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  • "Making The Most Of Our Ministry” Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Jun 3, 2019

    How Paul made the most of his call to minimstry is a good example for us to follow in fulfilling our God-given ministry calling.

    “And say to Archippus, ‘See to it that you fulfill [carefully the duties of] the ministry which you have received in the Lord.’” - Colossians 4:17 (Amplified) Every Child of God is called to full time ministry. We saw that last week as we considered Ephesians 2:10: “For we are His workmanship more

  • Sermon # 23 - Finding Favor With God Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Jun 20, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Do we want the favor of God on our lives? As we study the life of Gideon, and others from the bible we will understand what those pre-requisites are for God’s favor to rest on us, and all we do.

    We read in Judges 6:17-19, So Gideon said to Him, “If now I have found favor in your sight, then show me a sign that it is you who speak with me. Please do not depart from here, until I come back to you, and bring out my offering and lay it before you.” And He said, “I will remain until you more

  • Given To Christ

    Contributed by Don Baggett on Jan 7, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Some things are valuable, not for their intrinsic value, but because of who gave them. We have been given to Christ by the Father.

    “Given To Christ” Jn.17:6-12 I had the joy of leading a middle aged man to the Lord, about 25 years ago, who had been a pretty rough character. He had the reputation for being about all the things the devil would lead a fellow to be. When the Lord saved him, his life made a pretty fast turn more

  • Gifts Given By Christ PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 23, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the importance of spiritual gifts, their role in equipping believers for ministry, and how to discover, understand, and utilize them for God's glory.

    Good morning, dear friends! How blessed we are to gather together in the house of the Lord, to soak in His Word and to seek His wisdom. We have before us a topic of profound significance, a topic that is as essential to our Christian walk as the very air we breathe. We are here to talk about more

  • A God Given Purpose

    Contributed by Travis Leib on May 31, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Be assured, God has a purpose for His people. Idleness is never an option.

    Certainly one of the most frequent question I deal with as a Pastor, is the question of "What is my purpose?" It is the purposeless life that finds itself in discontent, discouragment, depression, and is a leading factor of suicide. No purpose. Useless. Yes, those are extremes. But, do not more

  • Glorifying God By Ministry Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Jan 22, 2005
    based on 27 ratings

    One of the ways in which we glorify God is by serving others with the spiritual gifts that God has given to each believer. This sermon explores several truths about spiritual gifts and their relation to ministry.

    Scripture The day you became a Christian God deposited a treasure in you. For some of you this treasure has some layers on it and it is a bit rusty. But with the help of God’s Word and his Spirit we will pull back the layers and blow off the dust and discover this hidden treasure. This discovery more

  • Grace Given Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Mar 1, 2014

    Our giving as an act of worship flows from the grace we have received as redeemed people.

    “I say this not as a command, but to prove by the earnestness of others that your love also is genuine. For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich.” [1] We want to worship in more

  • God Given Authority

    Contributed by Greg Cooper on Dec 30, 2001
    based on 195 ratings


    Title: God Given Authority Text: Matthew 16:19 Intro: Each and every one of us that have believed on the name of Jesus Christ for our salvation are possessors of the authority of all heaven. Jesus said that we have the keys of the kingdom. Keys represent authority. I have on my key ring a key that more

  • Given Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Being 'given' means spending your life out of love for Jesus, living for the world, and continuing the circle of grace. It's about surrendering to Jesus and allowing Him to use us for the sake of the world.

    Imagine your life is like a loaf of bread. Now, bread on its own is pretty ordinary, right? But what happens when we give it to Jesus? It becomes something extraordinary. Let's look at a story from the Bible, in Luke 24:30-32. It says, 'When Jesus was at the table with them, He took the bread, more

  • Maximize The Moment

    Contributed by Nathaniel Sadela on Oct 19, 2017

    Walk circumspectly! Be wise... Take responsibility for your life. Take charge and make a proof of your God-given ministry, stay in the place of your calling...

    Ephesians 5:14-17; 1 Chronicles 12:32 The word ‘maximize’ simply means to make the best use of something. This message encourages us to make the best use of the resource called time to discover and to fulfil God's purpose for our lives. The phrase ‘maximize the moment’ suggests that you don't have more

  • By The Grace Given Series

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Jan 31, 2014
    based on 74 ratings

    By God’s grace we are motivated to do right, to live right. 1- By God’s grace we humble ourselves 2- By God’s grace we honor others 3- By God’s grace we use our gifts

    INTRO.- You’ve been graced by God whether you realize it or not! ILL.- When Billy Graham was driving through a small southern town, he was stopped by a policeman and charged with speeding. Graham admitted his quilt, but was told by the officer that he would have to appear in court. The more

  • The Blessing Was Already Given PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 27, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Explore the story of Jacob wrestling with God, emphasizing the relationship between obedience and blessing, and the promise that God's blessing is already bestowed upon us.

    Good morning, family! In the spirit of warm fellowship, let's delve into the deep waters of God's Word today. We're going to wrestle with a familiar and powerful passage from Genesis 32:22-32, where our forefather Jacob, in the quiet of the night, wrestles with God Himself. This story is a vivid more

  • Blessed Broken Given - Given Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the concept of being "given" in the context of our lives as bread that Jesus blesses, breaks, and gives for the world, addressing feelings of inadequacy and lack of purpose.

    This series is about seeing our lives as bread that Jesus takes in His hands, blesses, breaks, and gives for the life of the world. Over the past few weeks we talked about how difficult it is to imagine our ordinary, common lives actually being blessed and sacred and holy. And we explored how our more

  • Empowered For Ministry Series

    Contributed by Jay Tigner on May 7, 2016

    The Holy Spirit is given to empower Jesus' people for ministry and witness.

    Jesus is Alive! Most of your Bibles will reveal that the title “Acts” that we commonly use is just the shortened version of a longer title that has been given to the book. The full title given to this book is The Acts of the Apostles. It is called such because the content of the book more

  • Embracing God's Grace PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 6, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon emphasizes the transformative power of God's grace, a divine gift that leads us to redemption and salvation, not earned but freely given.

    Good morning, dear friends. It is a privilege to stand before you today, to share in the warmth of our fellowship, to bask in the light of God's love that shines so brightly in each of your faces. Today, we gather here to ponder over a truth so profound, so powerful, yet so tender, it has the power more