John's church

Qohelet Web Ministry
Leavenworth, Kansas 66048
913 682-1392

About John
  • Education: John has an associate’s degree in Bible from York College. He has earned two Bachelor’s Degrees in Bible and Ministry from Harding University and graduated with honors. He is currently doing graduate work toward a Master’s Degree in Biblical Studies.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Know the people you are preaching to. Know their joys, hurts, aspirations. Make teaching them God’s word the number one priority. It is tempting to let other good works come before feeding them the word of God and they will eventually suffer for it. The number one priority in a preaching ministry is just that - preaching.
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  • Radical Amputation

    Contributed on Jan 8, 2006
    based on 29 ratings

    Jesus does not call us to be saved, but he calls us to follow him as Lord.

    This news story appeared locally on July 25th. KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- A mountain climber who had to cut his arm off to save his life visited Kansas City Friday. Aron Ralston was hiking alone in a Utah canyon in April when his right arm became pinned beneath an 800-pound boulder. He was named more

  • He Is Immanuel

    Contributed on Jan 8, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    God no longer comes near through a burning bush, tabernacle, prophet, or vision. He has come near through Jesus, who is God in the flesh, in order to reconcile us to him so that we can serve him and also carry the message of reconciliation to others.

    Have you every heard of Heavenly beans? Little Carried thought that this time of year was for heavenly beans because people sing about it everywhere. The song, Silent Night, that ends with the line, "sleep in heavenly beans." Was her favorite song. Carrie’s brother corrected her. He said, more

  • Future Plans

    Contributed on Jan 8, 2006
    based on 28 ratings

    What we can learn from Paul’s future plans as he lays them out in Romans is what the nature of our focus should be. Our three-fold focus should involve our mission to save the loss, our devoted fellowship with each other, and prayer, which is a reflection

    Introduction: Have you every noticed how things get so hectic as we approach the holiday season? You can’t even go to the store to get something simple like a gallon of milk without fighting the crowds. Yet, when we finally do arrive at the holidays, everything slows down. There is a peaceful more

  • Caricature Or Reality (Pt 2)

    Contributed on Jan 8, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Following the movement of the Ark in early Israelites history, we learn that God is holy and that means that he is not a commodity, but Lord. It also means that even though Joy is appropriate and even commanded, God must be approached with reverence befor

    Last week we saw that the number one characteristic of God is that he is holy. We need to understand this about God so we can make sure we are worshipping him and not some caricature of him we have made up in our mind. Do you know what a caricature is? We usually think of it as a picture, such more

  • Caricature Or Reality (Pt 1)

    Contributed on Jan 8, 2006
    based on 85 ratings

    In order to pray, worship and serve God effectively, we need to understand who he is. This begins with an understanding that he is first of all holy. Only when we get a handle on his holiness can everything else fall into place.

    Do you know what a caricature is? You see them all the time when you pick up a newspaper. You often have political cartoons where the details are not true life representations. Prominent features are often exaggerated and non-prominent features are diminished or eliminated altogether. If you go to more

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