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  • How Can We Resist Temptation?

    Contributed by Mark H. Stevens Thd on Jan 4, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    Flip Wilson the famous Comedian used to say "The Devil Made me Do it!" was funny but not true, The Devil cannot MAKE YOU do anything! (James 4:7)

    Our response to Satan's lies (Eph 2:8-9; 1 John 4:1; James 4:7): • We are to submit to God's will (2 Cor. 11:3, 14-15). Satan's ways look good and appealing, but God's way is the way that is best; Satan's way is death. It is better to be poor and honest than rich and dishonest! • We more

  • Rev Heather Wilson

    Contributed by Heather Wilson on Aug 11, 2018

    The focus of the sermon is unloading exhaustion, depression, and fear.

    Sermon: Exhausted, Depressed, and Afraid This morning (evening), we are going on a journey. First, we will pack a familiar case to all of us and then discover how it can be unpacked so that we can travel lighter. When I was travelling to see my mum in Canada, Hugh texted her and said about our more

  • Flip The Switch Series

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on Jun 4, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    Living as children of light

    Flip the Switch – Eph. 5:3-20 Steve Simala Grant – Nov. 3/4, 2001 Intro: (Sun) Making decisions in the dark can lead to some regrettable consequences. Back in the days before electricity, a tightfisted old farmer was taking his hired man to task for carrying a lighted lantern when he went to call more

  • A Flip Of The Coin Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Oct 30, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus’ answer forms the foundation of understanding the Church’s & the Christian’s role in the world, politics, and government.

    Introduction This is the most famous of the debates because of the brilliance of the answer. Indeed, it is an answer that forms the foundation of understanding the Church’s & the Christian’s role in the world, politics, and government. Text 13 Later they sent some of the Pharisees and Herodians more

  • Flip That House Series

    Contributed by Ken Hubbard on Feb 11, 2010

    This is the fourth of a series of sermons on godly home life, marriage and family. This message focuses on godly parenting.

    "KIDS DO THE DARNDEST THINGS IN 10 YEARS TIME" Bill Shapino According to the American Society for Lesser-Known Childhood Statistics, by the time your child is 10, she will have: * Soiled 8,952 diapers * Watched 9,486 hours of television * Demanded 345 readings of Goodnight Moon. * Wedged 13 more

  • Flip Side

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Feb 28, 2012

    The transfiguration is a transition. Jesus' ministry (and ours) is not all power, it also involves the journey to Jerusalem and the cross.

    Mark 9:2-9 “Flip Side” INTRODUCTION The ministry of Jesus and the ushering in of the kingdom of God reach a crescendo in today’s gospel lesson. At first glance Jesus’ climb up the mountain reads much like a Marvel Comic superhero: Bruce Wayne descending into his bat more

  • Flip The Switch

    Contributed by David Edward Ray on Jun 6, 2019

    Do you sometimes feel powerless in your walk with Christ? You've read all the books, watched all the programs and still feel there is something missing. The answer may be as simple as flipping the switch.

    Flip the switch A young boy walked into his bedroom one day where he found it to be very dark. He walked back out and told his dad the light in his room wasn’t working. His dad, Mr. Fix-it, full of pride said “No bother”, and he grabbed his tools and a little flashlight and went to his sons more

  • "Flip This House"

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Oct 5, 2015

    David's life needs to be changed or flipped and maybe our lives can be flipped as well. His life became a life of adultery, murder, and deception. But David understood his life needed flipped.

    “Flip This House” Psalm 26 There is programs we love to watch such as flip this house, Priority brothers who either love it or list it. Some purchase a ruined run down house and flip it or remodel it and sell it for profit. These types programs are very popular and entertaining. The more

  • Flip The Script Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Changing our thoughts and focusing on our true identity in Christ can transform our lives. By adopting the teachings of Jesus, we can change our story.

    Let's talk about something real. You know how we sometimes get stuck in our heads, replaying the same old stories? Like that time you messed up in front of everyone, or when you didn't make the team, or when you felt like you didn't fit in. We all have those stories, right? But here's the thing, more

  • Flip The Blessing Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    As believers, we are called to bless others, regardless of their response. By focusing on others, appreciating their good qualities, and speaking well of them, we can invoke God's authority and bring blessings into their lives.

    You know how in video games, you get power-ups or bonuses that give you extra points or abilities? Well, in real life, we have something similar, and it's called blessings. You remember the story of the Israelites, right? They were wandering in the desert, and God gave them this awesome blessing more

  • Flip The Script Series

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Jan 12, 2025
    based on 1 rating

    Discover how God can rewrite your story and turn trials into triumphs—read Flip the Script and find inspiration to overcome your giants with faith and purpose.

    Flip the Script Genesis 50:20 Online Sermon: Queen Victoria ruled over the British Empire from 1837 to 1901, marking a 63-year reign that not only set a record in Britain but also defined an era known as the Victorian Age. Shortly after more

  • Flip Your Lid

    Contributed by Joseph Rodgers on Mar 20, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    A challenge to go deeper in worship.

    Flip Your Lid January 1, 2006 Romans 12:1-2 Video: What is Worship? I can think of no better way to start the New Year than to set our hearts and minds on honoring God. To make a decision to Flip our Lids for Jesus! Story: A few months ago, we had some guests from the Netherlands. While more

  • The Flip Side Of Loving

    Contributed by David Flowers on Aug 19, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Love encompasses both loving and being loved. Many struggle with loving, but we often struggle even more with being loved. Based on John 13:1-9 and Peter’s struggles in allowing Jesus to love him.

    The Flip-Side of Loving David Flowers Wildwind Community Church August 20, 2006 Do you have a hard time identifying whether or not you are growing closer to God? I mean, that’s a hard thing to see in yourself, isn’t it? Don’t you wish there were a way of being able to tell beyond doubt whether more

  • Flip Side Of Discipleship Series

    Contributed by Andrew Hamilton on Oct 26, 2002
    based on 76 ratings

    As much as Jesus calls for complete surrender, he also makes that call of ordinary people - putting discipleship within all of our grasp

    The Flip Side of Discipleship Intro Here are some actual maintenance complaints submitted by US Air Force pilots and the replies from the maintenance crews. Problem: "Left inside main tire almost needs replacement." Solution: "Almost replaced left inside main tire." Problem: "Test flight OK, more

  • Life On The Flip Side

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on Jul 29, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    One side was fear, the other side was life. One side was a hopeless man, the other side was a God who loves to breath new hope and life. One side is cruel kids, the other side is broken hearts.

    Life on the Flip Side Resurrection Sunday, Apr 12 2009, John 20:11-18 Intro: A simple coin has two sides. We look at one side at a time, and without a mirror or some other tool we can only look at one side at a time – we can’t see the other unless we flip it over. As I walked towards more