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Sermons on Genesis 27:25:

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  • ¿cómo Enderezar Lo Torcido En Las Relaciones?

    Contributed by Phil Jolley on Nov 21, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Tratando de ayudar en las relaciones de las familias a través de la familia de Jacob

    ¿Cómo enderezar lo torcido en las relaciones? Jacob y su relación con la familia. Génesis 27, 31, 33 Introducción Cada uno tenemos un sueño de la familia idónea. Algo así como un ambiente de cariño y seguridad en lo cual los niños se crian felizmente y los padres les dan consejos de more

  • The Story Of Esau And Jacob - Why It's Destructive To Hold A Grudge

    Contributed by Daren Mitchell on Oct 8, 2013

    For those of us who have or maybe are holding grudges now, I hope you understand how destructive it is for you. It's impossible to love those you hold a grudge against.

    Have you ever held a grudge? I have. I was once accused of plagiarizing material I wrote for a small group study. The person who accused me wanted to fire me, but, didn't have the authority himself to do it, so he tried to diminish my character by accusing me of stealing my material. I have to more

  • Dealing With Family Squabbles

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Sep 4, 2013

    Family squabbles are normal, but we can prevent them

    A. A FAMILY WILL FIGHT THAT NEVER TALKS TOGETHER 1. Jacob schemes to get the birthright, i.e., to be the spiritual head. 2. Isaac, Rebekah and children didn’t communicate. a. Isaac didn’t talk to wife about pregnancy (25:21). b. Rebekah didn’t talk about physical problems more

  • A Father’s Blessing

    Contributed by Mark Opperman on Jan 14, 2014

    When these 4 ingredients are present, & practiced consistently, then our children grow up solid, secure & confident of themselves, able to go out into the world & function normally. A father's blessing is essential for a child.

    A Father’s Blessing Intro: There is a crisis in our world today. Way too many Dads are MIA. Whatever the cause (and sometimes the cause is noble), the problem is what happens to the kids who miss out on what only a Dad can offer. When Fathers are involved in their kids’ lives in a more

  • Say Yes To The Goat Skins Series

    Contributed by Troy Luttrell on Oct 6, 2014

    This sermon will focus on the difficulty of saying no to the flesh. Even though we have rules and law, they are no match to stop us from choosing our fleshly desires.

    Background • Review Genesis 25; twins yet born completely opposite (lost/saved) • Parents show favoritism, and this will lead to a divided family. When we come to chapter 27, Isaac is around 137 and both boys are in their middle 70’s. • This sermon will focus more

  • Models For Motherhood

    Contributed by Keith Broyles on Oct 7, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    A Mother's Day sermon looking at Rebecca

    There are several Christian authors I enjoy reading. One of them is Chuck Swindoll. Swindoll once wrote something I found very interesting. He tells about a book he discovered on his bookshelf one day. It was a book he had never read. I understand about books being on my shelf I have never read, I more

  • Why Would You Lie? Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jun 11, 2017
    based on 7 ratings

    According to a surveys, people lie a lot... especially to their families. Why would they do that, what are the consequences, and what can God do to help them stop?

    OPEN: In our brotherhood we had a great preacher named Wayne Smith who was something of a cutup on stage. He mentioned once that in English Class they taught him that using 2 negatives in a sentence made a positive statement. And he said that, since that was true “The way I figure it, if I know I’m more

  • The End Doesn’t Justify The Means. Genesis 27:1-46 Series

    Contributed by Shine Thomas on Apr 17, 2017

    A survey through Jacob’s life that shows us that principles and values in life is more important if you want to sustain God’s blessings. The end doesn’t justify the means.

    Follow us on: Website: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: Introduction: We all have great dreams and ambitions in life. In the process of more

  • Dealing With Family Squabbles Lesson 4 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Apr 24, 2017

    A family will fight that never talks together

    A. A FAMILY WILL FIGHT THAT NEVER TALKS TOGETHER 1. Jacob schemes to get the birthright, i.e., to be the spiritual head. 2. Isaac, Rebekah and children didn’t communicate. a. Isaac didn’t talk to wife about pregnancy (25:21). b. Rebekah didn’t talk about physical problems (25:26). c. Did parents more

  • The Greatest Blessing For Our Family

    Contributed by Robert Webb on Jun 30, 2018

    Our children need to realize they have great potential and value. We must love our children for who they are and that is exactly the way God shows his love for us.

    I suppose every parent here today can relate to the question, at some point, what does the future hold for my child? In fact most parents worry about it more than our children do. It’s kind of like the story of the father that came home one day and found out his child had been watching TV all day more

  • "Me? Barabbas?”

    Contributed by John Gaston on Mar 26, 2018

    Barabbas watched as Jesus was beaten with HIS beating, as Jesus took up HIS cross, and as Jesus was peirced with HIS nails. He got a special revelation of Jesus as his substitute!

    “ME? BARABBAS?” Mt. 27:15-17, 20-26 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: You really wonder about people’s common sense when you’ve read some of these instruction labels: 1. On a hairdryer: Do not use while sleeping. 2. On box of Cracker Jacks: You could be a winner! No purchase necessary. Details inside. more

  • Jacob’s Deception Of Isaac

    Contributed by John Gaston on Sep 5, 2018

    Rebekah disguised Jacob to deceive Isaac and seize the family fortune. 4 things caused the deception to work. These 4 are keys to deception, even today!

    JACOB’S DECEPTION OF ISAAC Gen. 27:14-30 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: When God Rocks Your Boat 1. In the late ’50s I was ­working construction, leveling the corner of a house that we had jacked about 4 inches above the ground. One of the jacks slipped and the house came down with a loud bang. 2. more

  • Blessings Lost Series

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Jan 22, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    As we continue our series in the Book of Genesis, here we see Esau lose his birthright to Isaac.

    Blessings Lost Text: Genesis 27:1-29 By: Ken McKinley Now before we begin this morning, I want to remind you of chapter 25… it was in chapter 25 where we read about how Jacob stole Esau’s birthright. Remember? Esau was more concerned about the flesh, and fleshly desires than he was about his own more

  • The Foundation: Blessing Your Child Series

    Contributed by Timothy Smith on May 3, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    #2 in a six week series on marriage and parenting. This message begins the parenting portion of the series by discussing the concept of giving a Biblical blessing to your child.

    THE FOUNDATION: BLESSING YOUR CHILD Home Improvement - Week 2 GENESIS 27:1-38 INTRODUCTION: Like so many things in life, balance is needed in parenting. We balance physical activity and intellectual pursuits. We balance giving our children what they want and what they need. But probably the more

  • Isaac--Fool Me Once, Shame On Me!

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Feb 16, 2021

    Isaac asked his son Esau to prepare a special dinner. Several things happened, though, that changed the family dynamic forever.

    Introduction: At the time of this incident, Isaac was considered an old man, and he was afraid he was going to die soon. He asked Esau, his oldest son, to prepare him some food from game Esau would hunt in the fields. The rest of this story is a classic of deceit, in that a family was torn apart more

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