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  • Virtues Of An Effective Christian Leader

    Contributed by Byron Perrine on Jul 9, 2019

    This sermon is excerpted with editing from Thomas Coke's sermon preached at the ordination of Francis Asbury.

    (If you have found this sermon helpful, please visit us at or The most important part of a minister’s duty, is to insist on the great, fundamental truths of Christianity…. But to be an effective Christian leader, one must also seek and more

  • Las Virtudes De Un LÍder Cristiano Efectivo

    Contributed by Byron Perrine on Apr 22, 2020

    El siguiente mensaje se extrae con correcciones del sermón de Thomas Coke predicado en la ordenación de Francis Asbury.

    Resumen: En 1784, John Wesley envió a Thomas Coke desde Inglaterra para supervisar la fundación de la Iglesia Metodista Episcopal en Estados Unidos. En noviembre de ese año, Coke conoció a Francis Asbury, un líder de los metodistas estadounidenses, y compartió con more

  • The Circuit Rider

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Jun 24, 2024

    The circuit rider played an important role in the evangelization of the American frontier. But the first "circuit rider" was Jesus Himself.

    The Circuit Rider Mark 6:1–13 NKJV Then He went out from there and came to His own country, and His disciples followed Him. And when the Sabbath had come, He began to teach in the synagogue. And many hearing Him were astonished, saying, “Where did this Man get these things? And what wisdom is this more

  • The Witness Of Francis Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Oct 1, 2011

    Francis stands out as an example of radical following of Christ, and an impulsive drive to rebuild the Church.

    Monday of 27th week in Course Testimony of the Saints Saint Francis of Assisi 3 October 2011 (one day early) Tomorrow we celebrate the day of St. Francis of Assisi, and on this note I will take a long break from this series on the Testimony of the Saints, and, God willing, begin next week a series more

  • Responding To The Asbury Revival

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Feb 20, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    How should we respond to the Asbury Revival? This message draws principles from 1 Kings 18:41-46 seeking to answer that question.

    Intro On February 3, 1970, God’s glory came down in the chapel service at Asbury University in Wilmore Kentucky, near Lexington.i This proved to be one of several manifestations of the Spirit as the Jesus Movement Revival spread across America.ii The Jesus Movement was the greatest revival that has more

  • In The Spirit Of St. Francis Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Nov 24, 2016

    Perhaps what we need to pray for and accept is the spirit of St. Francis. That way we can say “Lord, Lord” and do the will of the Father.

    Thursday of First Week in Advent 2016 Joy of the Gospel We are at the beginning of a new year of grace, and we are hit in the face with some pretty strong Gospel language, even in the first reading. “Open the gates, that the righteous nation which keeps faith may enter in.” Righteous more

  • An American Reformation

    Contributed by Byron Perrine on Jul 9, 2019

    An edited adaptation of material presented in History of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States of America by Abel Stevens (digital on-line edition by Holiness Data Ministry).

    (If you have found this sermon helpful, please visit us at or There have been many changes in interpretation of the New Testament over the centuries. Some of these changes in theological understanding led to massive political and social more

  • Francis Of Assisi And The Saints Of God Series

    Contributed by Revd Dr Ruwan Palapathwala on Dec 16, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    The saints' exemplary lives encourage us always to be close to Jesus and make it our life’s plan.

    As the whole church celebrates the Feast of St Francis today (4 October), I want to take the opportunity to share with you why the church honours and celebrates saints. I want to reflect with you what the saints have to teach us about our calling to be Jesus' followers, our faith in God, and more

  • Should Churches Do Business?

    Contributed by Jeff Van Wyk on Aug 3, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    A church should be an active, contributing member of its community, rather than a closed-off mini-community that keeps to itself and this can extend to becoming involved in business or in the business community.

    Churches in business Luke 19:13 - So he called ten of his servants, delivered to them ten minas, and said to them, “Do business till I come.” God always intended for the priesthood to reinvest a portion of the tithe, with the expectation of a return. It was part of His plan to show more

  • Una Reforma Americana

    Contributed by Byron Perrine on Apr 22, 2020

    Una adaptación editada del material presentado en Historia de la Iglesia Metodista Episcopal en los Estados Unidos de América por Abel Stevens (edición digital en línea del Holiness Data Ministry).

    Ha habido muchos cambios en la interpretación del Nuevo Testamento a lo largo de los siglos. Algunos de estos cambios en la comprensión teológica condujeron a agitaciones políticas y sociales masivas en Europa. Hubo más de una «reforma». Algunas de estas reformas more

  • Saint Francis For The Twenty-First Century Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Sep 29, 2018

    St. Francis stands out in the thirteenth century, perhaps the last great Catholic century, and a recovery of his spirit would be a good start toward converting the culture of this twenty-first century.

    October 4, 2018 St. Francis of Assisi The saint we celebrate today is probably the most famous one of the second Christian millennium, and I suspect also the one we need most to emulate today. Our modern culture is steeped in materialism and consumerism. I can prove that by asking you to more

  • All Saints Sunday

    Contributed by Thomas Bracewell on Feb 17, 2001
    based on 124 ratings

    A brief overvied of "All Saints" and the omission by modern Churches.

    All Saints Sunday Thomas F. Bracewell OSL It would be most interesting if we started this sermon/lesson by perhaps asking those who know anything at all about "all Saints Day" to raise their hands. . .of course I am not going to do that because there are possibly only a handful of us who are even more

  • A Thankful Eucharist

    Contributed by Darin Gary on Jun 25, 2016

    When we come to the Lord's Table to receive that which the Lord Jesus commanded Believers to do, we must come repenting. When one comes honestly and eagerly repenting of ALL their sin, they become THANKFUL for God's atonement, grace, and forgiveness.

    A Thankful Eucharist (Colossians 3:1-11; NKJV) To title this sermon A Thankful Eucharist is risking redundancy. In the ancient Greek (eucharistia) the word eucharist literally means "gratefulness, thankfulness." To understand a bit about the Biblical command of the Lord’s Supper is to more

  • What Would You Do?

    Contributed by Roy Fowler on Nov 7, 2020

    About service to mankind and to our God.

    ** NOVEMBER 11 IS VETERANS DAY. I want to share a special story. ILLUSTRATION: As the SS Dorchester move among the heavy seas of the North Atlanta they were they were with the men that they were charged with giving spiritual care. Down in the belly of the ship were four U.S. Army chaplains more

  • #2-The Good Samaritan Series

    Contributed by Darrell Stetler Ii on Aug 19, 2015

    Being a friend to the hurting makes a huge difference in their life.

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> THIS SERMON AVAILABLE WITH POWERPOINT IN RESOURCE DOWNLOAD! This sermon (and several hundred others) are available for download. > Microsoft Word > Most with handouts More info: or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Good more

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