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Sermons on full surrender:

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  • Sharing Grace: God's Favor Imitated By His People Series

    Contributed by David Scudder on Apr 1, 2012

    We are sharing the grace of God when we are imitating the God of grace. So, the question is, How did Christ display grace to us? There is no greater display of the grace of God than the Cross of Christ.

    Purpose: To describe who Christ's real followers are. Aim: I want the listener to imitate Christ's willingness to give His life. INTRODUCTION: The grace of God is so complete and full that we could never exhaust all there is to know about it. In an attempt to learn more about God's grace as we more

  • I'm Going All In: An Issue Of The Heart Series

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Feb 20, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    Going All in starts with loving God and moves to loving our neighbor. You cannot become a child of God without becoming part of His family. There is a responsibility for us to work together with the other living stones to be the temple of the Holy Spiri

    Intro: We just sang, “All to Jesus I surrender” All (some) to Jesus I surrender, All(some) to Him I freely give; I will ever love and trust Him, In His presence daily(every other daily) live. I surrender all (some), I surrender all (some). All (some) to Thee, my blessed more

  • Hands Up...worries Down!

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Mar 25, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    As Christians we don't have to live in fear, of not knowing what's up ahead around the corner, or what the future might bring. As long as God knows, isn't that enough? It's time we left our hands up...and our worries down!

    Hands up...Worries down! Philippians 4:4-7 MSG 4-5 Celebrate God all day, every day. I mean, revelin him! Make it as clear as you can to all you meet that you’re on their side, working with them and not against them. Help them see that the Master is about to arrive. He could show up any more

  • Marriage God's Way

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Aug 1, 2024

    Practical marriage God's way

    Marriage God’s Way Colossians 3:18-3:25 Good morning everyone, glad that you have joined us both in service today and online. Last week we finished up the series life choices. Most important life choice… our relationship with Jesus Christ. Then People and the many complicated dynamics of more

  • Living Through The Nothings - Pt. 4 - No More White Flags! Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on May 23, 2014

    It is a word that reveals lack. It holds no element of promise. The need is apparent...the solution is not. Nothing. How do you live through the nothings?

    Living Thru The Nothings Pt. 4 - No More White Flags It is one of my least favorite words. Nothing. It is a word that reveals lack. It holds no element of promise. It contains no ounce of hope. Let me see if I can explain. You watch them take large percentages out of your check each month. So as more

  • I Think, "Some Change" Is Gonna Do You Good!!

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Jan 2, 2012
    based on 21 ratings

    Jesus is the master life changer, He is in the life changing business,  His grace, mercy and favor will revolutionize your life if you will let it!   Praise God, thank You Jesus for your faithfulness!! Let me tell you how He changed....

    Jesus offers, Real Change, Real Hope The new year, comes around so quickly it seems like and it usually brings so many the opportunity,  to reevaluate the different things that they want to see come about in their lives. New things they want to see happen, new habits they want to see form, take more

  • Jehovah-Jireh “the Eternally Self Existent One Who Will Provide” Series

    Contributed by David Scudder on Jun 13, 2011

    This name for God is revealed when Abraham faced the greatest trial of his life.

    Purpose: To exalt God as the great provider. Aim: I want the listener to rejoice in God's glorious provision of salvation. INTRODUCTION: Jehovah Jireh is one of the many compound names for God. Most of these names comes from a specific event where Jehovah (Yahweh) personally intervenes in more

  • In The Garden Of Surrender: Jesus' Despair And His Acceptance Of God's Will

    Contributed by Ronald Moore on Sep 11, 2024

    In this moment, we see a side of Jesus that resonates with all of us—the side that feels pain, fear, and even the desire for a different path. Yet, in this same moment, we also see the ultimate example of surrender and faith as Jesus submits to His Father’s will.

    Brothers and sisters in Christ, today we gather to reflect on one of the most poignant and human moments in the life of our Savior: His time of despair in the Garden of Gethsemane. In this moment, we see a side of Jesus that resonates with all of us—the side that feels pain, fear, and even the more

  • No Ordinary Joe: Feast Or Famine? Series

    Contributed by Jefferson Williams on Jan 15, 2022

    Jacob sends the brothers, with Benjamin, back to Egypt to buy grain. They are invited to a feast which provokes fear.

    No Ordinary Joe Genesis 43 Pastor Jefferson M. Williams Chenoa Baptist Church 01-16-2022 A Family in Shambles In 2015, our family was in shambles. We had moved back from Florida and that spring Mother’s Day and Father’s Day went by without either of the boys calling us. We didn’t even know more

  • God's Encouragement Series

    Contributed by Peter Toy on Feb 13, 2019

    Encouragement enables. Fourth sermon in series on the Book of Haggai

    Haggai 2:1-9 - God's Encouragement Encouragement enables. Once upon a time it was announced that the devil was going out of business and would sell all his equipment to those who were willing to pay the price. On the big day of the sale, all his tools were attractively displayed. There was more

  • “preparing Our Hearts For Prayer!” Series

    Contributed by Gerry Cheney on Dec 29, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    In this message we look at how to prepare our hearts for prayer. We talked about the importance of grace and surrender is. We also looked at how necessary forgiveness is.

    Introduction: There is a great article that illustrates the concept of grace written by Charles Stanley. “One of my more memorable seminary professors had a practical way of illustrating to his students the concept of grace. At the end of his evangelism course he would distribute the exam more

  • The Precedence Of Prayer-3

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jun 12, 2012

    3 of 3. Paul exhorted Timothy regarding the place of prayer in the Church. Prayer must take precedence in the Church. When is it obvious that it holds priority? Prayer takes precedence when...

    The PRECEDENCE Of PRAYER-III—1Timothy 2:1-8 Attention: Communication is vital to any aspect of life. Maybe you are mute, or know someone who is mute. Maybe you are deaf, or know someone who is deaf. The challenges you face every day are mountainous because of such physical more

  • Ilife, Part 3

    Contributed by Dino Rizzo on May 5, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon, presented at Healing Place Church by Mike Hamon, focuses on reaching our divine purpose in life by giving.

    How many of you know God is more interested in your heart than He is your money? Oh, can I have a better amen? Listen, if your heart belongs to God then money is a non-issue. And I believe this morning, I want to talk to you...I want to make this personal. I don’t want to talk to you as a preacher, more

  • Sins Atoned; Heaven Gained

    Contributed by Clark Tanner on Nov 9, 2000
    based on 29 ratings

    Salvation is found, not by pursuit, but by surrender.

    The ninth chapter of Romans is a perfect chapter from which to preach the Sovereignty of God. Paul has just finished his treatise on justification and grace and the security of the believer in Christ, there in chapter eight, and now we see him slump into sadness over the plight of his own, more

  • Using The Gifts God Gave You Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Apr 30, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    serving, gifts, obedience, and surrender

    USING THE GIFTS GOD GAVE YOU Matt 25: 14-30 (702) May 23, 2010 INTRODUCTION Being a disciple of Jesus involves taking a risk…"to deny yourself and take up your cross and start following Jesus is risky business. Discipleship involves surrender… giving up my time, my more

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