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  • Stop The Chariot

    Contributed by Reggie Corfield on Apr 26, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    The harvest is ready but the laborers are few! We haven't much time left to bring the lost sheep into the Lord's fold. If we truly love him, we should be about the Father's business.

    How many of you love St. Peter jokes? Here is one which I hope ties into our message for this morning. It goes like this: A man arrives at the gates of heaven. St. Peter asks, "Denomination?" The man says, "Methodist." St. Peter looks down his list, and says, "Go to more

  • Philip And The Eunuch

    Contributed by Gary Holt on Apr 27, 2024

    Philip shared Jesus with an important man who was reading Isaiah 53. God sent Philip to share the gospel and after hearing about Jesus the eunuch wanted to be baptised immediately.

    CREDIT: The opening illustration is from a Jeff Strite sermon. The bulk of the sermon has been edited from by Mark A. Copeland. I am not claiming originality on this sermon. Mark A. Copelands sermon is 80% of this sermon. It was just so good I wanted to share it more

  • Philip And The Ethiopian Eunuch – Excluded? Series

    Contributed by Roberta Karchner on May 1, 2024

    This series is about feeling included. The Ethiopian Eunuch was excluded from the temple for three reasons. He was a stranger. He didn't look like them (black skin). He was a Eunuch.

    Scripture: Acts 8:26-40 Since Easter, we have been covering the times Jesus appeared in person to continue to turn the world upside down. To put this passage in context, we need to start with where it is in the account of the early church. It began with everyone hanging out together, all of the more

  • Being The Scattered Church Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Jul 19, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    This is the 17th sermon in the Action Series. This series began during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Series: Action [#17] BEING THE SCATTERED CHURCH Acts 8:1-8, 26-40 Introduction: I asked some of the children a couple of questions that I want to ask you. “If I sold my house and my car, had a big garage sale and gave all my money to the church, would I get to Heaven?” “No”, the children more

  • The Wonder Of God's Leading Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Aug 2, 2020

    Go breaks down barriers, set up divine appointments and directs when it matters most.

    Good morning. We are going to look at a very exceptional encounter today, in Acts 8. • Philip was led to share the Gospel with a man from Ethiopia in a divine appointment. • That’s THE WONDER OF GOD’S LEADING. Have you ever experienced a blackout? You are walking about in your house at night more

  • Who Is An Evangelist? Series

    Contributed by Romesh Daniels on Jan 26, 2021

    Who is an Evangelist? What are they called to do? What does scripture say about who an evangelist is and what his/her calling is?

    Friends, when I say ‘evangelist’, what is the image that appears in your mind? How would you describe an evangelist? What words would you use to describe an evangelist? Well, I would like you to take a moment and write down what comes to your mind first for the above questions before reading the more

  • "only Use Words When Necessary??"

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Jan 30, 2021

    There are a couple of saying attributed to Francis of Assisi that have always been troubling to me. Every time we hear something from a preacher past or present what are we to do? We are to search the Scriptures to see if it is so, so let's do so!

    Was Francis Right? Please stand with me as we go over our current memory Scripture: Matthew 5:3-5 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” And our memory more

  • The Characteristics Of A Great Church Series

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Apr 26, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    This great church at Jerusalem is a God-given example of the characteristics necessary for a great church. I would suggest that each person read and meditate on the Acts chapter 4 to become intimately acquainted with God’s idea of a great church. I

    Sermon -The Characteristics of a Great Church Scripture Lesson: Acts 4:23-33 “As soon as they were freed, Peter and John returned to the other believers and told them what the leading priests and elders had said. 24 When they heard the report, all the believers lifted their voices together in more

  • There Is One Baptism Series

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on May 8, 2023

    Various churches have various teachings and various practices concerning baptism. But that does not mean that the Bible does not provide us with a good understanding of the will of God in the matter of baptism.

    Alba 5-7-2023 THERE IS ONE BAPTISM Ephesians 4:5 The story is told of a preacher who had just starting serving a new congregation. For eight Sundays in a row he preached about baptism. Finally, the chairman of the elders approached him and said, “Preacher, we get the point about baptism, and so more

  • The Work Of An Evangelist

    Contributed by Terry Hovey on May 19, 2023

    The Great Commission is our call to evangelize the world. It applies to every believer, without exception. And if you are a believer, but don’t have the desire to tell others about Jesus...then you are not right with God.

    The Work of an Evangelist Acts 8:26-40 Sitting in his Roman cell, knowing that the time of his death was at hand, the apostle Paul wrote one last letter to his protégé, Timothy, and encouraged him to remain faithful to the very end. He told him to 2Ti 4:5 …be watchful in all things, more

  • It Didn’t Just Happen

    Contributed by John Newton on Jun 4, 2023

    The crucifixion of Jesus was not a random incident: it was part of God’s plan from eternity

    It was a journey of some two thousand kilometers—from Jerusalem all the way back to what is modern-day Sudan. The lone traveler had come to worship at the Temple. And I can only imagine that it was for him a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As his horse plodded along, he occupied his time by more

  • The Holy Spirit At Work!

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Jun 6, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Over the years I have been amazed at some of the ways that the Holy Spirit gets our attention. In this message Casey tells how the Holy Spirit finally got through to him. And I would like for you to hear his story too.

    MELVIN NEWLAND, MINISTER RIDGE CHAPEL, KANSAS, OK THE HOLY SPIRIT AT WORK! TEXT: Romans 8:38-39; Acts 2:2-4, 36-43, 4:19-20, 8:1, 31-39, 9:3-5, 18:8, more

  • The Right Baptism Of The Right Person Series

    Contributed by Brandon Max on Jun 8, 2023

    The Bible declares to us in Ephesians 4:5 that there is only "One Baptism". This is of course Scriptural Baptism, which is Right Kind of Baptism... and must involve the Right Person.

    37) THE RIGHT BAPTISM OF THE RIGHT PERSON We Believe In One Baptism – Involving The Right Person. Text: Ephesians 4:5 “One Lord, one faith, one baptism,” BRIEF RECAP Last week we looked at the fact that we Believe in the ordinance of Scriptural Baptism. After all – “Baptism” is something clearly more

  • Why Was Jesus Baptized? PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 26, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the significance of Jesus' baptism, marking the transition from John the Baptist's ministry to Jesus', and the manifestation of the Holy Trinity.

    Welcome, dear friends, to this blessed gathering where we come together in unity, faith, and love to drink from the eternal wellspring of God's Word. We are here, not because of any merit of our own, but by God's grace, His unending love, and His call to us, His children. We stand on the precipice more

  • Philip And Ethiopian Eunuch Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Jan 13, 2021

    Evangelism is the work of a team. Evangelist, Holy Spirit, and a thirsty soul. God involves and inspires to reach people who are in need through his Evangelists and Gospel workers. read and enjoy the grace of God.

    Acts 8:26-40 Philip and Ethiopian Eunuch 08:26-29 Reaching the Thirsty Soul 08:30-35 Preaching Gospel to the Needy 08:36-40 Teaching on Baptism The gist: This week, we are here to learn about evangelism and the Disciple of a new person. Philip was an evangelist. He more

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