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  • The Foundation Of Our Faith

    Contributed by William Akehurst on Nov 21, 2015

    John 3:16 shows us the foundation of our faith. What is the foundation of our faith? God's Love...or that HE GAVE?

    2015.11.21.Sermon.Love Given William Akehurst, HSWC John 3:16 The foundation of our faith. GOD is __________ Fill in the blank Love, right? For God so LOVED the world. GOD is, the GOD of love. HE loves you and me and every human being that is, was and is to come. HE loves HIS creation HE loves more

  • Our Triune God Series

    Contributed by Steve Hereford on Aug 21, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    What does the Bible say about the existence and nature of God? Is it alright to speculate what God is like or is that idolatry? Join Pastor Steve as he teaches on "The Doctrine of God."

    “On January 7, 1855, the minister of New Park Street Chapel, Southwark, England, opened his morning sermon as follows: ‘It has been said by someone that “the proper study of mankind is man.” I will not oppose the idea, but I believe it is equally true that the proper study of God’s elect is God; more

  • Failing As A Father Series

    Contributed by Vince Miller on Oct 3, 2019

    I don’t know any father or husband who doesn’t feel like he has failed on numerous occasions. This feeling of failure can cascade out of control and further prevent you from being the leader God wants you to be in the home.

    We’ve All Failed I don’t know any father or husband who doesn’t feel like he has failed on numerous occasions. This feeling of failure can cascade out of control and further prevent you from being the leader God wants you to be in the home. When we experience feelings of inadequacy, we sometimes more

  • Our God Is Zealous! Series

    Contributed by Larry Vollink on Jan 9, 2021

    Do we have a Zeal for God as much as He has Zeal for us?

    God has so many ways to describe Him in the Word of God, and we did this alphabetically, now the last one! He is Zealous! 2 Kings 19:31 says, "For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant and they that escape out of Mt. Zion: the zeal of the Lord shall do this." And Isaiah 9:7 says more

  • Our God Is Greater

    Contributed by Kenneth Trent on Jul 25, 2003
    based on 39 ratings

    The Ten Commandments begin with “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.” Exodus 20:3. The first commandment is still valid today. Our God is greater than all gods!

    OUR GOD IS GREATER “And the temple which I build will be great, for our God is greater than all gods. But who is able to build Him a temple, since heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain Him? II Chronicles 2:5-6. The Ten Commandments begin with “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.” more

  • The Promise Of The Father Series

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Jan 16, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    The world offers life at its best through what you own, wear, the way you look, the more you get, this selfish mentality promises life at its best but never delivers on the promise. God offers life at its best and it begins with a promise of power. Lear

    Intro: A web search or general browsing of TV commercials tells us that life at its best is found in anything from nutrition to air fresheners. Culture tells us that life at its best is looking a certain way physically, wearing certain clothes, having a particular attitude. We are told that life more

  • God Our Provider

    Contributed by Alan Perkins on Apr 9, 2001
    based on 65 ratings

    Only God can (and does) meet our needs. He does this for the purpose of displaying the gospel in our lives.

    32Jesus called his disciples to him and said, "I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry, or they may collapse on the way." 33His disciples answered, "Where could we get enough bread in this remote more

  • The Father Of The Future Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 7, 2021

    Here was a father who put God first in his life. He chose to be a miserable minority going against the grain. His boys probably did complain at times that it was very difficult to put up with the mockery. Noah had to do a lot of encouraging to keep them faithful.

    It is tough to be a father in this world where everything is changing so fast. In Africa the custom of selling the bride to her future husband has been challenged for sometime by Christian daughters. They feel it is a evil custom to be sold like an object to the highest bidder. They have more

  • The Perfections Of Our God

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Jul 4, 2018

    My God is perfect in every way.

    THE PERFECTIONS OF OUR GOD God is perfect in every way. 1. His work is perfect. Deuteronomy 32: 4 He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he. 2. His way is more

  • God Is Our Provider! Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Nov 29, 2022

    How does Jesus provide for us? 1. He gets involved in our lives (vs. 24-25). 2. He instructs us (vs. 25-26). 3. He inspires us (vs. 26-27). 4. He increases our supply (vs. 27).

    God Is Our Provider! The Gospel of Matthew Matthew 17:24-27 Sermon by Rick Crandall (Originally Prepared September 23, 2022) (New version November 29, 2022) BACKGROUND: *Please open your Bibles to Matthew 17:24, and we will take a good look at one of Jesus' countless miracles. Today's more

  • God's Word Or Ours?

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Sep 11, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Religious traditions are dangerous. We can easily be satisfied by them. Passified by them so that we go to sleep and do not follow God's call. May God deliver us!

    Matthew 15:1-20 has been a key passage to point out the danger of vain worship by following man made traditions instead of God's word. I have often heard this passage applied to the activities that we do in our church services, but Jesus' application is actually much broader. So just what is a more

  • God Is Our Redeemer Series

    Contributed by Frederick Baker Ii on Sep 24, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon is part of a series that will have at least 26 parts to it when I am done. I have laid the series to the side for a time and plan to pick it back up soon.

    “God Is Our Redeemer” Text: Job 19:25 For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: Meaning: Redeemer-- גּאל gâ’al gaw-al’ A primitive root, to redeem (according to the Oriental law of kinship), that is, to be the next more

  • God Is Our Provider! Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Sep 23, 2022

    How does Jesus provide for us? 1. He involves Himself in our lives (vs. 24-25). 2. He instructs us (vs. 25-26). 3. He inspires us (vs. 26-27). 4. He increases our supply (vs. 27).

    God Is Our Provider! The Gospel of Matthew Matthew 17:24-27 Sermon by Rick Crandall (Prepared September 23, 2022) BACKGROUND: *Please open your Bibles to Matthew 17:24, and we will study another of Jesus' countless miracles. Today's miracle happened a little after the mountain-top more

  • A Father's Walk

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Jun 12, 2013
    based on 75 ratings

    What kind of walk should a father have? 1- A father’s walk should include God’s fellowship 2- A father’s walk should influence his children 3- A father’s walk should incorporate a witness

    INTRO.- Have you ever watched a father walk? Sure you have. You watch fathers walk all the time. Have you ever watched father Jeremy Frakes walk? He walks fast. He walks like a man on a mission! And I’m not sure if he does anything slow. It seems like he has only one gear. And more

  • Our Mighty God Series

    Contributed by Mark Haines on Dec 9, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    We all are very independent individuals. Some of our first words – perhaps even our first sentence – expressed that self-reliance. "I can do it myself." This is healthy when we’re dressing and cleaning up. It becomes unhealthy when we try to control o

    Introduction: The names in this story have been changed out of respect for their privacy. Julie W told her family’s story in a magazine article. [My daughter], Allison, came home for the weekend. She opened the door, didn’t speak, and dropped her duffel bag. Smudges of mascara circled her eyes. more

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