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Sermons on Génesis 18:26:

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  • Negotiating With God

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Jun 13, 2007
    based on 22 ratings

    We live in perilous & prosperous times. We have every modern convenience and an abundance of leisure time. We live amongst cities like Sodom and Gomorrah. We profit by living in the shadow of their wickedness. Are we just Negotiating with God?

    Negotiating with God The title for this mornings message is Negotiating with God. I must admit straight out that I am not a great negotiator. My wife would give me very strict instructions to keep my mouth shut when we went looking for a new car or any other major purchase. Having grown up in more

  • God's Kind Of Man Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Russell on Jun 26, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Characteristics of a man God blesses and uses

    Abraham’s life consisted of five characteristics that made him a man that God blessed and used... 1. God’s Kind of Man is COMMITTED (v. 19a) 2. God’s Kind of Man is the CHIEF (v. 19b) 3. God’s Kind of Man is CONSECRATED (v. 19c) 4. God’s Kind of Man is COURAGEOUS (v. 22) 5. God’s Kind of Man more

  • For A Few Good Men

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Dec 28, 2009
    based on 1 rating


    FOR A FEW GOOD MEN (GENESIS 18:1-8, 16-33) I borrowed a fascinating book from my seminary library after I heard the speaker at our school chapel. In the Chinese book by the odd title "I Love Curry Village." Hong Kong missionary Yim reveals that after ten years of mission work in India he could only more

  • Can I Be Honest To God?

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Aug 6, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    A look at the invitation (and the need) for us to be bold and honest in our talking with God.

    Is it ok to question God? - The presumption is usually that the answer is “no.” - Just sit down and shut up. Just take it. - When you hear people pray, a lot of the praying is very rote and formulaic. It’s pretty rare that you’ll hear someone really bearing their heart to God. It’s even more

  • Counting The Righteous

    Contributed by W Pittendreigh on May 12, 2005
    based on 28 ratings

    Does one bad apple really spoil the bunch? Can one good apple redeem the bad bunch?

    There is in our culture an ancient yet conventional piece of wisdom. It is so ancient that it was part of the teachings of ancient Israel, but it is so conventional, that it was taught to all of us by our grade school and Sunday school teachers. Our 3rd grade teacher probably put it to us as more

  • The Day God Came Near

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Mar 27, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    (1) In prayer, we are engaging an active God who respond. (2) In prayer, do not limit the way God respond to you; and (3) in prayer, God converse with you as His friend.

    [I’ve take most thoughts in this sermon from John White’s book People in Prayer.] Last week we look at one of God’s promise when a person prays: • Heb 11:6 “...anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.” • God gives us a promise, that if more

  • Sarah Laughed

    Contributed by William Hayes on Apr 26, 2006
    based on 28 ratings

    A meditation on Biblical themes joined by the word laughter.

    I had a terrible thing happen a few weeks ago when I was taking a service in a wee church (that shall remain nameless) in the country. I had got to that stage in the service where I was leading people in the prayers of confession and as I was just about to finish a particularly sombre bit about more

  • Plead With The Lord, Adonai (אדני), With Humble Persistence Series

    Contributed by Gregg Bitter on Jun 15, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    How can we call on the the Lord (Adonai) who reigns over all? Abraham teaches us about persistence in prayer. Parts: A. For he rules over all with justice. B. For he has redeemed you, his people.

    Text: Genesis 18:16-33 Theme: Plead with the Lord, /Adonai/ (אדני), with Humble Persistence A. For he rules over all with justice B. For he has redeemed you, his people Season: Pentecost 3c -- God’s Names Date: June 13, 2010 Web page: more

  • Part 5 - Genesis 18:16-33 - The Winner Takes It All! Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Jul 9, 2010
    based on 16 ratings

    I can wager all my GOOD WORKS against the WORK OF CHRIST on the Cross. Even when my chips are down I can throw the DICE OF DEATH on the chance that I will win.

    Part 5 - Genesis 18:16-33 - THE WINNER TAKES IT ALL! A person recently said to me as they were dying that the Bible was just a series of myths and stories, and if I want to, I can choose to live my life assuming that it is. I can choose to treat heaven like a GAME OF CHANCE and the Bible as more

  • Part 6 - Genesis 18:16-33 - Crashed And Burned! Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Jul 13, 2010
    based on 10 ratings

    In Genesis 18:22 there is still HOPE for Sodom as Abraham stands in the gap. God's righteousness as well as His justice walked towards Sodom that day while His grace conversed with Abraham.

    Part 6 - Genesis 18:16-33 - CRASHED AND BURNED! CRASHED AND BURNED! All my computer files from the last 10 years gone! No full back-ups so no way of retrieving it all. It seems I have lived the last 10 years on the ASSUMPTION that computers last forever, just keep adding data to them. Not so! more

  • Part 7 - Genesis 18:16-33 - How Could A Loving God Send People To Hell? Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Jul 15, 2010
    based on 14 ratings

    DID SODOM DESERVE JUDGMENT? Oh Yes! How could a loving God send people to hell? Ever asked that question? I have. Read on...

    Part 7 - Genesis 18:16-33 - HOW COULD A LOVING GOD SEND PEOPLE TO HELL? In the early years of her life she witnessed horrific events as members of her family were beheaded in conflicts in China. Although she was only a little girl, MI LEE (not her real name) was forced to watch and still more

  • Part 8 - Genesis 18:16-33 - The Gavel, The Cross And The Taliban! Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Jul 16, 2010
    based on 14 ratings

    I am all too ready to say that the TALIBAN deserve God's judgment without really thinking twice. I tend to think of them in the same way that I think about SODOM AND GOMORRAH. But did Sodom and Gomorrah really deserve to be judged? Does the Taliban?

    Part 8 - Genesis 18:16-33 - PRAYING FOR THE TALIBAN...AND YOU? I am all too ready to say that the TALIBAN deserve God's judgment without really thinking twice. I tend to think of them in the same way that I think about SODOM AND GOMORRAH. But did Sodom and Gomorrah really deserve to be judged? more

  • Reasoning With God

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Jul 25, 2012

    The effectiveness of bold petition to God.

    Introduction There was a TV series in which the star would receive a newspaper with headlines about some kind of tragedy to take place in the near future. His task then was to intercede in time to prevent the tragedy from occurring. Abraham had such an experience. God stopped by for dinner, and as more

  • God Shows Us The Way To Pray Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Mar 31, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    1. God makes a revelation to us. 2. We make our requests to God. 3. God makes the right response.

    Old Testament Encounters with Christ Part 10: God Shows Us the Way to Pray Genesis 18:1-33 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - Jan. 25, 2012 BACKGROUND: *What would you do if the Lord came to lunch? -- That’s the question we answered last week in the first part of Genesis 18. more

  • Prayer Changes Lives

    Contributed by Tim Hinrichs on May 8, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Intercession for the lost does not guarantee salvation but it opens tremendous doors for those that we intercede for and the Lord is calling us to faithfully pray and follow that up with our testimony of love.

    Last week we looked at the foundational parts of having a close encounter with God. (Close Encounters with God) We saw how God wants to meet with us every day and that face to face encounter begins with our welcoming him. Then we worship him. We pour out our hearts to him. And finally we more

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