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Sermons on Genesis 42:29:

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  • Real Forgiveness From God Series

    Contributed by Bruce Landry on Apr 20, 2002
    based on 28 ratings

    Joseph will show real God like characteristics in Forgiving his brothers and God continues to care for the nation of Israel during this time of famine.

    Real Forgiveness from God A. Reason and Recognition B. Rebukes, Requirements and Remorse C. Restraint and Return D. Review Have you ever been in a situation where you do something that you know is wrong but you justify yourself in the fact the “the other person deserved it”, “the other person more

  • When Integrity Meets The Guilty Series

    Contributed by Dean O'bryan on Jul 17, 2006
    based on 24 ratings

    This is the fifth in a series on the life of Joseph. His "test" here is how he will treat those who have treated him so horribly, now that he has power, position and privilege.

    Trinity Baptist Church July 16, 2006 Series: Character on Display When Integrity Encounters the Guilty Genesis 42 Most people love “rags to riches” stories -- especially if the people who suddenly come into wealth are the “good people“ in the story. One of my favorite “rags to riches” more

  • Turning Burdens Into Bridges Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Oct 1, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    True healing in our relationships begins when, in reliance upon God, we recognize our own sin with a remorse that leads to full repentance.

    Sometime ago, an ad appeared in a Kansas newspaper, which read: “We will oil your sewing machine and adjust the tension in your home for only $1. (Leadership, Fall 1986, p.46). Wouldn’t that be nice, getting a quick fix for the tension in our homes or in any of our relationships? As we all more

  • Studies In Genesis: Chapter 42 Series

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Oct 18, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    This is a study of the book of Genesis. Genesis and Revelation are two of the most disputed books in the Bible. The premise of this study is the foundation of creation.

    Note: When doing a study on a book in the Bible you use a lot of resources. The major influence for me on this study of Genesis is The Genesis Record by Henry Morris. Purpose of Chapter: To show the leading of the Israelites into Egypt Title: The testing of character Text: Genesis 42 Main more

  • Grief, Guilt, Grudge! Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Jul 6, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Because the three G’s, grief, guilt, and grudge, will happen in our lives, are we clinging to the Big G, God, for answers?

    Are you grieving because you lost a loved one? Do you have guilt because you did something wrong? Do you have a grudge because someone hurt you? Maybe you are struggling with all three; you are grieving, you have guilt, and you have a grudge! The message this morning provides an answer to all more

  • The Life Of Joseph - Part 4 Series

    Contributed by Rich Anderson on Feb 14, 2011

    God's promises are just as much for us as they were for Joseph. His grace is still at work. His tender mercies accompany us from the pit to the pinnacle.

    Oh the life of Joseph, Jacob’s son. This treasured story is found towards the end of the first book of the Bible, Genesis. Up to this point we have read about Joseph’s faithfulness and patience, even when he was persecuted and treated poorly. Even when he was left alone, disowned and more

  • Grappling With Guilt Series

    Contributed by Paul Barreca on May 26, 2013

    Joseph teaches an important lesson on overcoming guilt. This message will examine the Source, the Symptoms and the Solution for guilt.

    It was Ninth Grade English Literature class. We were reading American short stories, and our assignment was to read Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Tell Tale Heart.” Following are some highlights from the chilling tale... “The officers were satisfied. My MANNER had convinced more

  • The Test Of Power And Authority

    Contributed by Manny Salva Cruz on Aug 24, 2014

    Many times, we get hurt and we wanted to take revenge. But God reminds us through the story of Joseph that we have been placed by God in that position of authority for a greater purpose and that we must always manifest a humble heart.

    THE TEST OF POWER AND AUTHORITY Last week, we talked about the promotion of Joseph to the second highest in command of Egypt. He had been lifted up from the dark dungeon of despair to the palace of great responsibility, authority and power. It was a long process of waiting patiently and more

  • The Long Path Toward Reconciliation Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jan 21, 2020

    Sometimes forgiveness and restoration can be a long, strenuous process. The damage from deep wrongs cannot be instantly repaired.

    The Long Path Toward Reconciliation (Genesis 42:1-38) 1. We try to communicate to women who have had abortions is that “God heals & forgives.” 2. When it comes to restoring our relationship with God, repentance and confession are the direction in which we should head. 3. But how about our more

  • Joseph Meets His Brothers Series

    Contributed by Claude Alexander on Oct 8, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    And God said to Abram, “Know for certain that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, where they will be enslaved and oppressed four hundred years” (Genesis 15:13).

    Joseph meets his brothers. Gen. 42:1-38 And God said to Abram, “Know for certain that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, where they will be enslaved and oppressed four hundred years” (Genesis 15:13). The events of chapter 42 are thus the occasion for the fulfillment more

  • Emotions Under Control Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 24, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    I know it is a popular myth that the Christian is supposed to experience only the good ones of love, joy, and peace, but unfortunately the Word of God will not support this myth. God's people in the Bible felt every feeling there is to be felt.

    Three Frenchmen have come to the rescue of fathers who have no pleasure in trying to discover if their baby needs a diaper change. They have invented a little electronic device that fits right into the infant's diaper. As soon as there is any contact with moisture it breaks out with a bubbly more

  • Turning Burdens Into Bridges Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Nov 5, 2017
    based on 2 ratings

    True healing in your relationships begin when, in reliance upon God, you recognize your own sin with a remorse that leads to full repentance.

    Sometime ago, an ad appeared in a Kansas newspaper, which read: “We will oil your sewing machine and adjust the tension in your home for only $1. (Leadership, Fall 1986, p.46). Wouldn’t that be nice, getting a quick fix for the tension in our homes or in any of our relationships? As we all know, more

  • Genesis Chapter Forty-Two Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Apr 24, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    These are thoughts on Genesis Chapter Forty-Two. In his work, "What does every Bible chapter say..." John Hunt gives an overview of each chapter of the Bible. It is my intention to do the same thing here.

    GENESIS CHAPTER FORTY-TWO OVERVIEW Overall what is happening in this chapter is that the brothers of Joseph go to Egypt to buy grain. Thomas Coke (1801) – Genesis 42 Jacob sends his sons into Egypt to buy corn, but keeps Benjamin at home. Joseph knows his brethren, though they know not him. He more

  • Times Of Testing. Joseph Meets His Brothers. Genesis 42-43

    Contributed by William Akehurst on Nov 11, 2024

    Joseph‘s brothers come to Egypt and undergo a time of testing. As they come into their brother’s presence, unbeknownst to them, they bow low before him. Joseph’s Dream has been fulfilled.

    2024.11.10. Sermon Notes. Genesis 42-43. The Test Begins. Joseph meets his brothers. Dreams fulfilled. William Akehurst, HSWC BIG IDEA: Joseph‘s brothers come to Egypt and undergo a time of testing. As they come into their brother’s presence, unbeknownst to them, they bow low before him. more

  • Liberty And Jesus For All: The Ingredients Of Freedom Series

    Contributed by Perry Fowler on Jun 28, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    God was at work in Joseph's life; but also his brothers. Ultimately God would make a nation out of the 12 tribes *(these boys) so ground work was being laid, even through the binding of Simeon (the lack of freedom) What do we learn about freedom through this event?

    Perhaps you’ve heard the story about our national bird; the eagle. Initially, Benjamin Franklin struggled with the idea of the eagle being our national bird. He wrote his daughter criticizing the selection of the eagle being the representative symbol of our national freedom; instead, he preferred more

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