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  • Take A Day Off Series

    Contributed by Tim Shepard on Jun 16, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    This is fourth sermon in The Ten Commandment series and encourages people to take a day off even in today’s busy world.

    TAKE A DAY OFF Well here we are. This is the fourth week in the sermon series about the Ten Commandments and I have good news for you. There is only one sermon left after this one. I know that some of you are counting right now. In your heads you’ve already figured out that we’ve only more

  • The Wonderous Weapon Of Worship Series

    Contributed by Chip Monck on Jul 5, 2006
    based on 28 ratings

    Fourth in a series on spiritual warfare. This message explores the mighty weapon of worship. Incorporates music interwoven to apply the message points.

    We have reached week four in our series “Operation Enduring Freedom.” We are learning that freedom starts with the name of Jesus on our lips. It is completed with the nature of Jesus in our hearts. Let’s say that together – Freedom starts with the name of Jesus on our lips. It is completed with more

  • Playing The Man Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Feb 3, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Fourth of five in our vision 2011 series: New Riverlutions regarding the commitment that would be required to achieve the vision presented

    Text: 2 Samuel 10:1-14, Title: New Riverlutions, Res #2: Playing the Man, Date/Place: NRBC, 1/30/11, AM A. Opening illustration: the pig and the chicken gonna cook bacon and eggs for the farmer, 40 Inspirational Speeches in Two Minutes video, “to do the same things in the same ways and expect more

  • Surviving Through The Holy Spirit Series

    Contributed by Ricky Nelms on Aug 2, 2010

    This is the fourth message in the series entitled "Survivor". We see one of the great ways to be a survivor is to tap into the power of the Holy Spirit.

    SURVIVOR SERIES #4 – SURVIVING THROUGH THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Today, we are continuing our sermon series on the subject of SURVIVOR And what we’ve been doing is talking over the last few weeks about how to be A SURVIVOR in the times we live in And you know how it is in the more

  • Entering The Badlands Series

    Contributed by Philip Harrelson on Apr 7, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    The fourth message in my series on David. This speaks to the times that we are having to navigate through the most difficult times of life.

    DAVID—A MAN AFTER GOD’S OWN HEART 04—ENTERING THE BADLANDS TEXT: 1 Samuel 18:6-9 1 Samuel 18:6-9 KJV And it came to pass as they came, when David was returned from the slaughter of the Philistine, that the women came out of all cities of Israel, singing and dancing, to meet more

  • For Love Has Set Me Upon My Feet Series

    Contributed by Father Benedict Simpson on May 18, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    A homily regarding the miraculous healing of the Paralytic by Christ. Given on the Fourth Sunday of Paschal (Sunday of the Paralytic) at the Monastery of the Glorious Ascension.

    Dear brothers and sisters, today's Gospel reading in chapter five of the testimony of St. John tells us a wonderful story about love and forgiveness and profound healing. It is not a mushy type of story. It is not one that everyone will understand either. It is the story of a humble man who has more

  • United We Stand

    Contributed by Andy Grossman on Jul 1, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Fourth of July sermon, 1. United in Love 2. United to Lift up Christ 3. United to live for Freedom

    “United We Stand” July 6, 2014 Community Service in the Park 1 Corinthians 1:10 “I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly more

  • Discipleship: Providing Life-Changing Relationships

    Contributed by Dan Proctor on Aug 19, 2013

    Discipleship is the key to our church’s future. Why? In this lesson, we examine the fourth and final reason in this series.

    The Key to Our Church’s Future 2 Timothy Part 4 – Discipleship: Providing Life-changing Relationships Discipleship is the key to our church’s future. Why? First, because discipleship is God’s way of passing our faith along Second, because more

  • Meekness Not Weakness Series

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Apr 25, 2016
    based on 7 ratings

    This sermon is about the fourth beatitude, "Blessed are the meek." It looks at the true meaning of meekness and what that looks like in everyday life.

    The Sermon on the Mount “Meekness Not Weakness” Matthew 5:5 As we continue in our study through the Sermon on the Mount we’ll be looking at one of the most misunderstood of the beatitudes, and that’s the attitude of meekness. “Blessed are the meek, for they shall more

  • Catching The Wave Of The Spirit Series

    Contributed by Eldon Kratz on Feb 3, 2015

    This is the fourth message of a sermon series on the Book of Acts. Other messages from this series can be read on

    Videos may be downloaded from Intro – Video: All together … SMART CAR GWR version (Guinness World Record) A new world record … 18 adults in a SMART CAR. AMPLIFIED PASTOR KRATZ (APK version) 18 DUMB more

  • A Christmas Carol, Stave Four, The Future Series

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Dec 22, 2018

    In the fourth part of this series we look at how Christmas impacts our future through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.

    A Christmas Carol Stave four the Future It was December 19th, 1843 and the Christmas Novella that Dickens had been working on for six weeks was finally released, to immediate success. By Christmas Eve all 6000 copies of A Christmas Carol had been sold out. And they weren’t cheap, the little more

  • God Wants A Relationship Woth Us Series

    Contributed by Gordon Weatherby on Sep 14, 2023

    This is the fourth in a series of five messages dealing with the theme "The Five Most Important Teachings Of The Word Of God"

    THE FIVE GREATEST TEACHINGS OF THE WORD OF GOD (Message 4 of 5) “GOD WANTS RELATIONSHIP WITH US” Video Link to Message: Greenmount and O’Leary Churches of Christ September 09, 2023 INTRODUCTION: 1) For a few weeks now we have been looking at more

  • Daniel's Clock Series

    Contributed by Leslie Tarlton on Jan 2, 2015

    Daniel's Clock reveals more than the 2nd coming of Christ & 7 yr tribulation, it also defines the period known as "Time of the Gentiles" down to the actual season, give or take a few years, & the revelation of the abomination that makes desolate.

    Daniel’s Clock, Pastor Les Tarlton, BA. Th.M., 3/24/2007 The contents of this sermon are other than the scripture is copyrighted. © I love the old Charlie Brown and Snoopy Cartoon; "Has It Ever Occurred to You That You Might Be Wrong?" August 9, 1976 That is what occurred to me when I more

  • The Lamb And The 144,000 On Mount Zion Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Feb 4, 2017

    This is the illustrious company of the 144,000 from the twelve tribes of Israel, who are sealed (Revelation 7). These sealed ones have been preserved unharmed throughout the great tribulation, despite the rage of the dragon and the beast.

    Lesson: IV.A.4: The Lamb and the 144,000 on Mount Zion (Revelation 14:1-5) Series: Verse By Verse Through Revelation ? Revelation 14:1-5 (KJV) ? 1 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their more

  • Alleluia!

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Nov 18, 2020

    Now begins the rejoicing. The good news for a grieving world is near. Revelation 19 begins with praise for God and joy that this world’s corrupt ways, symbolically referred to as Babylon and the beast, have finally ended.

    Now begins the rejoicing. The good news for a grieving world is near. Revelation 19 begins with praise for God and joy that this world’s corrupt ways, symbolically referred to as Babylon and the beast, have finally ended. Revelation 19:1 And after these things I heard a great voice of much people more

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