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  • Caring For The Elderly

    Contributed by Leo Samuel D G on Sep 15, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Caring for elders is not easy. But taking care of old age parents is a sweet experience because no other human has loved us like they did. God wants us to love and take care of them irrespective of whether or not they ‘deserve’ it.

    Need for caring for parents: A young couple was making great sacrifices for the upbringing of their child. A neighbour, who saw their deeds, asked them, “Will he take care of you when you are old?” Many of us, who are young adults, would have come across such a question in our life. But have we more

  • "A Message Of Offense: Jesus Said, "I Am”

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Aug 4, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Leonard Sweet “The Bad Habits of Jesus” “From healing on the Sabbath, to eating with unwashed hands and touching unclean people, to declaring Himself God,” were acts of heresy to the Jewish religious scholars. Jesus was sinning against the God of the Sabbath.”

    In Jesus Holy Name Pentecost 14 August 8, 2021 Text: John 6:28-29;35-51 “A Message of Offense: Jesus said, “I Am” Last Sunday our Gospel reading was from John chapter 6. Today our Gospel reading is from John Chapter 6. Our Gospel lesson next week is from John chapter 6. In staff this more

  • "The God Who Feeds My Soul”

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Jul 28, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    St. Augustine noted that every person has a God shaped hole in his or her soul. Deep in every human soul is a search for “Harmony” with our Creator, that was lost in the Garden of Eden. Quotes from John Stott and Leonard Sweet.

    In Jesus Holy Name August 1, 2021 Text: John 6:35 Redeemer “The God Who Feeds My Soul” St. Augustine noted that every person has a God shaped hole in his or her soul. People attempt to fill that cavity with lots of things but nothing satisfies our desire for more

  • 5 Keys To Grow Up Into Christ Series

    Contributed by John Gaston on Feb 6, 2021

    Traits of Babies: fussy, cranky, want pacifier, throw fits, want sweets, wear diaper -- is what many Christians resemble. God wants us to grow up. Here's 5 tips to gaining maturity in Christ.

    5 KEYS TO GROW UP INTO CHRIST BURLY IN GROWTH Eph. 4:11-13 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: Elon Musk Jokes 1. Conversation between a guy and a salesperson during the new Tesla roadster drive test..."Excuse me, sir, I see on the specs that the new Tesla roadster comes standard with a defibrillator. more

  • "The Prophet Meets The Messiah”

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Jan 6, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    When Joshua had the priest step into the Jordan River, they knew God was present, His promise. becoming reality. A new future, past gone but not forgotten. At the River Jordan, Jesus brings a new beginning. (Quotes from Leonard Sweet)

    In Jesus Holy Name January 9, 2022 Luke 3:16,21-22 “The Prophet Meets the Messiah” “The Mystery of God” said Isaiah, “is a bittersweet mystery.” It is a mystery for all kinds of people. Those who are bitter against God, or so,for what they consider His lack of concern, and a mystery for more

  • "The Church – The Body Of Jesus On Earth”...... "The Mission Statement Of Jesus”

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Jan 20, 2022

    The home coming of Jesus is similar to a 25th or 50th class reunion. Old playmates wanted demonstrations in their village, not the message of salvation. Leonard Sweet said: “Jesus is on earth today but not as an individual. He is here in the form of the “ekklesia”, the church.

    In Jesus Holy Name January 23, 2022 Luke 4:18-19 Epiphany IV “The Church – The Body of Jesus on Earth” “The Mission Statement of Jesus” Over the weekend at our church campout the topic came up regarding high school and college reunions. The very first thing that happens when you more

  • The Second Coming Of Christ - Part 4 Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Oct 10, 2015

    God Talks about the Timing: 1. The timing of the season should be studied (vs. 32-35). 2. Our knowledge of the day has been delayed (vs. 36-39). 3. The need to prepare is paramount (vs. 37-44).

    The Second Coming of Christ Part 4: God Talks about the Timing Matthew 24:29-44 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - July 8, 2015 BACKGROUND: *It was two days before the cross. Jesus had just finished condemning the Jewish religious leaders for stubbornly rejecting Him as the Messiah. more

  • Are People Still Asking...we Want To See Jesus?

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Mar 25, 2009
    based on 58 ratings

    Reflections on this text and our pluralistic culture with quotes from John Stott, Leonard Sweet "Soul Tsunami". We are not living in the world our parents grew up in. Biotechnology, genetic engineering, artifical life, nano technology are all around but

    Lent V John 12:20-21 Redeemer In Jesus Holy Name March 29, 2009 “Are People Still Asking to See Jesus?” When I was a kid in the 1950’s people’s minds and actions were saturated and wrapped in Christian values. The worship of God and honesty were important more

  • The Story "God Builds A Nation” Series

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Sep 6, 2017

    .. time for Plan “B” in a Plan “A” world. God decides to create a nation of special people. Leonard Sweet in His book: Jesus, A Theography writes: “The ultimate issue in the universe…..still today….. “who will be worshiped?” People must choose.

    In Jesus Holy Name May 8, 2016 Text: Genesis 12:1-3 Series: The Story Redeemer “God Builds a Nation” On our Redeemer Facebook page our staff posted the video of the life story of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, from “The Story”. I loved the artist who drew that history on a chalk more

  • The 3 'fear Nots' Of Christmas

    Contributed by John Gaston on Dec 8, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds were all told by angels to "Fear Not." Many times our lives -- even around Christmas time -- involve fears. But God gave us Christmas to bring sweet peace & joy!

    THE 3 FEAR NOTS OF CHRISTMAS Lk. 1:26-33 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. 'Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house; I searched for the tools to hand to my spouse. Instructions were studied and we were inspired, In hopes we could manage "Some Assembly Required." 2. The more

  • "Living Stress-Free In Uncertain Times”

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Nov 10, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    The lesson today is for anyone and everyone who desires to live stress free in a stress filled world. David the sweet psalmist of Israel gives us several the keys in Psalms 37. David is not a novice. He has an earned degree in finding contentment.

    Living Stress-Free in Uncertain Times Text: Psalms 37:1-9, 25 Introduction: I want to talk about a subject today that affects everyone in the room. It doesn’t matter, what your age, gender, or economic status, it affects us all. Today’s message addresses the subject of stress and worry. Did you more

  • Betrayal

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Feb 14, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    When we think of betrayal we think of people like Benedict Arnold who betrayed George Washington. We think of a spy or double agent. We understand the feelings that come with someone betraying us. It’s an emotional let down. When we’re betrayed we’re hurt

    BETRAYAL INTRODUCTION: When we think of betrayal we think of people like Benedict Arnold who betrayed George Washington. We think of a spy or double agent. We might think of reality shows like “Survivor” or “The Mole”. We’ve all experienced it on some level. We more

  • A God Who Gives Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Mar 19, 2003
    based on 290 ratings

    The Christmas narrative is in danger of being relegated to a sweet story that is just read once a year. Some of us have heard it so much that we’re no longer moved by the magnitude of the Majesty becoming a man. We must never forget that this is holy hi

    A God Who Gives As we prepare for Christmas, sometimes I wonder if we have allowed the Savior to be stolen from our celebrations. We’ve sterilized the spiritual and been inoculated by the familiarity of the nativity. “Merry Christmas” has been replaced with “Happy Holidays.” Have you noticed more

  • Christingle: Jesus Is The Light Of The World

    Contributed by Warner Pidgeon on Dec 23, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    A short but challenging all-age talk using a giant home-made ’Christingle’ (an orange with a red ribbon wrapped around, four sticks with fruit & sweets on & a white candle - all symbolism). God loves the world and sent Jesus as the Light of the World.

    In November I spent two weeks in Rwanda; a small country in Africa. It is a most beautiful country. There are countless rolling green hills, many of them filled with banana trees. Fields are teeming with rice plantations and there are rows and rows of tea plants. Lake Kivu in the North is stunning. more

  • Momentary Troubles To Eternal Majesty

    Contributed by Lalachan Abraham on Jan 2, 2013
    based on 14 ratings

    God uses trouble to teach His children precious lessons. They are intended to educate us. When their good work is done, a glorious recompense will come to us through them. There is a sweet joy and a real value in them. He does not regard them as difficult

    Momentary troubles to Eternal majesty “For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.” (2 Cor. 4:17). If there is one thing that this world is not short of it is troubles and disadvantages. But turning that adversity into more

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