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  • Our Refugee God Series

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on Jan 12, 2010

    Jesus was a refugee - we need to welcome the refugee

    Advent/Christmas 2009 Epiphany Sunday, January 3, 2010 The Incarnation Our Refugee God - Matthew 2:13-18 Begin with Hushidah’s story and Maria’s. Hushidah Bagam is 20. For two years now, she has lived in a squalid bamboo and corrugated iron hut in a Bangladesh refugee camp. But more

  • Reflections Of A Father: Part 1

    Contributed by Jason Frazier on Jun 21, 2001
    based on 40 ratings

    These are reflections of being a new father and how they relate to our relationship with our Heavenly Father.

    TEXT: Isaiah 64:1-8 “Reflections of a Father” – Part 1 When Jesus began His preaching ministry, he ruffled many feathers by constantly referring to God as “Father” or Av in the Hebrew. Even though God treated us like His children, it wasn’t something that the Pharisees were willing to grasp. more

  • How Can We Give God Greater Glory In The Most Effective Ways?

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Aug 31, 2002
    based on 147 ratings

    How can we give God greater glory in the most effective ways? (I Cor. 10:31)

    How to Give God Greater Glory - I Cor. 10:31 "Whatever you do, do it ALL for the glory of God." Why do so many people struggle to consistently give God glory in all aspects of their personal lives, relationships and activities? Quote: Charles Ryrie, a famous teacher from Dallas Seminary more

  • God Is Our Refuge

    Contributed by Larry Brincefield on Jun 6, 2003
    based on 45 ratings

    1. God is our Refuge 2. You can trust Him 3. He will NEVER Forsake those who seek Him

    Title: Psalms Series "The Lord is Our Refuge" Text: Psalms 9 Specifically Psalm 9:9-10 1. The Lord is a refuge and a stronghold in times of trouble v. 9 The Hebrew word translated as "refuge" means... a high cliff... a lofty place... a place that is inaccessible a high fort or fortress David more

  • God, Our Savior Series

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Apr 3, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    In Genesis chapter 3 we witness the "creator God" who must now become the "Savior God" in order to redeem fallen mankind from his own foolish choices.

    Genesis Series # 2 CHCC: January 14, 2007 God, Our Savior Genesis 3 INTRODUCTION: Last week, we talked about Genesis chapters 1 and 2. At the end of chapter 2, we left Adam and Eve living in a Perfect Paradise – enjoying perfect weather, perfect health, the perfect marriage, and everything more

  • Our Faithful God

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Jun 27, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    In the midst of hardship, remember to call to mind the goodness and faithfulness of God. Ponder what God has done for you and can do for you. He has not changed. Trust Him.

    Jeremiah penned down his grief after his nation and city Jerusalem fell to Babylon in 586 BC. • He expresses his sorrows over 5 laments in this book. The people suffered because they have sinned against God and rejected Him. • God is faithful. If the people would learn their lesson, repent and more

  • Our God Of Restoration Series

    Contributed by Jerry Owen on Oct 1, 2016
    based on 2 ratings

    Yahweh is the God who delights in restoration.

    OUR GOD OF RESTORATION 1 KINGS 17:17-24 In our passage today, we are going to study our Lord as the God of Restoration. The Hebrew word for “Restore” is “Chayah”. The root word is “Chai” which means “life”. Every morning Mrs Lana wakes up but more

  • Our God Comes

    Contributed by Jack Smithwick on Nov 23, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Ist Sunday of Advent

    “Our God Comes” 11-25-2012 Isaiah 2:1-5 Today is the first Sunday in the season of Advent. It is the season of Hope. It’s the church’s new year’s day, the start of a new Christian calendar. Each year we rehearse the great works of God for us and for our salvation. In the seasons of Advent, more

  • God's Love And Ours

    Contributed by James Tetley on Jul 3, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    God’s tru love for humanity is demonstrated in the death of His Son on the cross

    God’s love and ours 1 John “I like you” he said shyly “I like you too” she responds Encouraged, he added “I like you more than I said” “Me, too”, she murmurs blushing “I love you”, he blurts “What? She asks breathlessly “Nothing” he mutters. “Go on, say it,” she urges “Ojay, but don’t laugh. I more

  • God Is Our Bunker

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Apr 2, 2021

    Friend, there are million things attacking our homes, children, marriage, church, ministry and health today, mere walls cannot save us, we need today the hands of God to protect us, say Hallelujah. Never be too smart, smug and snobbish to think you can make it without God’s protection.

    Hedge of protection! Job 1:6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them. 7 The LORD said to Satan, "From where do you come?" Then Satan answered the LORD and said, "From roaming about on the earth and walking more

  • God - Our Fortress Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Sep 15, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    We all have times in our life when we seek a place to hide, to be safe from the dangers of this world. Seldom we remember God, who is an impregnable fortress for those who trust in Him.

    Psalm 91 - Study 7 – You are my Fortress We read in Psalm 91:2, “I will say to the LORD, "You are my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust."” (GW) When do we need a fortress? In Nahum 1:7, we read, “The LORD is good. He is a fortress in the day of trouble. He knows those who more

  • Our Unchanging God Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on May 13, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    The moment we are born, we begin to age. We grow, develop, and then deteriorate ­ and our memory is one of the first things to go. Our only hope in life is this: God never changes. He is the one constant we can count on while everything around us ra

    Our Unchanging God Now that my 40th birthday is in my rear-view mirror, I can laugh about all the cards and balloons I received. 90% of the cards I got made some kind of crack about how old 40 is ­ but a few people were kind to me ­ very few. The staff gave me a little party on Tuesday complete more

  • God's Part And Ours

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on May 4, 2007

    partnering with God in evangelism

    God’s Part and Ours Becoming a Hospital – pt. 3 October 5/6, 2002 Intro: How long does it take to “convert”? And whose job is it to do the “converting”? I want to take a look at those questions this morning as we continue to take a look at what it means for us to become a hospital, meaning a more

  • Our Awesome God

    Contributed by Terry Barnhill on Jan 28, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    We know, in the abstract sense, that God can do anything, but we have a problem believing that He’ll do anything for us.

    Isa. 40:3-8(9-24; 38:4-8) 1 Sam. 17:36 2 Peter 3:8-13 Ps. 34:18-19 I was reading recently about the island of Mindoro in the Philippines. It’s a beautiful tropical island which had been popular as a tourist attraction and a place to live – popular that is – until August 26 this year. That’s more

  • God Our Habitation Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Feb 16, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    In Psalm 91:9 there are is a conversation between two people. While one says that God is his refuge, he recognizes that the other person has made God his dwelling place or habitation. There is a clear distinction between refuge and habitation. How about you?

    Psalm 91 - Study 21 - God Our Habitation We read in Psalm 91:9, “Because you have made the LORD your dwelling place-the Most High, who is my refuge” (ESV) In our studies based on Psalm 91 we have realized that this is a Psalm that elaborates the protection of God over His children. The word more

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