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  • Facing Death In Christ

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Nov 11, 2021

    Why do many Christians fear death? Of course the act itself can be horrifying (such as crucifixion ...). But many fear death no matter what the cause. Should this be normal for followers of Jesus? What do we see in the Bible? How does that compare to what we feel?

    Facing Death In Christ Please stand with me as we go over our current memory Scripture: Job 19:25-27 “I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand on the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see Him with my own eyes - I, more

  • Big Mistakes That People Make

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Jul 30, 2003
    based on 227 ratings

    We all make mistakes in life, but some can be very bad.

    INTRO.- ILL.- A newspaper in Kansas, trying to correct a mistake that had occurred in a previous issue, carried the following item: “We wish to apologize for an error in the wedding story in last week’s paper. Due to a typesetter’s mistake we said, ‘THE ROSES WERE PUNK.’ What we intended to say, more

  • Big Mistakes That People Make

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Dec 14, 2000
    based on 90 ratings

    People make some big mistakes in life.

    BIG MISTAKES THAT PEOPLE MAKE Luke 12:13-21 INTRO.- ILL.- A newspaper in Kansas, trying to correct a mistake that had occurred in a previous issue, carried the following item: “We wish to apologize for an error in the wedding story in last week’s paper. Due to a typesetter’s mistake we said, more

  • The Law Of Giving And Receiving Series

    Contributed by Don Hawks on Jul 10, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    You can make a difference wwherever you are everyday because you’re different. And you can say in any given moment, “What can I give?” I want to help you to find out what kind of a person you are in a given moment.

    A crumbling old church building needed remodeling, so, during his sermon, the preacher made an impassioned appeal looking directly at the richest man in town. At the end of the sermon, the rich man stood up and announced, "Pastor, I will contribute $1,000." Just then, plaster fell from the ceiling more

  • Pray Privately Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Jun 3, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Talking about praying privately today- Matthew 6:5-6 (Material adapted from Bob Hostetler's book called "Red Letter Prayer Life", chapter 2 "Pray Privately") Given for Sunday School class

    HoHum: My Uncle Galen taught me how to tie my shoes. Many before him attempted to help me but they did it backwards to the way I did it. When my Uncle Galen showed me it was the right way, left handed people do it the right way because they are in their right mind. Whether it’s losing weight, or more

  • Keeping Your Balance - Work Series

    Contributed by Betty Johnson on Jun 1, 2013

    First in a series on keeping our balance in life. Work, Rest and Play are three of the areas we need to keep in balance. This message focuses on why we work and some of the hindrances to keeping work in balance with the rest of life, and the "shift" tha

    Keeping Your Balance - Work Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15 Two weeks ago, our guest speaker, Mr. Jon, spoke about balance. Having a balance in our lives of the things that are good and necessary parts of our lives. I want to bounce off of that message. Jon gave the introduction. For the more

  • The Characters Of Christmas: The Wise Men Series

    Contributed by Lynn Malone on Jan 9, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    What we learn about gifts from the Wise Men who visited Jesus.

    The Characters of Christmas: The Wise (?) Men Matthew 2:1-12 We come to close our series on The Characters of Christmas today with a look at the most misunderstood, or at least most misinterpreted, cast of characters in the entire Christmas story. Like Buddy the Elf walking around New more

  • Reel Talk - Pt. 4 - Rogue One 2 Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Oct 1, 2017

    Movies + Pop Corn + Church = Reel Talk

    Reel Talk Pt. 4 - Rogue One 2 I. Introduction OK, as I mentioned last week I am not a Sci Fi fan so for me to understand or explain a Star Wars movie is a stretch. I will recap again in case you were not here last week. The movie opens by showing former scientist Galen Erso living on a farm with more

  • Reel Talk - Pt. 3 - Rogue One 1 Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Oct 1, 2017

    Movies + Pop Corn + Church = Reel Talk

    Reel Talk Pt. 3 - Rogue One 1 I. Introduction Any Sci-Fi Fans in the house? I am admittedly not one of those. So, for those of you who are like me that are oblivious to the whole Star Wars scene let me try to explain the plot. The movie opens by showing former scientist Galen Erso living on a more

  • Dangerous Times Series

    Contributed by Allen James on Sep 29, 2011

    Part 3 of 7 in our summer series exploring the letters to the 7 churches in Revelation 2-3. This message takes a deeper look at the church at Pergamum.

    OPENING: 3 middling churches - not bad/great - mid road. ea has faithful remnant w dec infl INTRODUCTION: The majority of American churches are not lacking for MORAL and SPIRITUAL instruction. We are lacking in our ability (note typo) to remain UNCONTAMINATED by the world as a church family. more

  • Revelation 1

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Jan 24, 2006

    background of Revelations

    Welcome & Prayer What basically do you know and have you been taught about Revelation? -special blessing for reading (1:3) -Span of Bible: Where does Revelation fall? *gospels: ministry of Christ acts: founding of the church epistles: principles for the church Revelation: future of the more

  • Smyrna And Pergmos Series

    Contributed by Roshelle Brenneise on Jan 26, 2024

    To the angel at the church in Smyrna write.....

    January 27, 2024 Today we will discuss churches 2 and 3 – Smyrna and Pergamos Smyrna (2:8-11 - shortest message) Smyrna (modern-day Izmir, Turkey) was a Greek city located about 35 miles northwest of Ephesus on a narrow isthmus on the Aegean coast. The City • Had a major seaport and was an more

  • The Church As A Praising Community Series

    Contributed by Galen Hackman on May 10, 2003
    based on 28 ratings

    4th in a series of 5 sermons on the Core Characteristics of the Church. This sermon explores the church as a praising community.

    The Church as a Praising Community Acts 2:42-47 Psalm 111 Acts 2:47 tells us that the early church was praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. Praising is a core characteristic of the church; an essential element in its DNA. Wherever the church exists, there will be praise. What more

  • The Church As A Growing Community Series

    Contributed by Galen Hackman on May 10, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    5th and last in a series on the Core Characteristics of the Church. This sermon looks at the church as a growing community.

    The Church as a Growing Community Acts 2:42-47 (vs. 47) Do you remember those little choruses we learned at Vacation Bible School? There were several little ditties that were brought out only at VBS time. One came to my mind as I was preparing this sermon: Deep and wide; Deep and wide, There’s a more

  • The Church As A Filled Community Series

    Contributed by Galen Hackman on Mar 1, 2003
    based on 30 ratings

    Second in a series of 5 sermons on the Core Characteristics of the Church. Acts 2:42-47 describes the nature of the Early Church and in this sermon we see how God filled their daily lives and how he desires to fill ours.

    The Church as a Filled Community (Second in the series: The Core Characteristics of the Church) Acts 2:43 John 14:15-21 For our Lenten emphasis this year we are embarking on a journey that takes us inside the early community of believers, asking the question, “What made these people able to more

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