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Sermons on force of darkness:

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  • Out Of The Darkness

    Contributed by The Rev Deniray Mueller on Jan 26, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus calls us to bring light into the darkness 

    Matthew 4:16-22 When we proclaim our profession of faith, we say: ‘We believe on One God. . . God from God, Light from Light’. . . I imagine that all of us have been afraid of the dark at some time in our lives. . . afraid of the monster under the bed, . . . the creature in more

  • A Light In The Darkness

    Contributed by Danny Janes on Dec 10, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Good sermon for first Sunday of Advent -- lighting of Prophet Candle. The theme of light vs. darkness is woven throughout the Bible. This is what the coming of the Light marked in our world.

    A LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS TEXT: Isaiah 9:2, John 8:12 There’s a fascinating recurring theme woven throughout the Bible. It’s the theme of light and darkness. We begin with darkness in only the second verse of the entire Bible. Genesis 1:2 says, “And the earth was without form, more

  • A Light In The Darkness Series

    Contributed by James Lee on Nov 11, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    "A saint is a person who lets the light shine through."

    A young boy went with his parents touring around Europe one summer. Part of their tour included visits to the great old cathedrals of the past. As he visited each cathedral he was impressed by the massive stained glass portraits of the disciples and of other saints. He stood amazed, as the more

  • Light And Darkness Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Mar 26, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    As we continue our pursuit of spiritual soundness this Lent, we ask for the grace we need from the Holy Spirit

    Homily for 4th Sunday in Lent The team’s morale had never been higher. Their speed was peaking; their accuracy was better than ever. They had become a team through good times and bad, encouraging each other constantly. The cheering section on the sideline was packed; the cheerleaders were more

  • Light And Darkness

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Mar 25, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    As followers of Christ, we must love like Christ, so we light up the world.

    Light and Darkness Ephesians 5:1-14 Rev. Brian Bill March 23-24, 2024 According to a new book by Sarah McCammon called The Exvangelicals, younger generations of evangelicals are drifting away from the church and pushing it into a major identity crisis. She herself has turned her back on the more

  • Darkness Into Light Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Jul 7, 2023

    Our dark times make us to doubt the presence of God, the existence of God but he intervenes and changes into Light and joyful occasions. He changes everything in our lives.

    He turns my darkness into light - Psalm 18:25-30 Greetings: “The Lord is good his love endures forever.” Introduction of the monthly theme: Introduction of the theme for the day: KJV: Psalms 18:25-30 “With the merciful thou wilt shew thyself merciful; with an upright man thou wilt shew thyself more

  • Darkness To Light Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Oct 21, 2023

    If you want to move from darkness into light, just walk in the light of the cross, walk in the light of Christ, and walk in the light of His commands.

    Several years ago (1995), a middle-aged man robbed two Pittsburgh banks in broad daylight. He didn’t wear a mask or any sort of disguise. And he smiled at surveillance cameras before walking out of each bank. Later that night, police arrested a surprised McArthur Wheeler. When they showed him the more

  • Afraid Of The Dark

    Contributed by Delray Lentz on Oct 31, 2023

    For those of you who haven’t experienced Scriptural Gymnastics, the goal is not to turn to every verse we cover, but rather at the very most, write down the address of the verses, so you can go back and dig a little deeper.

    o Purpose of today’s message: ? Give us hope and encouragement to move out of the darkness into His marvelous light! Although we won’t get absorbed into darkness today, I’d like to examine some aspects of it. Genesis 1:2- The earth was without form, and void, and darkness was on the face of the more

  • Darkness And Light

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Jan 2, 2025
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon about accepting the light, living in the light and reflecting the light.

    Darkness and Light John 1:1-18 Several years ago, we visited the Lost Sea Adventures in Sweetwater. It’s a big cave that also has a body of water that you can take a boat ride on. But it also has a number of rooms, and you can take a tour with a guide. The tour includes turning off the more

  • No Room For Darkness Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus wants us to be people who bring light into the world. To do this, we need to be careful about what we allow into our hearts and minds. The things we see and focus on can either bring light or darkness into our lives.

    Our eyes play a big role in shaping our desires and actions. Jesus talks about this when he addresses the sin of adultery. He emphasizes the importance of where we look, as it can lead us down a path of darkness. Often, temptation starts with a glance, but if we're not careful, it can turn into more

  • No Room For Darkness Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the concept of living as people of light, focusing on the importance of filling our lives with spiritual light from the Bible and eradicating darkness, as guided by various scriptures.

    Welcome back to week 3 of our series, “Glow in the Dark.” We have been talking about the biblical concepts of light, darkness, and what it all means in the life of a believer. And today, we are continuing on with this theme by landing on the words of Jesus in the New Testament. Specifically, I want more

  • The Driving Force Of Spiritual Debt-3 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jul 27, 2005
    based on 2 ratings

    Part 3 of a 5-part sermon. Paul related to the Christian church in Rome, his keen sense of spiritual indebtedness. This sense of indebtedness drives the emissary/delegate/messenger of God. Spiritual indebtedness drives God’s messenger to...

    THE DRIVING FORCE OF SPIRITUAL DEBT-III—Romans 1:8-17 Need: Debt causes many Americans to work at things they never intended to give themselves to. That is why retirement is sought & defended so vehemently by Americans. We spend our lives working off our debt—at anything that is financially more

  • Topsy-Turvy

    Contributed by Michael Bates on Jan 21, 2024

    Our society has become very perverse and our moral values are upside down (topsy-turvy). As Christians, we are in the middle of a spiritual war zone fighting daily against evil, sin and perversion. But with God on our side we can win the war and be declared victorious over the forces of darkness.

    Our focal verse for this short sermon comes from Isaiah 5:20 CSB It says, 'woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness, who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.' During the time when this Bible verse was written, the more

  • The Driving Force Of Saving Grace-1 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on May 25, 2010

    Part 1 of 4. Paul revealed that God’s Saving Grace was the impetus/driving force behind a life yielded to God. But What does it supply to the believer? The Driving Force(grace) behind a yielded life brings with it...

    The DRIVING FORCE of SAVING GRACE-I—Titus 2:11—3:8 Need: Paul revealed that God’s Saving Grace was the impetus/driving force behind a life yielded to God. God’s Saving Grace is the driving force behind a life yielded to God. Why/How is God’s saving grace the driving force behind a life more

  • The Driving Force Of Saving Grace-2 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jul 19, 2010

    Part 2 of 4. Paul revealed that God’s Saving Grace was the impetus/driving force behind a life yielded to God. But What does it supply to the believer? The Driving Force(grace) behind a yielded life brings with it...

    The DRIVING FORCE of SAVING GRACE-II--Titus 2:11--3:8 Paul revealed that God’s Saving Grace was the impetus/driving force behind a life yielded to God. God’s Saving Grace is the driving force behind a life yielded to God. Why/How is God’s saving grace the driving force behind a life yielded to more

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