
Summary: These are thoughts on Genesis Chapter Forty-Seven. In his work, "What does every Bible chapter say..." John Hunt gives an overview of each chapter of the Bible. It is my intention to do the same thing here.


Overall what is happening in this chapter is that Joseph’s family settles in Egypt as the famine continues.

Thomas Coke (1801) – Genesis 47

Jacob, and five of his sons, are introduced to Pharaoh, who assigns the land of Goshen to them. The Egyptians deliver up their fields, their cattle, and themselves for food. Joseph assures Jacob, by an oath, that he will bury him in the sepulchre of his fathers.

The Cambridge Bible (1882) – Genesis 47

Joseph’s Brethren and Jacob before Pharaoh. (Genesis 47:1-11)

The Famine in Egypt and Joseph’s Policy. (Genesis 47:12-27)

Jacob’s Deathbed. (Genesis 47:28-31)

Joseph Benson’s Commentary (1857) – Genesis 47

In this chapter we have instances of:

(1) Joseph’s kindness to his relations, presenting his brethren first, and then his father to Pharaoh, (Genesis 47:1-10); settling them in Goshen, and providing for them there, (Genesis 47:11-12); paying his respects to his father when he sent for him, (Genesis 47:27-31).

(2) Joseph’s justice between prince and people in a very critical affair; selling Pharaoh’s corn to his subjects with reasonable profit to Pharaoh, and yet without any wrong to them, (Genesis 47:13-26).

John Gill (1746) – Genesis 47

This chapter gives an account of the presentation of five of Joseph's brethren, and then of his father, to Pharaoh, and of what passed between them, (Genesis 47:1); of Joseph's settlement of them, according to the direction of Pharaoh, in the land of Rameses in Goshen, and of his provision for them there, (Genesis 47:11); of his getting into his hands, for Pharaoh, the money, cattle, and lands, of the Egyptians, excepting the lands belonging to the priests, for corn he had supplied them with, (Genesis 47:13); of his giving them seed to sow with, on condition of Pharaoh's having a fifth part of the produce, (Genesis 47:23), of the increase of Jacob's substance in Egypt, and that of his children; of the time of his living there, and his approaching death, when he called Joseph to him, and obliged him by an oath to bury him in the burying place of his fathers, (Genesis 47:27).

Adam Clarke (1826) – Genesis 47

Joseph informs Pharaoh that his father and brethren are arrived in Goshen, (Genesis 47:1). He presents five of his brethren before the king, (Genesis 47:2), who questions them concerning their occupation; they inform him that they are shepherds, and request permission to dwell in the land of Goshen, (Genesis 47:3-4). Pharaoh consents, and desires that some of the most active of them should be made rulers over his cattle, (Genesis 47:5-6). Joseph presents his father to Pharaoh, (Genesis 47:7), who questions him concerning his age, (Genesis 47:8), to which Jacob returns an affecting answer, and blesses Pharaoh, (Genesis 47:9-10). Joseph places his father and family in the land of Rameses, (Goshen), and furnishes them with provisions, (Genesis 47:11-12. The famine prevailing in the land, the Egyptians deliver up all their money to Joseph to get food, (Genesis 47:13-15). The next year they bring their cattle, (Genesis 47:16-17). The third, their lands and their persons, (Genesis 47:18-21). The land of the priests Joseph does not buy, as it was a royal grant to them from Pharaoh, (Genesis 47:22). The people receive seed to sow the land on condition that they shall give a fifth part of the produce to the king, (Genesis 47:23- 24). The people agree, and Joseph makes it a law all over Egypt, (Genesis 47:25-26). The Israelites multiply exceedingly, (Genesis 47:27). Jacob, having lived seventeen years in Goshen, and being one hundred and forty-seven years old, (Genesis 47:28), makes Joseph promise not to bury him in Egypt, but in Canaan, (Genesis 47:29-30). Joseph promises and confirms it with an oath, (Genesis 47:31).

Matthew Henry (1714) – Genesis 47

In this chapter we have instances:

I. Of Joseph's kindness and affection to his relations, presenting his brethren first and then his father to Pharaoh (Genesis 47:1-10), settling them in Goshen, and providing for them there (Genesis 47:11-12), and paying his respects to his father when he sent for him (Genesis 47:27-31).

II. Of Joseph's justice between prince and people in a very critical affair, selling Pharaoh's corn to his subjects with reasonable profits to Pharaoh, and yet without any wrong to them (Genesis 47:13). Thus he approved himself wise and good, both in his private and in his public capacity.


Genesis 47:14 Joseph gathered all the money that was found in the land of Egypt and in the land of Canaan for the grain which they bought, and Joseph brought the money into Pharaoh's house.


Because of Joseph’s insight and administrative skills – he saves not only his family but many Egyptians.


Luke 16:10 "He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much.


“All that have a place in the world should have an employment in it according to their capacity, some occupation or other, mental or manual.” Matthew Henry

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