Thomas Bracewell
Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Newest Sermons
Beliving And Healing
Contributed on Sep 30, 2008
We must believe in the power of God to be healed and it through this we can be healed.
Believing and Healing 1st Corinthians 12 4 -11 A few years ago I was diagnosed with the breathing disease; Pulmonary Fibrosis. I had been treated by my general practitioners for severe breathing difficulties noticeable especially during my morning worship services. About half way through I ...read more
Promises Kept
Contributed on Sep 30, 2008
We all make promises that seem to slip by before we can keep them. This sermon touches on this subject.
“Promises Kept” By Reverend Thomas F. Bracewell, OSL We have all made promises that we fully intended to keep that for some reason either beyond our power or within our power we did not. Sometimes there is a feeling of embarrassment in this situation and sometimes there is just an internal ...read more
One Great Nation
Contributed on Sep 30, 2008
Hymn written following the destruction of the World Trace Center on 9-11-01
One Great Nation (A National Hymn) Tune same as “See How Great A Flame Aspires” One Great nation shall proclaim, God’s sure love through Jesus name. This world racked by toil and strife, Faith’s example gives new life. Freedom’s torch a kindled flame, Liberty’s message doth ...read more
"When I And Thou Become Them And Us!"
Contributed on Mar 5, 2002
To be included overall is a seekers goal whether it is in the Christian faith or in another phase of living. How can boundarys be broken down that can cause one to ve included rather than excluded other than by mercy and forgiveness being a primary goal
When I and Thou become Them and Us Sermon by Thomas F. Bracewell Opening Statement One of the truly great preachers who was a product of the Alabama West Florida conference, was Dr. Andrew Turnipseed. Dr. Turnipseed was among the forerunners of the age of reason in this conference ...read more
"Bridge Over Troubled Waters."
Contributed on Mar 5, 2002
Faith is a bridge that carries us over the troubled waters of life. It is Like a "Bridage over troubled waters."
A Bridge Over Troubled Waters Sermon By Thomas Bracewell, OSL Luke 21: 5-24 The Introduction and Summary Statement I have been ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Contributed on Mar 28, 2001
Mr. Wesley's Methodism
Contributed on Mar 28, 2001