    “Over my dead body”, was a phase that I heard many times while I was growing up in the fifties and sixties. But today it takes on a greater significance than it has ever held with me before. Today the one using these words is Jesus Himself and the one He is talking to is you. The only way any of more

  • You Sing Over Me?

    Contributed by Steve Keeler on May 25, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    God sings over us. Is that really true? Did I read that correctly? Is that even possible? What wonderful promises!

    You Sing Over Me? by Steve Keeler Zephaniah 3:15-18 The LORD has taken away your punishment, He has turned back your enemy. The LORD, the King of Israel, is with you; never again will you fear any harm. On that day they will say to Jerusalem, “Do not fear, O Zion; do not let your hands hang more

  • Give More Series

    Contributed by Charles Whitmire on Dec 21, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    This is the third in the Advent Conspiracy series...

    **This is an abbreviated message due to the mornings activities... Over the past few weeks we’ve been talking through the themes from our Advent Conspiracy: Worship Fully, Spend Less, Give More, and Love All. The idea of the campaign is pretty simple and its built on a belief that we are all more

  • Giving It Away Series

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Dec 20, 2012

    God gave… his only son.

    Tebow & John 3:16 Tim Tebow has been criticized for displaying his faith on the football field. While in college he once played with John 3:16 written on his face. More recently he has been the center of controversy in the NFL while playing for the Denver Bronco’s and “Tebowing” more

  • Leap Over A Wall

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Nov 3, 2015

    Only people who can run fearlessly and ruthlessly to meet giant Goliaths like David, can write such words!

    Double and triple hundreds! Push boundaries! Psalm 18:29”For by you I can run against a troop, and by my God I can leap over a wall.” Former India captain Kapil Dev said the iconic Sachin Tendulkar ‘did not know how to make double hundreds and triple hundreds and four hundreds more

  • God Gave You A Gift – What Do You Give Him In Return

    Contributed by Arsenio Segismundo on Dec 27, 2021

    Christmas is over and I guess you have already received a gift or have already given one.

    Topic: God Gave You A Gift – What Do You Give Him In Return By Ptr Arsenio “Jack” Segismundo Text: Ephesians 3:8 “To me, who am less than the least of all the saints, this grace was given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ,” Introduction: Christmas is more

  • Give Forgiveness Series

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Apr 26, 2008

    Forgiveness is a gift we receive and a gift we give to others.

    Title: Give Forgiveness Text: Ephesians 4:30-32 Thesis: Forgiveness is a gift we give to others… Series Introduction; Tim McGraw’s hit song Live Like You Were Dying, is the springboard for the current series of messages. The song is the story of a man who learned he was dying of a fatal disease more

  • Demon Spirits

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Jun 7, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    We can have power over the devil.

    DEMON SPIRITS Matt: 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: Mark 5:12 And all the devils besought him, saying, Send us into the swine, that we may enter into more

  • Sovereign Over Circumstances Series

    Contributed by Glenn Durham on May 21, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    God orders everything for his glory and for saving his people.

    Scripture Introduction Back in January we resumed our study in John at chapter seven. Since then we have moved verse by verse, arriving now at the end of chapter eleven. (Next week, Lord willing, we will begin a summer series on the Dynamic Church.) Here is a convenient place to pause, because we more

  • Victory Over The Flesh Series

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Oct 22, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    In the temptation of our Lord Jesus Christ we learn that not matter what the physical or emotional temptation one faces, doing the will of God will always lead to manna from heaven.

    SIN OR GOD? Matthew 4:1-11 Online Sermon: Ever since creation Satan has been tempting humanity to sin against God. With names such as the Enemy (Matthew 13:39), Evil One (John 17:15), Father of Lies (John 8:44), Lawless One (2 Thessalonians 2:8-10), more

  • Choose To Trust God

    Contributed by Christopher Arch on Jul 25, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    This is an exposition of Psalm 56:3-4

    Title: “Choose to Trust in God.” Scripture: Psalm 56:3-4 Type: Expository Where: GNBC 7-26-20 Intro: The last several months have given cause to increase the anxiety levels of everyone. Church attacks, in America and around the world are increasing exponentially. The Covid pandemic has seen a more

  • Giving Series

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Oct 15, 2005
    based on 24 ratings

    Giving is a gift. A troubled church at Corinth heard a word on it at the end of their first letter. Giving brings healing, because it brings us closer to God.

    Can you believe it? We come now to the end of this letter to the Corinthians. You know, we’ve been reading someone else’s mail here… There are a lot of personal problems in this church that this letter talks about. I’m not sure, if I were a member of the Corinthian church, how I would feel more

  • Over Our Future Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Allow God's love to reign over our future by trusting Him to provide for our needs and seeking His kingdom first.

    Today, we're going to talk about something that I know a lot of us struggle with - worrying about our future. We worry about school, friends, family, and what we're going to do with our lives. But guess what? Jesus has something to say about that in Matthew 6:25-34. Let's dive in and see what He more

  • Giving PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 11, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon encourages us to embrace generosity, trust in God's promise of heavenly blessings, and seek spiritual growth through giving.

    Good morning, dear church family. We gather today under the sheltering love of our Heavenly Father, and in the redeeming grace of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Together, we will turn the pages of the Holy Scriptures and let the wisdom of our Lord illuminate our hearts and minds. Our focus today is more

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