
Summary: This is an exposition of Psalm 56:3-4

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Title: “Choose to Trust in God.” Scripture: Psalm 56:3-4

Type: Expository Where: GNBC 7-26-20

Intro: The last several months have given cause to increase the anxiety levels of everyone. Church attacks, in America and around the world are increasing exponentially. The Covid pandemic has seen a resurgence. The violent rioting of the BLM protesters and their Antifa associates has shocked the nation. Millions have been economically distressed due to the virus response and shutting down of jobs. Schools are anxious attempting to figure out how to reopen. Both Republicans and Democrats are already accusing the other side of stealing the election that won’t take place for another four months. The opiate of sports and entertainment has been all but taken away from us as a nation. Violent crime rates, especially in the major cities, have grown exponentially. What do you do with that? Hide out? Immigrate (Where?) Panic? I suggest that the Bible tells us there is a better alternative:

Prop: In trying times we need to choose to trust in God.

BG: 1. Ps. 56 is a beautiful Psalm. Is a Psalm of David’s.

2. like all the Psalms, was put to music to be sung.

3. Was a “Miktam” Ps. 16, and 56-60. All Miktams. Uncertain what meant.

Prop: As we examine Ps. 56, I want to encourage you to trust God during these trying times.

I. In Times of Adversity, Choose to Trust in God.

“When I am afraid, I will put my trust in Thee”

A. Trusting in God is a matter of personal faith.

1. King David, in times of distress, shoes to trust in God.

a. David was a tough guy. He was a warrior. He was a man of battle and bloodshed. He killed lions and bears as a teenager. He added to his resume by knocking of giants and battling armies. He was courageous. Yet, look at this incredible admission: “When I am afraid…”David afraid? Yes! So are you sometimes and so am I.

b. Illust: You know that feeling. The pit in your stomach, pounding of your heart, and rush of your thoughts as you go from just the possibility of a job loss to starving and being homeless on the streets—all in a matter of seconds. Gripped by fear, although an imagined one. Fear is a normal human emotion designed by God to alert us to danger so that we will take action against it. It has a purpose. It tells us to take precautions, to be wise in our dealings with strangers and strange situations. We need to think of it as a gift. We also know fear has a dark side as well. Just watching the daily news can panic us. But, what did she mean by fear-driven? Why would fear drive us? And, what does fear drive us to do? Fear can drive us to run from God and seek to be our own deliverer or provider or savior.

2. What was the occasion and setting for this Psalm?

a. Now, we actually know the occasion or inspiration for the writing of this Psalm. “When the Philistines had seized him at Gath”. I Sam. 21:12 tells us that David was very afraid of the King of Gath. Yet, despite this obvious fear, David told himself, “I will trust God and not be afraid.” David was choosing to trust God despite all reasons to the contrary.

b. Christian, there is no question of the presence of God with His children. Yet, we need to CHOOSE to recognize His presence. Ps. 16:8 David says: “I have set the Lord always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” To “set the Lord before me” is to recognize His presence and constant help with me.”

B. Trusting in God in Times of Adversity is a Cognitive Choice of the Will.

1. Choose to Trust God whether you feel like it or not.

a. Illust: Margaret Clarkson stated of the acceptance of adversity in our lives: “Always it is initiated by an act o the will on our part; whereby we set ourselves to believe in the overruling goodness, providence, and sovereignty of God, and refuse to turn aside no matter what may come, no matter what we feel.”

b. Let me also say this, God is glorified when we trust in Him. Christ is exalted, regardless of our circumstances, when we trust in Him.

2. Operating by faith in the face of Adversity is a Fruit of the Spirit.

a. Trusting God is a mater of faith, and faith is the fruit of the Spirit (Read Galatians 5:22). “You see, the Holy Spirit can make His Word come alive in our hearts and create faith, however, we can choose to look to Him to do that or we can choose to be ruled by our feelings, anxiety, or resentment or grief.” ( Trusting God, Bridges, p. 210)

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