
Living a Victorious Life

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 8, 2023
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God does not intend for His children to live in defeat, but to experience victory every day.


The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat are experiences we all encounter in life. However, as children of God, it is not His will for us to walk in defeat but to live daily in victory. In this sermon, we will explore three essential steps to living a victorious life.

I. Think Victorious

1. Negative thoughts breed failure, so it is crucial to have a victorious mindset. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, God has given us the victory (1 Corinthians 15:57).

2. Instead of dwelling on gloom and defeat, we should focus on hope. The God of hope fills us with joy and peace as we believe in Him (Romans 15:13).

3. King David serves as an example of someone who chose to live in praise rather than fixating on problems (Psalms 42:5). Living in praise builds our courage and faith, and it invites the power of Heaven into our lives.

II. Shift Your Focus

1. Like Peter walking on water, we must get our eyes off our circumstances and fix them on Christ (Matthew 14:29-30). When we focus on our problems, we sink, but when we fix our gaze on Jesus, we experience victory.

2. The story of the lame man at the pool of Bethesda teaches us the importance of shifting our focus from our limitations to Jesus' ability to heal and restore (John 5:3-9). By redirecting our attention from our circumstances to God's promises, we open ourselves up to His miraculous power.

III. Never Accept Defeat

1. Many Christians fall into defeat because they give up when faced with attacks. We must resist this temptation and continue moving forward.

2. Some believers become complacent and stop actively serving God's kingdom. We must not accept defeat by making excuses but instead be proactive in our faith.

3. The story of the four lepers in II Kings 7 illustrates the power of taking action. Instead of resigning themselves to certain death, they decided to do something, and God rewarded their faith by providing deliverance and abundance.


Living in victory is possible for every believer. By setting our minds on thinking victoriously, shifting our focus from problems to promises, and refusing to accept defeat, we can experience the victorious life God intends for us. Let us take these steps and trust that God will provide victory in every situation we face.

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