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Sermons on Genesis 15:21:

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  • Genesis 15 Series

    Contributed by Richard Cathers on Apr 16, 2007
    based on 31 ratings

    Verse by verse study of Genesis 15

    Genesis 15 Sunday Morning Bible Study February 11, 2007 Introduction Genesis 14 was the story of the raid of the Eastern Kings. Coming from the area of ancient Babylon, these kings came sweeping into the land of Canaan, conquering everything in their sight. When they left to go home, they carried more

  • So Let It Be Done To Me Series

    Contributed by Thomas Black on Jan 28, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    God’s covenants are irrevocable; He will not back out of his promises: he has staked his life on it.

    Passage: Genesis 15:7-21 Rosee was an elderly lady who always sat in front of our family in church. She was a kindly lady and I remember as a child one occasion in particular where she gave me a butterscotch candy just before church. My understanding was that any time I asked her for one, she more

  • Abraham: What's His God Like?

    Contributed by Dana Chau on Mar 3, 2003
    based on 28 ratings

    Discover what Abraham’s God was like throught God’s perception of Abraham.

    Abraham: What’s His God Like? Genesis 15 As a pastor I’ve gotten used to talking about God. It’s not that have a special line to God or that I’ve known God the longest of all of us. It’s a privilege and a calling to be a pastor, and part of the pastor’s role is to tell others about God, based more

  • Proper Introductions

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Jan 19, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    We are introduced to the Almighty God of the Universe. We are introduced to a man named Abraham and something called faith. We are also introduced to the idea of

    PROPER INTRODUCTIONS GENESIS 15:1-21 INTRODUCTION The Christian Education Ministry is focusing on twelve books this year for our church to study. This month, is Genesis. I would like to highlight one passage each month in the different books to help you in your reading and to keep you motivated more

  • Shield Of God’s Word Series

    Contributed by Tim Hinrichs on May 17, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Abraham overcomes fear with the shield of God’s promises - so can we.

    The more I study scripture, the more I discover that there are no great men and women of God in the Bible. There is only one hero and that is the Lord himself. Even the greatest man or woman fails in Scripture and any success they do have is not of themselves but is completely the work of God’s more

  • The Covenant With Abraham Series

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on May 18, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Number 27 in our series on Genesis. In this sermon we examine more closely the covenant God made with Abraham.

    The Covenant with Abraham (Genesis part 27) Text: Genesis 15:1 – 21 By: Ken McKinley Well, for the last few Sunday’s we’ve been talking about Abraham, and we’ve been looking at how he has grown in his faith and in his walk with the Lord. We’ve seen him act in faith more

  • Don't Settle For Plan B - Go For Plan A(Braham)

    Contributed by Fr Mund Cargill Thompson on Sep 29, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    God gives us dreams of his big plans for us - but as time goes on, we feel we have to "be realistic" - The lesson from Abraham: don't. Just keep trusting the God for whom nothing is impossible.

    Sermon on Genesis 15 "Don't settle for Plan B: Go for Plan A--Braham" A representative of the gas company phoned the owner of an expensive new home to make an appointment for the service man to come in and light the pilot lights and adjust the furnace. The owner said that was OK, but he more

  • Studies In Genesis: Chapters 15 Series

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Oct 15, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    This is a study of the book of Genesis. Genesis and Revelation are two of the most disputed books in the Bible. The premise of this study is the foundation of creation.

    Note: When doing a study on a book in the Bible you use a lot of resources. The major influence for me on this study of Genesis is The Genesis Record by Henry Morris. Genesis 15 1. After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I [am] more

  • Part 2 - Genesis 15:6-21 - Chasing Away The Vultures Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Apr 2, 2010
    based on 14 ratings

    Some vultures swooped down to eat the carcasses, but Abram chased them away" Notice there is ALWAYS SOMETHING OR SOMEONE WHO WILL TRY TO STOP YOU ENTERING INTO A COVENANT relationship with God, and you will have to refuse to let them.

    Part 2 - Genesis 15:6-21 - CHASING AWAY THE VULTURES Moving to Sydney from the Whitsunday's in Australia is like moving to a new country - it has a culture of it's own which is vastly different. Moving into a new ministry also has it's challenges and so I can identify with Abram as God brought him more

  • Genesis 25 Series

    Contributed by Tom Owen on Jun 25, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Genesis verse-by-verse

    Genesis 25 One day a man holidaying in the Bahamas noticed a big crowd gathered at the end of the pier. As he got closer he observed someone preparing for a solo journey around the world in a tiny homemade boat. Without exception everybody was telling him all the things that could go wrong. more

  • God's Promise To Abram Renewed Series

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Feb 10, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    As we continue to follow the life of Abraham one would think after a event like separating from his own flesh and blood (Lot), that things would be different. But it is in times like these that God shines through.

    Abraham: Following in the Footsteps Of Faith GOD’S PROMISE TO ABRAM RENEWED Genesis 13:14-18 Intro: Last week we looked at the trouble that arose between Abram and Lot, over the feeding of their livestock. And we learned just how each man handled that situation. Abram handled it with peace and in more

  • Moving Toward Maturity Series

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Mar 17, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    So, how mature are you in the Christian faith. Have you moved forward from the day that you came to know Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or are you still in Spiritual kindergarten?

    Abraham: Following In the Footsteps of Faith MOVING TOWARD MATURITY Genesis 15:7-23 Intro: Hopefully, we all know what faith is. According to the Bible in Heb. 11:1 it defines faith has, "The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." But, did you know that faith is something more

  • Overview Of Genesis 15: The Conflict

    Contributed by Bruce Ball on Mar 22, 2009
    based on 11 ratings

    A sermon discussing Abram and Sarai, their sin, and their obedience. It also details the root cause of the conflict in the Middle East today ... a conflict between distant relatives.

    On our trip through the book of GENESIS, we have covered the creation of the world on down to a man named Abram, who was called by God to go into an unknown area. The important thing to remember in Abram’s life is that he obeyed without hesitation. And because He obeyed, God made him the father more

  • The Right Focus Series

    Contributed by Johnny A. Palmer Jr. on Dec 16, 2011

    It is only when we focus on our problems instead of God that we become anxious.

    Intro: 1. Buddy Ebsen, the actor who played the role of Jeb on the Beverly Hillbillies, told of a lesson he learned on the set for a movie which was being filmed in England. One day, a bright faced-twenty-year old assistant brought a completely different set of scene numbers for the day's more

  • God's Covenant With Abraham Series

    Contributed by Shine Thomas on Sep 27, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    How many of you have received promises from God? It is always exciting to get a promise, but waiting for that promise to fulfil is a painful process. Maybe you are praying hard and tired of waiting for the promise. Maybe you do not even have a hint of wha

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