Sermon Series
  • 1. A Friend Of God

    Contributed on Jul 18, 2022

    Would YOU be willing to go anywhere God wanted you to go? Would YOU be willing to do anything God asked you to do? What would happen if God asked YOU to trust Him day by day as He showed you from the Bible what to do?

    Introduction: Would YOU be willing to go anywhere God wanted you to go? Would YOU be willing to do anything God asked you to do? What would happen if God asked YOU to trust Him day by day as He showed you from the Bible what to do? Abraham was a man of faith. He had to live by faith. The Bible more

  • 2. A Broken Image

    Contributed on Jul 18, 2022

    One of the most famous characters in the Bible is Adam, but what do we know about Adam?

    Introduction: One of the most famous characters in the Bible is Adam. He is also one of the characters who is most scoffed at by the world because they have been deceived and brainwashed by the theory of evolution. Adam was the first man – this is not only explained in the book of Genesis but it is more

  • 3. Your Environment Doesn’t Dictate Your Direction

    Contributed on Jul 26, 2022

    In this lesson, we will examine the variety of lessons learned by Adam and Eve, as well as by every parent, from the heartbreaking decisions made by Cain.

    Introduction: We have already seen the impact of Adam’s fatal decision, which plunged mankind into sin, as well as the effect of the curse upon the lives of Adam and Eve. In this lesson, we will examine the variety of lessons learned by Adam and Eve, as well as by every parent, from the more