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  • Responding To God's Presence Series

    Contributed by Mike Hullah on Nov 6, 2003
    based on 69 ratings

    Fourth in a series about “The Presence Driven Church”, lessons from Martha and Mary and their different responses to God’s Presence with their resulting experiences.

    The Presence Driven Church Responding to God’s Presence Fourth in a series about “The Presence Driven Church”, lessons from Martha and Mary and their different responses to God’s Presence with their resulting experiences. Luke 10:38-40 Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain more

  • "What Is God Saying?" Part 4 Series

    Contributed by Tiger Gullett on Apr 26, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    As God speaks to Judah in captivity to Babylon, what is He saying to us today? This message is the fourth in a series of applicable messages from the book of Daniel.

    *SEVEN THINGS GOD IS SAYING IN DANIEL CHAPTER 4* ------------------------------------------------------- I. “I HATE PRIDE!” - THE DREAM - (v4-17) Proverbs 6:16-17 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look...KJV (a) IS THERE ANYTHING SPIRITUAL more

  • The Seven Pillars Of Wisdom - 4: Diligence Series

    Contributed by Dan Cormie on Nov 14, 2003
    based on 54 ratings

    Fourth in a series on the Wisdom found in Proverbs. The idea for this Series came from "Everyday Light" a daily devotional by Selwyn Hughes. Pillar #4 - Diligence.

    2, November 2003 Dakota Community Church The Seven Pillars of Wisdom Week Four: Diligence Proverbs 9:1-6 Wisdom has built her house; she has hewn out its seven pillars. 2 She has prepared her meat and mixed her wine; she has also set her table. 3 She has sent out her maids, and she calls from more

  • Go, Go, Go Series

    Contributed by Shawn Ragan on Nov 30, 2000
    based on 54 ratings

    This sermon, the fourth and conluding sermon in this series, is a short review of what we have covered, and a look at the problems the early church faced in following this command.

    Go, Go, Go Church of God Seventh Day Meridian, ID November 25, 2000 INTRODUCTION Good Morning Good Thanksgiving Today, we will be concluding what we have been talking about throughout this last month: The Commission in Matthew 28:18-20. With it being Thanksgiving weekend, I also have a message more

  • Who Cares...when I Have A Sudden Loss? Series

    Contributed by Chip Monck on Jul 25, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Fourth in a series exploring life crisis, based on the promotional materials provided by Outreach in their "Who Cares" campaign. This message explores sudden losses in life.

    (This message extensively based on the sermon starters provided in the "Who Cares" package materials from Outreach.) Show "Who Cares" Video Clip from Outreach tools. In an instance, life can change. You are cruising along through your day. Maybe heading out to church. Maybe attending a youth more

  • Messianic Prophecies

    Contributed by Douglas Turner on Jan 6, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    The fourth vision, The Cleansing of the High Priest, addresses the problem of a holy God who desires to accomplish great things through his sinful people.

    The book of Zechariah is filled with prophetic visions that were seen by Zechariah the prophet. “The fourth vision, The Cleansing of the High Priest, addresses the problem of a holy God who desires to accomplish great things through his sinful people.” (NAC Commentary: Zechariah, p. 132) “Joshua more

  • Meeting Your Wife's Needs In Christian Marriage Series

    Contributed by Bruce Willis on Mar 29, 2008
    based on 24 ratings

    This is the fourth sermon in a series of four on Christian marriage which deals with husbands meeting the most basic needs of their wives from an “exchanged life’ perspective.”

    Someone has said, “A woman marries a man thinking she can change him. A man marries a woman thinking she’ll never change.” Men and women have similarities and differences. In fact, entire volumes have been written on this subject. The following story about a young couple will illustrate what I more

  • Jesus Brings Us God

    Contributed by R. David Reynolds on Dec 18, 2004
    based on 35 ratings

    This sermon was preached on the Fourth Sunday in Advent with the basic text being John 1:14, "The Word Became Flesh." It is a message on His Incarnation.

    Jes Brings Us God --John 1:1-14 “This is about a modern man, one of us. He was not a scrooge; he was a kind, decent, mostly good man, generous to his family, upright in his dealings with others, but he did not believe in all that Incarnation stuff that the Churches proclaim at Christmas time. more

  • Found In Him Series

    Contributed by Dan Cale on Nov 13, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    This is the fourth in a series of sermons looking at developing a deeper walk with Christ. It addresses the issue of control of life. If we are to be followers of Christ: He must lead.

    Going Deeper Pt 4 - Found In Him Philippians 3:9-10 We have been talking together about going deeper - developing a deeper relationship with Christ. Last week we began to count the cost. The first cost we talked about was rubbish (skubalon). How many of you have been dealing with the rubbish of more

  • Pergamum: The Dangers Of Apathy And Accommodation Series

    Contributed by Scott Chambers on Apr 8, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    This is the fourth message in this series that looks at the letters to the seven churches in the book of Revelation. This message examines the letter to the church at Pergamum examining the dangers of apathy and accommodation.

    We cannot see Satan, but his presence brings with it the unmistakable marks of human suffering and moral perversion. The evidence of his presence is clearly visible: the presence of cults, radical Islamists, terrorism, the persecution of Christians in Iran and China. In fact we can trace it right more

  • O' Holy Night Series

    Contributed by Wilson Spencer on Jan 7, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Fourth, and final in a series on the Birth of Christ, this sermon looks at Luke's account of the angelic visitation to the shepherds, their reaction and subsequent rejoicing and proclaiming the good news!

    O’ Holy Night (Series on the Birth of Christ – Conclusion) Pastor Wilson Spencer Liberty Baptist Church December 25th, 2011 Luke 2:8-20 Introduction: We recognize December 25th every year as the day to honor the coming of our messiah, our savior, our king into the world as one of more

  • No Wake Zone: Building Block #3--Selflessness Series

    Contributed by Brady Cooper on Jun 23, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    This is the fourth of a five-part series of messages on managing relationships with love and Godly character. This sermon focuses on giving selflessly to others in our core relationships.

    I don’t know if you need this message today, but I guarantee you I do. We are in the middle of a series entitled No Wake Zone. We’re looking at some Biblical principles that, if we would follow, would really create no wake zone relationships. Relationships, we’ve said, of rest and refreshment more

  • Building A Church Of Thessalonica For The 21st Century | Part 4 | True Ministry | Dr. Madana Kumar Series

    Contributed by Dr. Madana Kumar, Phd on Feb 27, 2024

    In the fourth part of the series Dr. Madana Kumar examines some aspects of the Ministry Thessalonian Church that made it a Model church. What is True Ministry?

    Building a Church of Thessalonica for the 21st century | Part 4 | True Ministry This is Part 4 of the Series of studies on 1 & 2 Thessalonians Visit for a video/audio version of the sermon Good morning. We will continue our study of the epistles to Thessalonians more

  • One Body, One Baptism

    Contributed by Anand Peter on Feb 19, 2019

    The theme prescribed for today is ‘One Body, One Baptism’, and this is the fourth time I will be preaching on the subject of Baptism during the Evening English Service in this church.

    Many a times Pastors and preachers are placed in a quandary of having to preach the same topic multiple times to the same congregation. The theme prescribed for today by Church of South India nis ‘One Body, One Baptism’, and this is the fourth time I will be preaching on the subject of Baptism more

  • We Need To Serve God Not Money Series

    Contributed by Dr. Dave Hartson on Oct 16, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Today we look at the fourth area that God has to win. God raises the bar on this area because instead of having to win; it is a must win

    Introduction Today, we come to our fourth “God has to Win” sermon. We have seen over the past several weeks that God has to win the battle of our choices; then secondly, God has to win control over those areas of our life that we have trouble giving over to Him; and last week, we saw that as we more

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