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  • Blessed Are The Meek Series

    Contributed by Bobby Roger on Nov 21, 2003
    based on 19 ratings

    The character of meekness and its consequences.

    HOW TO REALLY BE BLESSED SERIES A Series of Messages on the Beatitudes Matthew 5:1-12 Message #3: BLESSED ARE THE MEEK Matthew 5:5 I. THE CHARACTER OF MEEKNESS (enhancing the kingdom) A. By Explanation 1. Not weakness as many suppose 2. But a mild disposition; a gentle spirit 3. The opposite of more

  • True Purpose Series

    Contributed by John Baggett on Sep 30, 2006
    based on 2 ratings

    From the sermon series TRUE NORTH. Remembering that God’s Purpose is discovered through the TRUE CALL, TRUE WAY, TRUE GOAL. The Apostle Paul is our example of recognizing and fulfilling Gods Purpose for our lives.

    TRUE PURPOSE Text: Acts 16:6-12 What makes the difference between a good parent and a GREAT parent? What makes the difference between a good teacher and a GREAT teacher. What makes the difference between a good coach and a GREAT coach. What makes the difference a good follower of Christ and a more

  • "Does God Want Us Miserable?" Ecc Pt 7 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Nov 27, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Does God make us miserable so that we cannot enjoy life’s pleasures. Solomon contemplates this question as he looks at his own life. The question could be phrased this way too, “Is there no such thing as happy ever after without God?” Many say that happil

    “Does God want us miserable?” or “Is there a happily ever after without God?” Ecc. Pt. 7 Opening Illustration: How valuable is our time” from Blue Fish TV Hands on illustration - Do the timer – set it for 30 minutes! Thesis: Does God make us miserable so that we cannot enjoy life’s pleasures. more

  • Let The Boaster Boast!

    Contributed by Christopher Hill on Apr 2, 2004
    based on 20 ratings

    Boasting is usually something frowned on but we are given instructions in the proper motivation and subject of our boasting in Jermiah. We are to boast that we know and understand Yahweh God.

    Let the boaster boast! Jeremiah 9:23-24 Boasting is essentially praising oneself. The Hebrew llh means to praise and in this section it is the reflexive hitpa’el – in other words, praising oneself. I. The pattern of the Hebrew text is “Let not X boast about his Y” A. The X and Y might be more

  • What Think Ye? Failure

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jul 11, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    We study what is failure and success in man’s eyes, in God’s eyes?

    WHAT THINK YE? FAILURE By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. TEXT: Matthew 21:28 "BUT WHAT THINK YE? A certain man had two sons; and he came to the first, and said, "SON, GO WORK TO DAY IN MY VINEYARD." 29. He answered and said, " I WILL NOT!" But afterward he REPENTED, and went. 30. And more

  • Talent Quest.

    Contributed by John Gullick on Mar 10, 2003
    based on 54 ratings

    A sermon that considers how we can use our talents. It uses an enchanting story about a ballerina to illustrate how our giftedness contributes to the building of the Kingdom.

    Wile E Coyote furiously chases Roadrunner. The bird suddenly stops. The coyote tries but he can’t, and he skids past the roadrunner out to the edge of the cliff. The ground gives way and for just a moment we see his saucer eyes. Then down Wile E. Plummets. Poof! You and I don’t recover so more

  • How To Lose An Argument With God (Part 2) Series

    Contributed by Marcus Naugler on Nov 21, 2001
    based on 71 ratings

    In our quest to follow God’s leading we often find ourselves at a crossroad. It is at this crossroad that God requires us to change in order to remain in His will.

    How To Lose An Argument With God (Part 2, The Call) Introduction: These past two weeks, we’ve been talking about Vision, God’s Calling, and these things are somewhat abstract. I hope you understand the direction God is asking you to go. If you don’t, then don’t worry-you are not alone. Many more

  • Starting Fresh

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Dec 31, 2005
    based on 18 ratings

    In a time of New Year’s resolutions and promises, which often fail, there is a new day approaching - a day to experience "Starting Fresh" through the power of God!

    GIVE HIM ALL YOU’VE GOT! Starting Fresh Isaiah 43:14-21 Any number of us here today would have resolved for 2005 to GIVE HIM (the Lord Jesus Christ) ALL WE’VE GOT! Resolutions were made. Maybe a Bible verse was adopted as the theme for the year. We may have resolved to get more in touch with God more

  • I Am Crossing Over To The Other Side 1 Of 7! Series

    Contributed by Raphiel Manenge on Sep 3, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    A life transforming and a challenge to fruitfullness in the Kingdom of God and life.An eye opener that in Christian walk there are many things that can limit us,things that we regard as normal.These include time,tradition,age and so forth.Break them!

    “And the same day, when the even was come, he saith unto them, Let us pass over unto the other side.” mark 4:35 Going beyond natural & common barriers! You are crossing over to the other side of your life. It was good that you have been on this side. You have seen and done all. It’s time more

  • Looking For A City

    Contributed by Stephan Brown on Aug 26, 2002
    based on 153 ratings

    Shows how we who are called to follow Christ can and should treat this world as temporary. A lot of illustrations in this sermon.

    “Looking for a City…” Hebrews 11:8-10 Hebrews 11:8 It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land that God would give him as his inheritance. He went without knowing where he was going. God called Abraham to leave his home, to leave everything he knew, more

  • Graduation Day

    Contributed by Robert Fox on Jan 12, 2006
    based on 34 ratings

    The central text talks about how, when you are young, you are "no more than slaves". Students can certainly relate to this! But then comes graduation day... Student ministry PowerPoint format.

    [Graduation Day] Slide Graphic – student in cap and gown Slide Text – Children who are under age are no better off than slaves Galatians 4:1a In the service this morning, we will be honoring our high school and college graduates. How many of you are graduating from high-school or college this more

  • Jesus...still Transfiguring You And Me Today

    Contributed by Stephen Becker on Jan 26, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    A look at the meaning of the transfiguration of Jesus. How we are transfigured in God’s eyes because of Jesus, his fulfillment of prophecy and his death and resurrection for us.

    JESUS…STILL TRANSFIGURING YOU AND ME TODAY MATTHEW 17:1-9 Stephen Becker, M.Div. St Peter’s Lutheran Church--Elk Grove, CA February 3, 2008 Tonight in our reading from Matthew’s Gospel, we read of the transfiguration of Jesus; the Savior goes up on a mountain with Peter, James and John and he more

  • I Understand Series

    Contributed by Gerald Kiner on Apr 5, 2006
    based on 6 ratings


    Proverbs 17:27 He that hath knowledge spareth his words: and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit. I UNDERSTAND 3 THINGS A BLESSED WOMAN ALREADY UNDERSTAND #1 THEY UNDERSTAND WITH WHOM TO HANG Nehemiah 6:2-4 2That Sanballat and Geshem sent unto me, saying, Come, let us meet more

  • The Word Of God Is Everlasting.

    Contributed by Richard Gardner on Jul 1, 2001
    based on 29 ratings

    The word of God will continue on forever and ever, while ever thing else is transitational his love and salvation oor conditional.

    “The Word of God is Everlasting” Many of us that will take time to read this short article fall under the category of two kinds of people; people that believe in God and people that don’t. I want to use a selection of scripture that we find in Isaiah 40:6-8. “The voice said cry out! And he said, more

  • Therefore Series

    Contributed by Dustin T Parker on Sep 2, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Protect people from being robbed of God’s grace - by teaching Christ crucified

    Therefore… Pentecost 9 7/29/2007 Col. 2:6-19 † In the Lord’s Name † May the grace and peace, of God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ, be yours, and may you treasure it always. It may surprise some of you, but it is recorded in the annals of history, indeed in his own words, that Martin more

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