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  • Help From Above

    Contributed by Bishop(Dr) Sola Adetunji on Jul 11, 2014
    based on 8 ratings

    This world is a battle field, without divine help you will suffer defeat, humiliation and shame. Without divine help people will forget you and men will abandon you.

    This world is a battle field, without divine help you will suffer defeat, humiliation and shame. Without divine help people will forget you and men will abandon you. Consider the story of Joseph in Gen 40:9-14 Joseph expected help from a man, but that man forgot In the story, Joseph requested for more

  • Storms Of Life- Fear Not

    Contributed by John Oscar on Jun 11, 2019

    A sermon about the source of fear and the strategies to defeat it

    The Storms of Life Fear Not CCCAG June 9h, 2019 Scripture- Joshua 1:1-9 Intro: Open with Prayer Fears (Whiteboard) Today we will be talking about fear as one of the storms that come into our life. Fear can be the storm itself- an attack of the enemy of our souls or a byproduct of the storm. We more

  • Storms Of Life- Fear Not

    Contributed by John Oscar on Jun 11, 2019

    A sermon about the source of fear and the strategies to defeat it

    The Storms of Life Fear Not CCCAG June 9h, 2019 Scripture- Joshua 1:1-9 Intro: Open with Prayer Fears (Whiteboard) Today we will be talking about fear as one of the storms that come into our life. Fear can be the storm itself- an attack of the enemy of our souls or a byproduct of the storm. We more

  • I Am Not Going Out Like This Series

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Nov 5, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    Overcoming the force of the enemy and defeating his cause

    Title: I am not going out like this Theme: To encourage those who have been tempted to give up or give in. Text: Acts 16:35-40 Introduction I have read this passage over and over again trying to find meaning to what Paul is doing. What difference does it make if Paul goes out the front door more

  • Daniel In The Lions Den

    Contributed by Ken Ritz on Dec 30, 2005
    based on 34 ratings

    How to defeat the work of the enemy in our lives.

    Daniel in the Lions Den We’re in a series on the top ten favorite bible stories, Which you all voted on a few weeks ago. Today we’re up to number six on the list, Which is the story of Daniel in the lions den. If you have your Bible you can flip over to Daniel chapter 6. I was looking for a good more

  • The Little Warrior Is Coming!

    Contributed by David Anderson on Apr 21, 2001
    based on 60 ratings

    Christ came as a frail baby and defeated Satan.

    Advent Sermon ~ “The Little Warrior is Coming!” Matthew 1:20-21 As the night chilled the air and the moonlight, perhaps, sifted between the clouds to spotlight here and there over the landscape, Joseph lie sleeping... And an angel came to him to announce a big thing coming in a small way. more

  • The Empty Tomb

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Mar 28, 2024

    Easter is about the hope of Jesus defeating death.

    The Empty Tomb Matthew 28:1-10, 1 Peter 1:3-4 March 31, 2024 Have you ever been in a cavern or tunnel or some room where you can hear your voice echo? It’s kind of cool to hear the reverb in your voice. To hear your voice echoing, continuing for more than a quick second. Keep that in mind more

  • Why The Devil Is Going Down

    Contributed by Stephen Funderburk on Oct 30, 2005
    based on 15 ratings

    the devil’s defeat and Christ’s victory

    Intro: during the season of Halloween television becomes a tribute to the dark side. Every show advertised gives the impression that the devil is so powerful that nothing can stop him. As Christians we know better, we know that in Christ the devil is defeated, his time is almost up, and he is going more

  • Victory In Disguise Series

    Contributed by Steve Smith on Apr 2, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Closed doors are not signs of "defeat" but rather promises that 1) God has a plan 2) A Purpose and will always accomplish His purpose.

    I. INTRODUCTION A. Series “ACCOMPLISHING THE VISION” 1. Part 1 looked at Nehemiah’s vision to rebuild and “the Journey” we will go through.. 2. Part 2 looked at Mary showing us “We Must Offer Our Best” 3. Part 3 looked at that awkward subject of the Tithe asking the question: “Are You Robbing more

  • The Mystery Of Goshen

    Contributed by James Dina on Feb 2, 2022

    The Land of Goshen had so many mysteries that only God could unravel. "The more they afflicted the Israelites, the more they multiplied." Whenever God blessed Israel, he cursed Egypt. We need God’s wisdom to guide us during persecution, especially where Christianity practice is forbidden.

    THE MYSTERY OF GOSHEN Then Pharaoh spoke to Joseph, saying, "Your father and your brothers have come to you. The land of Egypt is before you. Let your father and brothers dwell in the best of the land; let them dwell in the land of Goshen. And if you know any competent men among them, then more

  • Dealing With The Devil

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Apr 1, 2012

    God's word shows us that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. Satan is our enemy. We know him only too well. Who we need desparately to know is Jesus, so that we can deal with the devil and have victory over him and his lies.

    Many of you spoke with me last week about how important it is to know more about our enemy, the devil. There is a need to know our enemy, as Heath Smith reminded me, and it is clear from scripture as Jesus tells us, "We need to be as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves." (Matt. 10:16) Paul more

  • Whose The Strong Man Now?

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on May 23, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon focuses on two main points 1. The Supernatural is Real 2. Jesus Is the Stronger Man (Messiah - Son of God)

    Scripture: Mark 3:20 - 27 (reading Mark 3:7 - 27) Call to worship - Psalm 138 Theme: "You are the Son of God" This sermon focuses on two main points 1. The Supernatural is Real 2. Jesus Is the Stronger Man (Messiah - Son of God) INTRO: Grace and peace from God our Father and from more

  • Take Out Some Giants

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Jul 1, 2001
    based on 50 ratings

    This sermon deals with the need to face our problems and take them out in the same way David faced Goliath and took him out.

    Take Out Some Giants in 94 2/9/94 1 Sam 17:1-30 Ephe 6:10-18 1 Samuel 17:1-50 In our Old Testament reading, we met a young ordinary fellow who had a giant of a problem standing between him, and what God intended for him to come. Up to this point, he was just a more

  • Stones In The Shepherd’s Scrip

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Mar 19, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    There are certain qualities that God looks for in those He places in His service. These qualities are illustrated for us in the account of David choosing stones from a brook with which to face the giant, Goliath.

    Stones In The Shepherd’s Scrip Text: I Sam.17: 40 Intro: The account of David the shepherd boy has always been one of my favorites. As a child I never tired of hearing of the magnificent victory that God wrought with one little shepherd boy, who was surrendered totally to God. When hearing more

  • Reducing The Ark Of God To A Good Luck Charm

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Dec 1, 2021

    In the early part of the time when Samuel was a Judge of Israel the people were still far from God. In a brazen act of foolishness some men charged into the Holy of Holies and and ran off with the Ark hoping it could help them defeat the enemy. It did not.

    Where Did He Go? Please stand with me as we go over our current memory Scripture: Job 19:25-27 “I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand on the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see Him with my own eyes - I, and not more

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