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  • Following God's Call Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Twitchell on Dec 7, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    Matthew and Abram were both called to abandon the status quo of their lives to follow God’s call. Where is God calling you? Are you willing to leave it all?

    Text: Genesis 12:1-12; Matthew 9:9-13 Date: Sunday, June 9, 2002 Author: Rev. Jonathan K. Twitchell I’m really not a big fan of moving… It’s really not a lot of fun! I’m sure that some of you happen to be under the misguided delusion that I simply can’t wait to put all of my possessions into more

  • Following God's Call

    Contributed by Mark Hiehle on Feb 6, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    When God calls someone to a task or area, how does He do it? This sermon uses the example of the calling of Saul as to the principals that relate to everyone.

    Following the Call of God By Rev. Mark Hiehle Are you following the Call of God in your life? Are you realizing the potential of the purpose for which you were created? These are questions that spark interest and intrigue in almost everyone’s mind because we want to be part of something bigger more

  • Following The Call Of God

    Contributed by Mark Hiehle on Feb 6, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    Are you following the Call of God in your life? Are you realizing the potential of the purpose for which you were created? Are you following the Call of God in your life? Are you realizing the potential of the purpose for which you were created?

    Following the Call of God By Rev. Mark Hiehle Are you following the Call of God in your life? Are you realizing the potential of the purpose for which you were created? These are questions that spark interest and intrigue in almost everyone’s mind because we want to be part of something bigger more

  • Lead Me To The Rock Series

    Contributed by John Oscar on Mar 5, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    The importance of seeking God when we are overwhelmed

    Lead ME to the Rock CCCAG March 5th, 2017 Scripture: Psalm 61:1-3 Intro- Beginning small series of messages about being “hidden in God” beginning today with studying Psalm 61. Background on this Psalm- (Why Chronological bible reading is important) It is written by King David of Israel. David had more

  • Follow Your Heart?

    Contributed by Howard Gunter on May 12, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Following your heart may lead away from following the voice of the Good Shepherd

    Weekend Message/Devotion May 12, 2019 Follow Your Heart? John 10:22-30 Sermon Prayer: “Heavenly Father, I stand before Your people, to deliver Your message. Though the words are mine and I prepared this message, I pray that this message is Your message in its entirety. I pray your blessing more

  • Choosing To Lead

    Contributed by Derrick Strickland on Jun 5, 2003
    based on 144 ratings

    A Father’s Day call for Fathers to have the courage to choose to take up their God-given role as leaders in their home.

    “CHOOSING TO LEAD” Joshua 24:1-15 INTRO: 1. If there was any one man out of the pages of the Old Testament that would most impress us if he could stand behind this pulpit this morning it would be Joshua. a. A man of courage. Leading the children of Israel into the promise land more

  • Following God's Presence Series

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Jun 26, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    We should only want to go where God is.

    June 28, 2009 Morning Worship Text: Exodus 33:12-25 Subject: Part 4 of Seven Steps to Receive God’s Promises Title: Following God’s Presence We continue today with our series – Seven Steps to Receiving God’s Miracles. As we go through this series I want to be sure that you understand something; more

  • God Leads His People Series

    Contributed by Jon Daniels on May 17, 2021

    Sermon based on Ex. 13:17-22 - Helps hearers understand that God has always led His people, & He still does today.

    “GOD LEADS HIS PEOPLE” Ex. 13:17-22 FBCF – 5/16/21 Jon Daniels INTRO – What do all these have in common? - Hide & Seek - Kickball, Wiffle ball - Four Square - Kick the Can - Duck, Duck, Goose - Freeze Tag - Red Rover Children’s games. Played everyone of them at some point in my childhood. more

  • Follow God’s Voice Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Oct 16, 2010

    1) The Voice of the True Shepherd (John 10:1-6) 2) Following the Voice through the Only Door to the Fold (John 10:7–10)

    John 10:1-10. "Follow God’s Voice" Everton Community Church. Sunday October 17, 2010. This week saw two radically different outcomes from mine disasters. In Copiapo Chile, 33 miners began their first weekend above ground since a rescue that gripped the world, of their 69-day ordeal trapped deep in more

  • Leading Under Fire Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jul 1, 2021

    If you want to lead people effectively under fire, develop a strong relationship with Christ over time, shepherd the people you lead, and exercise oversight as a willing, eager example for others to follow.

    245 years ago today, 56 of our country’s leaders signed our Declaration of Independence. It marked the birthday of the United States of America on July 4, 1776. Many people have paid tribute to that day over the years, but no one said it better than Paul Harvey on July 4, 1974, two years before our more

  • The Wholehearted Follower

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Sep 29, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Caleb, the wholehearted follower, trust in the unseen God, cling to His promise, and crave for His blessings. Nothing is really 'lost' for those who honors God.

    [RECAP last week sermon - John 6:60-69] Peter: "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. 69 We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God." (6:68-69) We FOLLOW Jesus for WHO He is, more than for WHAT He can give us. • It is a blessing to receive from Him and we more

  • God Leads By His Covenant

    Contributed by James May on Jan 9, 2003
    based on 15 ratings

    This draws a double parallel between Joshua leading Israel across Jordan, Jesus leading his church into the New Testament Covenant, and the conversion of a lost soul being born again into eternal life.

    Disclaimer: Due to the large amount of sermons and topics that appear on this site I feel it is necessary to post this disclaimer on all sermons posted. These sermons are original to the author and the leading of the Holy Spirit. While ideas and illustrations are often gleaned from many more

  • Following God's Plan Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Oct 27, 2003
    based on 35 ratings

    This sermon examines characteristics of genuine faith as depicted in Jesus’ life. Real faith does not take presumptuous risks, it submits to God’s timing and it challenges the status quo.

    Following God’s Plan Fortifying the Foundations #16 John 7:1-13 9-21-03 Intro John 7:1-13 7:1After this, Jesus went around in Galilee, purposely staying away from Judea because the Jews there were waiting to take his life. 2But when the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles was near, 3Jesus’ brothers said more

  • Follow Jesus, Or Follow The World

    Contributed by Craig Condon on Nov 4, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    The focus of our discipleship is on our relationship to Jesus. To be worthy of Christ we are to put him first in all family relations. To be worthy of Christ we are to take up our cross and identify with him.

    An elderly woman had just returned to her home from an evening of church services when she was startled by an intruder. She caught the man in the act of robbing her home of its valuables and yelled, “Stop! Acts 2:38 (Repent and be baptized, in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be more

  • How God Leads Us Series

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Aug 5, 2019

    Lessons from the way God led Paul

    Acts 13 - How God Leads Us - 5/21/17 Turn with me this morning to Acts 13. We have been going through this transitional book, taking us from the ministry of Jesus to the establishment of the church. We see in the Great Commission, Jesus tells his disciples to take the gospel to Jerusalem, Judea, more

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