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  • Power Over The Kingdom Of Darkness

    Contributed by Bishop Prof. Julius Soyinka on Mar 21, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    God has given every believer in Jesus Christ power and authority over the powers of darkness and Satanic Kingdom.

    Power Over The Kingdom of Darkness Study Text: Luke 10:17-20 Introduction: - As believers of Jesus Christ, we have been given the power and authority over serpents and scorpions and all the powers of the kingdom of darkness. - We need to understand who we are, and what we have, to be more

  • Mothers - The Home Maker

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Mar 14, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Mums have one of the toughest ministries that God has given out!

    NR 18-03-07 Mothering Sunday Today is Mothering Sunday, the day when we thank God for giving us the one human being on this earth who generally has had the greatest impact on our lives. Today we come to Church to give thanks for our mothers – whether or not they are dead or alive. Story: I more

  • What's In Your Account?

    Contributed by James May on Jul 27, 2003
    based on 46 ratings

    Gehazi deposited his talents of silver in the tower and thought that he had gotten away with his secret sin, but God knows all and sees all and judgment has already been given.

    WHAT’S IN YOUR ACCOUNT? 2 Kings 5:15-27 All of us have heard of the story of Namaan. He was a Syrian who was the commander of the armies of Benhadad II in the time of Joram, King of Israel. Namaan was afflicted with leprosy. Leprosy! Just saying the word sent chills down the spine and fear more

  • Consider Him

    Contributed by J. Yeargin on Sep 2, 2004
    based on 4 ratings

    ...when we consider the great things that God has given us, there is at the very least a small portion of us that can just easily list all of the disappointments we face each day.

    Responsive Reading Psalms 68:3 thru 11, NIV. Challenge for growth: 1. How can we be more honest with one another? 2. Who should we consider when we are faced with a difficulty in our lives? 3. Why does God allow Hardship in our lives? We are blessed today, amen? God has given us so much to make more

  • Blessings From God

    Contributed by Joel Santos on Oct 30, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    Our text today revealed to us the tremendous blessings that God has provided and available to Christians. I. GOD HAS REDEEMED US – (v. 7a); II. GOD HAS FORGIVEN US – (v. 7b-8); III. GOD HAS REVEALED HIS WILL TO US – (v. 9-10); IV. GOD HAS GIVEN US AN INH

    THE BLESSINGS FROM GOD Ephesians 1:7-12 Our text today revealed to us the tremendous blessings that God has provided and available to Christians. I. GOD HAS REDEEMED US – (v. 7a) • Redemption literally means deliverance as a result of the payment of ransom. • This implies:  more

  • Why Does God Comfort Us? Series

    Contributed by John Telgren on May 6, 2003
    based on 9 ratings

    When we pray, God comforts us. When God comforts us, he does so not just to make us comfortable, but to enable us to comfort others with the comfort He has given us

    How do you feel when you experience the first real snowfall of the season? Not to long ago, we had our first significant snowfall. I can remember my reaction. I ran outside with a childish smile on my face just to see and feel the snow as it fell on my face. There was electricity in the air. I more

  • The Purpose Of God's Power

    Contributed by Samuel Arimoro on Feb 9, 2025

    God’s power is not merely for personal gain or to elevate us above others. It is given to fulfil His divine purpose on earth—bringing healing, setting captives free, equipping believers, and glorifying His name.

    Title: THE PURPOSE OF GOD'S POWER By Rev. Samuel Arimoro Main Text: Acts 10:38 Supporting Texts: Isaiah 61:1-3, Luke 4:18-19, John 14:12, 1 Corinthians 2:4-5 INTRODUCTION: The power of God is His supernatural ability given to believers through the Holy Spirit to accomplish His divine more

  • God’s Anointing Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    The sermon explores how God calls unlikely individuals, focusing on their hearts rather than their appearances, and empowers them through His Spirit, using the story of David's anointing as an example.

    Hey church, today I’m so excited to dive into the Word of God with you as we continue in our series Called & Anointed. We’re going to take a look into the life of David and His anointing as King of Israel. Through this amazing story we see the beauty of how our heavenly Father looks beyond our more

  • Lesson 6: Where Is God When I Need Him?

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Oct 1, 2014

    God will do the supernatural, which only God can do. God expects us to do what is given us to do.

    Pastors Bible Class Thomas Road Baptist Church Series: When God Is Silent Lesson 6: Where Is God When I Need Him? A. INTRODUCTION: QUESTIONS PEOPLE ASK ABOUT TRAGEDIES 1. Where was God when . . .? 2. Doesn’t God love those victims? 3. Did God know this tragedy would more

  • You Gotta Know Your Deity Series

    Contributed by Troy Luttrell on Jan 20, 2014

    God the Father is only pleased when His Son is honored and given preeminence.

    Introduction: Journey through the book of Colossians. Background: • Chapter 1 is all about Paul presenting a solid case that these Christians did not need any more knowledge from outside sources, the Word made flesh is sufficient. In order to grow as Christians and at the more

  • Love Each Other

    Contributed by Charles Mallory on Apr 26, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    We are given the command by Jesus to love others unconditionally...with agape love.

    There is a story told about one pitiful man whose fiancé broke their engagement and shredded his tender heart. After some time apart, He later received a letter of apology and desire for reconciliation. It read: Dearest Jimmy, No words could ever express the great unhappiness I've felt since more

  • Job: Our God Is Greater

    Contributed by Harold Eggar on Apr 15, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    This outline goes far beyond just a normal sermon outline, below is a complete assembly focused on the Greatness of our God. Instead of a time for a sermon, and time for scripture. Instead small chunks are woven throughout the service. Scripture read, a brief thought given, then continues in Song.

    Announcements & Opening Prayer Intro: Thank you for joining us this morning, we want to take a pause this morning from our normal assemblies and do something really special. today I want us all to take a look at the greatness of our God. To do that we are going to look at a captivating story more

  • The Disciple's Manual

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Mar 16, 2014
    based on 6 ratings

    A manual details what is given and what is required, explains how to put the presented information into practice, and instructs how to solve problems as they occur. God has given His disciples a manual called the Holy Bible, a guide for life.

    The Disciple's Manual 2 Timothy 3:16-17 A manual as a comprehensive and step-by-step guide on a particular topic for both beginners and experienced practitioners that also serves as a reference book. A manual details what is given and what is required, explains how to put the presented information more

  • God's Most Neglected Gift - The Language Of Your Dreams!

    Contributed by Roger Spackman on Nov 7, 2005
    based on 19 ratings

    God has given you a ’specific and individual’ gift that can be unlocked and used each and every day – rather night – of your life! Your personal counsellor, guide and help! Keys to unlocking this dormant gift. Includes Dream Log (with practical example).

    Note: Full Power Point Slides available from the author. Credit given to the following research books: Dreams and dream narratives in the biblical world / HUSSER, Jean-Marie Your dreams : God’s neglected gift / RIFFEL, Herman H. I’m excited about today’s Bible study. I’m excited about it, more

  • God, The God Of Generations

    Contributed by André Strydom on Dec 5, 2000
    based on 176 ratings

    God introduces Himself to Moses as the God of Grandpas and Grandmas, moms and dads and children.

    Baptism Sermon Scripture reading: Exodus 3:1-10 I wonder if the children noticed who was present in front of the pulpit today? For if we look carefully we would have noticed that in each case we saw three generations. Ws saw a Grandmother, a daughter and a grandchild. This is quite significant more

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