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  • Think Bigger! - Genesis 17 Series

    Contributed by Scott Turansky on Jul 24, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    It’s the comments that he made about the games that really influenced me quite a bit in how I perceived myself and what that did for me.

    When I was growing up I grew up in a Christian home with parents who really had it together. I’m really grateful. My dad every evening before we went to bed he would play game with us. I remember playing games with my dad as a preschooler, elementary, even early teenager, we were playing games more

  • No Plan B - Genesis 22 Series

    Contributed by Scott Turansky on Jul 24, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    Abraham goes up with Isaac to the top of Mount Moriah to sacrifice his son.

    It was 11:30 in the morning on May 29, 1953 when the BBC announced that two people had reached the top of Mount Everest for the very first time. Edmund Hillary and his Sherpa guide made it all the way to the top on this expedition they were on. It took a lot of people to be involved in this more

  • Are You Drifting - Genesis 38 Series

    Contributed by Scott Turansky on Jul 25, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    We all have a problem and I want to talk about the problem today. It’s a problem that every Christian has.

    We all have a problem and I want to talk about the problem today. It’s a problem that every Christian has. It’s that tendency we have to drift away from the Lord. Relationships take work. Whether it’s a marriage relationship, you might drift away with your wife or your husband. You might drift away more

  • Genesis Women: Tough Choices

    Contributed by Jenny Franklin on Nov 23, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    God introduces several women in Genesis. They did not have easy lives. They experienced difficult situations. They had to make tough choices.

    Let's take a brief glimpse at some of the women in Genesis. We can learn lessons from the choices each of them made. Eve The mother of all living - Genesis 3:20 Ate of the forbidden fruit - Genesis 3:6 Consequences – sin and death entered the world Immediately – Lost her home (the Garden of more

  • Genesis Chapter Twenty-Five Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on May 24, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    These are thoughts on Genesis Chapter Twenty-Five. In his work, "What does every Bible chapter say..." John Hunt gives an overview of each chapter of the Bible. It is my intention to do the same thing here.

    GENESIS CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE OVERVIEW Overall what is happening in this chapter is that Abraham dies and Esau and Jacob are born. Thomas Coke (1801) – Genesis 25 Abraham takes Keturah to wife: the sons of Keturah. Isaac is confirmed in the inheritance of Abraham's property: Abraham dies. The more

  • Genesis Chapter Twenty-Six Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Jun 10, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    These are thoughts on Genesis Chapter Twenty-Six. In his work, "What does every Bible chapter say..." John Hunt gives an overview of each chapter of the Bible. It is my intention to do the same thing here.

    GENESIS CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX OVERVIEW Overall what is happening in this chapter is that there is a famine in the land and God instructs Isaac not to go to Egypt: Isaac goes to Gerar instead and starts digging wells. Thomas Coke (1801) – Genesis 26 Isaac, by God's command, sojourns in Gerar. more

  • Genesis Chapter Twenty-One Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Mar 13, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    These are thoughts on Genesis Chapter Twenty-One. In his work, "What does every Bible chapter say..." John Hunt gives an overview of each chapter of the Bible. It is my intention to do the same thing here.

    GENESIS CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE OVERVIEW Overall what is happening in this chapter is that Isaac the promised child is born which causes strife between Hagar and Sarah. Thomas Coke (1801) – Genesis 21 Isaac is born, is circumcised and weaned. At Sarah's request Hagar is driven out; to whom, more

  • Genesis Chapter Twenty-Two Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Mar 22, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    These are thoughts on Genesis Chapter Twenty-Two. In his work, "What does every Bible chapter say..." John Hunt gives an overview of each chapter of the Bible. It is my intention to do the same thing here.

    GENESIS CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO OVERVIEW Overall what is happening in this chapter is that Abraham is tested to make a sacrifice of Isaac. Thomas Coke (1801) – Genesis 22 Abraham, being commanded to offer up his son Isaac, when stretching forth his hand to slay him, is prevented by the angel of the more

  • Genesis Chapter Twenty-Three Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Mar 29, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    These are thoughts on Genesis Chapter Twenty-Three. In his work, "What does every Bible chapter say..." John Hunt gives an overview of each chapter of the Bible. It is my intention to do the same thing here.

    GENESIS CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE OVERVIEW Overall what is happening in this chapter is that Sarah dies and Abraham purchases a burial plot for her. Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge (2010) – Genesis 23 Overview: The age and death of Sarah; Genesis 23:1 The purchase of the field and cave of more

  • Genesis Chapter Twenty-Four Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Apr 17, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    These are thoughts on Genesis Chapter Twenty-Four. In his work, "What does every Bible chapter say..." John Hunt gives an overview of each chapter of the Bible. It is my intention to do the same thing here.

    GENESIS CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR OVERVIEW Overall what is happening in this chapter is that Abraham arranges for a suitable wife for Isaac. Thomas Coke (1801) – Genesis 24 Abraham sends his eldest servant to his relations, to take a wife for his son Isaac. Rebekah meets the servant, who is more

  • In The Beginning.... Genesis 1:1 Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Oct 2, 2022

    God existed forever even before time as we know it; God gave us time to comprehend His schedule!

    Please grab a Bible. What do we have in our hands?? The Bible is the Word of God! God breathed out His words through men and God decided to have His words written. God called Moses to write the first five books of the Bible. What are the first 4 words of the Bible???? In the beginning God! The more

  • Genesis Chapter Twenty-Seven Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Oct 3, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    These are thoughts on Genesis Chapter Twenty-Seven. In his work, "What does every Bible chapter say..." John Hunt gives an overview of each chapter of the Bible. It is my intention to do the same thing here.

    GENESIS CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN OVERVIEW Overall what is happening in this chapter is that Jacob receives the blessing of Isaac with the help of Rebekah and trickery. Thomas Coke (1801) – Genesis 27 Jacob, clothed in the garments of Esau, is blessed by Isaac. Esau, hearing of Jacob's action, more

  • Genesis Chapter Twenty-Eight Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Oct 6, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    These are thoughts on Genesis Chapter Twenty-Eight. In his work, "What does every Bible chapter say..." John Hunt gives an overview of each chapter of the Bible. It is my intention to do the same thing here.

    GENESIS CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT OVERVIEW Overall what is happening in this chapter is that Jacob prepares to leave his parents and is directed to take a wife from the daughters of Laban his uncle. On his journey Jacob has a dream of a ladder reaching to heaven. Thomas Coke (1801) – Genesis 28 Isaac more

  • Genesis Chapter Twenty-Nine Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Oct 24, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    These are thoughts on Genesis Chapter Twenty-Nine. In his work, "What does every Bible chapter say..." John Hunt gives an overview of each chapter of the Bible. It is my intention to do the same thing here.

    GENESIS CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE OVERVIEW Overall what is happening in this chapter is that Jacob goes to Laban’s house and marries Rachel and Leah. Thomas Coke (1801) – Genesis 29 Jacob is kindly received by Laban. He loves Rachel, and serves seven years for her. Laban substitutes Leah, the eldest more

  • Genesis Chapter Thirty-One Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Nov 22, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    These are thoughts on Genesis Chapter Thirty-One. In his work, "What does every Bible chapter say..." John Hunt gives an overview of each chapter of the Bible. It is my intention to do the same thing here.

    GENESIS CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE OVERVIEW Overall what is happening in this chapter is that Jacob decides to return to his home country with his wives and children, but Laban peruses him. Thomas Coke (1801) – Genesis 31 Jacob, having communicated his design to his wives, departs secretly from Laban more

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