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  • When God Calls Faith Answers Series

    Contributed by Scott Chambers on Nov 23, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    The message examines the example of Samuel’s faith.

    Growing up Christian is not as easy a task as one might think. There are dangers and temptations unique to growing up within a Christian family and within the church and sadly these difficulties are often downplayed or misunderstood by those who have been converted later in life. "Church kids face more

  • Real Followers Are Spirit Led Series

    Contributed by Eric Snyder on Mar 8, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    Part of a series based on Mike Slaughter’s book

    Real Followers are Spirit led, Acts 20:22-24 Eric A. Snyder, Minister, Farwell Church of Christ January 20, 2002 Being a Spirit led follower means carrying a cross not climbing ladders It has been argued that we live in the most prosperous country in the history of the world. As Americans we more

  • When God Says Move

    Contributed by Kraig Pullam on Feb 17, 2014
    based on 7 ratings

    One of the hardest struggles is knowing what God is telling you to do, when God is saying to stay and when He instructs you to move foward. The life of Moses gives a clear example of navigating through this arduous dilemma of life.

    One of the hardest struggles is knowing what God is telling you to do/when God is saying to stay and when He is saying to move. Not knowing is this God, is this family pressure, yourself. Fasting and praying and still not hearing clearly from God while you are in the will and the way of more

  • Following Close Behind The Lord

    Contributed by Lay Man on May 26, 2015

    But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. - Jeremiah 17:7 I have found myself many times going on in a work for the Lord and at some-point realizing that the Lord let me go on ahead without Him. We have all experienced ..

    But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. - Jeremiah 17:7 I have found myself many times going on in a work for the Lord and at some-point realizing that the Lord let me go on ahead without Him. We have all experienced this in some ways, it is like talking to an more

  • Joseph's Example: Believe And Obey

    Contributed by Scott Jensen on Dec 18, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    Christmas sermon on the example that Joseph gave to us. He was a quiet, righteous man who played an important part in the nativity story. He believed and obeyed. His faith resulted in an act of submission to God and an act of mercy and compassion to Ma

    Joseph’s Example: Believe and Obey Pastor Scott Jensen Matthew 1:18-25 Introduction When asked about obeying God, a preacher once said, “Brethren, whatever the good God tells me to do in this blessed Book, that I am going to do. If I see in it that I must jump through a stone wall, I more

  • Following God’s Mission For Kingdom Expansion Series

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on May 11, 2023

    The persecution forced the church to decisions that would unlock the full potential of the Church in terms of scope, efficiency, and effectiveness. The Church at Jerusalem became the Church on the move. We are a part of that movement.

    Sermon: Following God’s Mission For Kingdom Expansion Scripture: Acts 8:1-8 “Saul was one of the witnesses, and he agreed completely with the killing of Stephen. A great wave of persecution began that day, sweeping over the church in Jerusalem; and all the believers except the apostles were more

  • I Belong To God

    Contributed by Larry Grant on Mar 25, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    This letter teaches us that as we grow in Christ, we need to be liberated from the legalism of rules and learn to apply Godly principles every day, that we might know how to live, without God treating us like infants. The ability to make decisions wisely is a mark of maturity!

    1 Corinthians 6:12-14 (NKJV) “I Belong to God” March 26, 2023 In this first letter to the Corinthians, Paul was writing to immature believers and he asks the question: “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God?” Paul was simply declaring that before we were saved, we more

  • What Does God Want From Me? Series

    Contributed by Rob Willis on Nov 27, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    This was part of a three month emphasis on faith, and this message focuses on what God wants from us.

    Discovering the Possibilities of Faith Lesson: What Does God Want from Me? Hebrews 11:17-19 Turn to Gen. 22. Today we are wrapping up our Discovering the Possibilities of Faith campaign – it has been quite a journey over the past three months, watching many of you wrestle with issues of faith and more

  • Faith That Pleases God Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Aug 8, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    It may seem impossible to please a perfect, all-knowing, holy God but there is a way, & that way is faith. The actions of these OT saints shows that faith pleases God & that He rewards all those who seek & follow Him by faith.

    HEBREWS 11:4-7 FAITH THAT PLEASES GOD [LEAVING A LEGACY SERIES] [Genesis 4:3-7; 6:13-20; Genesis 5:21–24] The author now encourages his readers further by reminding them of examples of faith in earlier days. In O.T. times, he points out, there were many men and women who had nothing but the more

  • Character Of A Winner ; Noah As Our Example Series

    Contributed by Olorunnisola Oni on May 17, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    God has set a race of life or death before man. His desire is that man run the race for life and not death and become a winner in His kingdom.

    Introduction: Ever since the creation of the earth, God has always set a race of life or death before man. His desire is that man runs the race for life and not death. This is why in every dispensation, He always make sure man is warned and reminded of man’s need to run for life. The whole more

  • Living In God's Presence Following God's Guidance

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Mar 8, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    There is a promised provided in this proverb. If we take God at HIs word and live in HIs presence, we can take advantage of His promises, and take serious HIs direction.

    Intro: What is the greatest promise in the entire Bible? The greatest promise in all the Bible is the one that we take the most for granted. It is the promise God’s presence. Many read the Bible but not to hear God’s voice. Many pray but not to bathe in God’s presence. Many more

  • Christ's Resurrection - Following Him

    Contributed by William Akehurst on May 5, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    Looking back to the Resurrection, sharing it from another perspective. Jesus said Follow Me. Follow My Example. Follow My Instructions. Follow Me to the Cross and Find Salvation. Follow Me to LIFE and Tell others.

    2009.04.19.CHRIST’S RESURRECTION-Following Him Another look at the message of Easter William Akehurst, BA HSWC Looking back to the Resurrection, sharing it from another perspective. Jesus said Follow Me. Follow My Example. Follow My Instructions. Follow Me to the Cross and Find Salvation. more

  • Serve Gods Purpose In Your Own Generation Series

    Contributed by Matthias Korsinek on Aug 18, 2002
    based on 53 ratings

    The need for an Attitude of Visionary Faith in order to take hold of Gods inheritance

    To serve Gods Purpose in your own Generation “For when David had served God`s purpose in his own Generation, he fell asleep … Acts 13:36 There are only 3 kind of people in the World: 1. Those, who do not know, what is happening in the World 2.Those, who know, what is happening in the more

  • Faith Trusts When God Promises The Impossible Series

    Contributed by Scott Chambers on Sep 24, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    A message that looks at the faith of Abraham

    Today we are going to begin a series that explores what type of faith we should strive to attain. Throughout this series we will be looking at different people who are mentioned in the great faith chapter of the Bible, Hebrews 11. Each of these individuals displayed what we would term an more

  • How To Get Going Series

    Contributed by Randy Hamel on Sep 21, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon looks at how Jesus healed Bartamaeus and how Bart then followed Jesus in faith. It asks the church to step up to the plate and really follow Jesus in faith

    How to take the initiative? 50 Days of Faith Part 3 of 8 – Mark 10:46-52 We’re continuing in this “50 Days of Faith” series. . I am receiving very encouraging feedback on how God is stretching our faith. Last week our prayer partners prayed for youth workers. At our Ignition last weekend we had more

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