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Sermons on glory praise:

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  • Glory, Praise And Movement

    Contributed by Tim Zingale on Feb 16, 2004
    based on 184 ratings

    A sermon for Transfiguration Sunday

    Transfiguration Sunday Luke 9:28-36 "Glory, Praise and Movement" 28 ¶ Now about eight days after these sayings he took with him Peter and John and James, and went up on the mountain to pray. 29 And as he was praying, the appearance of his countenance was altered, and his raiment became dazzling more

  • Glory

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Feb 12, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Today we may wonder what is glory and how is glory achieved. Our readings today will help us understand glory better.

    Glory 2 Corinthians 4:3-6 1. There are two verses in the text that refers to Glory, (His slender, wonder, grandeur) • The first one reads “the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God” (v. 4) and the second reads “ In light of the knowledge of the glory of God more

  • “it’s Ok! Take The Veil Off"

    Contributed by Allan Kircher on Dec 13, 2014

    Contemplate/glory of these days This is the day the Lord has made

    Allan Kircher Shell Point Baptist Church Oct 26, 2014 “It’s OK! Take it off” 2 Cor. 3:12-18 2 Cor. 3:12……. Hope makes you look: • bold, look ridiculous to some people • Audacious and tenacious • Mom hang in there and pray for her kid while he’s more

  • "Yongghwan Style" Or The Glory Of God And Necessity Of Praise

    Contributed by Johnny Wilson on Feb 21, 2015

    Even when you think you can't deal with it anymore, praise is part of God's plan for moving you forward.l

    Obviously, Koreans are getting a lot of attention from PSY’s video about Gangnam Style, his parody of materialism, status, and shallowness. It’s funny. It’s preposterous. It’s entertaining. But this morning, I want to talk about “Yonggwan Style.” If I more

  • To The Praise Of His Glory

    Contributed by Roddy Chestnut on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 23 ratings

    Intro.: 1.

    Intro.: 1. The letters of Paul characteristically follow a certain pattern: a. What God has done for man (indicative). b. What Man must do in response (imperative). 2. Recurring phrase in Eph. 1 draws attention to this pattern. a. "To the praise of his glory" (6, 12, 14). b. What we are must more

  • To The Praise Of His Glory Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Apr 24, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon shows how many Christian activities in the NT are directly tied to bringing glory to God. Thus, everything we do, every word we speak and every thought we think should be evaluated on the basis of whether it brings glory to God.

    To the Praise of His Glory Ephesians - Live Like You Really Are Chuck Sligh April 22, 2012 TEXT: Please open your Bibles to Ephesians 1 INTRODUCTION Illus. – When we lived in Wiesbaden, some missionary friends bought a German toaster. When they got home, they plugged it in, placed some more

  • To The Praise Of His Glory

    Contributed by Clay Gentry on Sep 10, 2013

    Why did God send Jesus to save us? It might surprise most Christians to learn it wasn't so we could go to heaven? So what was it? In this lesson we will explore why God saved us.

    There is no doubt about, our God is a great God. Need proof of that? Let’s take a quick look through Ephesians 1-3 and learn how He has “blessed us with every spiritual blessing” through Jesus Christ (1:3): - God has blessed us by adopting us as His children (1:5, 2:19) - God has more

  • To Praise His Glory! Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Sep 27, 2013

    WE have plenty of reason to wake up and praise our great God!

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • We all need a reason to wake up in the morning. We need something to get our heart pumping. • I know when I get up to go riding on the bicycle I need something to get me out of the bed to go workout. • We need purpose! • We need a reason for more

  • The Praise Of His Glory

    Contributed by Larry Grant on Aug 14, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Paul is engaged in worship as he repeats, “to the praise of His Glory!” He begins to praise God for everything He has done to save us and bless us in Jesus. Paul moves from God’s work in the past to His work in the present.

    Ephesians 1:7-12 THE PRAISE OF HIS GLORY August 14, 2022 Intro: In these first verses Paul magnifies the glory of God. Beginning in verse 3 all the way through verse 14, Paul is engaged in worship as he repeats, “to the praise of His Glory!” He begins to praise God for everything He has done to more

  • Glory

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Mar 22, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Sermon for Palm Sunday, Year C, 2013

    Luke 19: 28 – 40 / Glory Intro: One of the items on my “bucket list” is to attend the tournament of roses parade in Pasadena, CA. Many years I’ve watched that parade with the bands, floats, drill teams etc. I can only imagine the sounds and smells of that parade. In a more

  • Praising The Worthy Lamb

    Contributed by Rev. Hank Griffin on Jul 15, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    Praising The Worthy Lamb

    Praising The Worthy Lamb Rev. Hank F. Griffin There are many verses in Scripture that reference the word “praise”. Let us look at a few of those verses; and see some hindrances in our praises. We’ll also look at ways to praise Him. Psalm 150:6 (NKJV) Let everything that has more

  • Elevated Praise

    Contributed by Samuel Fulkerson on Sep 1, 2013

    Bionically there is a difference between Praise and Worship and Elevated Praise lifts one above the mundane and into the very presence of the very God.

    Quotes: "Fruitful and acceptable worship begins before it begins." -Alexander MacLaren “Worship gatherings are not always spectacular, but they are always supernatural." -Matt Chandler “An authentic life is the most personal form of worship." - Sarah Ban Breathnach. “…Thou more

  • Bringing Praise To His Glory Series

    Contributed by Neil Olcott on Jul 9, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    I believe there are some added features to this life we call Christian that some of us are not even aware of, or we have forgotten about and I hope that once we are made aware, we can live more fully!

    Date: April 26, 2009 Title: Bringing Praise To His Glory Text: Eph. 1:7-14 Subject: Complement: Main Idea: Intro: I have felt a bit like Job recently in regards to my cars. One car was our 1996 VW and it died. Then my Durango had its transmission die, then two Friday’s ago my Volvo had it’s more

  • A Foretaste Of Glory

    Contributed by Alvin Hathaway, Sr. on Mar 21, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    A Foretaste of Glory is our opportunity to praise God now prior to our time of eternal praise.

    Scripture: Revelation 4:1-11 Text: Revelation 4:1 Title: “A Foretaste of Glory” When you read the book of Revelation you need to understand that it is apocalyptic literature. In other words it is literature written in symbolic forms to describe end times. Not only is it apocalyptic, it is more

  • To God Be The Glory Series

    Contributed by Larry Grant on Jul 10, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    Power and glory belong only to God. He himself calls his Church, and rules, sanctifies and preserves it through his Word and his Spirit. Therefore, in return for the goodness bestowed upon us, we ought to thank and praise God, directing all our efforts to the recognition and glory of his name.

    Our Prayers, Our Passions & Our Praise The position is that the end of all things is at hand. The miserable destruction of the nation foretold by our Saviour is now very near; consequently, the time of their persecution and our sufferings is but very short. The world itself will not continue more