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  • And The First Man Adam

    Contributed by Anthony Smith on Nov 25, 2003
    based on 18 ratings

    A look at the First and Last Adam, where does the Church and you Stand?This sermon deals with the only two Adams that will ever be born and the choice we hafe to make in which one to live in.

    And the first man Adam. A look at the first and last Adam, where is the church? 1st Corinthains 15:45-49, And so it is written,The first man Adam was made a liveing soul, the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. more

  • The First Man To Miss Death—enoch

    Contributed by Dennis Selfridge on Mar 8, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Walking with God leads to heaven

    Did you hear about the man who returned home from the grocery store, having bought everything on the list his wife gave him? She began removing items from the bags: one dozen eggs, two bags of flour, three gallons of milk, four bags of sugar, and five cans of cake frosting. His wife said, more

  • The Devil's First Sermon

    Contributed by Daniel Olukoya on May 10, 2004
    based on 115 ratings

    Devil cannot create anything, he is the most successful robber in the whole world.

    Genesis: 3:1-6 “Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, yea hath God said, ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent, we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden. But of more

  • Lesson From Adam And Eve

    Contributed by Pastor Renji George on Jun 12, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Adam could have repented and come back to God. God gave him a chance to repent. But instead of admitting the fault he blamed his wife (Genes 3:12). If Adam had admitted the fault of disobedience to God, God would have forgiven him.

    God could have stopped Eve from sinning. Do you think God did not know when satan was entering the garden of Eden? Was God unaware of satan tempting His precious child Eve? The closing of Genesis 3 speaks about God keeping Cheru-bims to watch over the garden with a flaming sword (Genesis 3:24). more

  • Satan's First Transaction With Man

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Jul 15, 2008
    based on 9 ratings

    A message examining the deception of Satan.

    SATAN’S FIRST TRANSACTION WITH MAN Genesis 3:1-7 INTRO: Satan has been a successful trader for over six thousand years. He is constantly trading with men for various items, and man always comes out the loser. ILLUS: "The Devil and Daniel Webster", more

  • Bind The Strong Man First

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Nov 12, 2014

    To understand that it's the LORD JESUS that lives within us that protects us from demon possession, and a CHRISTian believer can't be possessed by another spirit because the HOLY SPIRIT is living inside of us.

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you using your authority and power to bind and lose? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To understand that it's the LORD JESUS that lives within us that protects us from demon possession, and a CHRISTian believer can't be possessed by another spirit because the more

  • The First Judgment Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 24, 2021

    Satan caused man to lose Eden and perfect fellowship with God, and so he is man's greatest foe. Man and Satan are enemies.

    An angry customer came stomping into the pet shop and confronted the owner. He said, "When I bought this dog you said he would be splendid for rats. He won't even go near a rat." "Well," said the owner, "That is splendid for the rats ain't it?" The statement more

  • Jesus: The Son Of Man

    Contributed by Allan Kircher on Jul 9, 2014


    Pastor Allan Kircher Shell Point Baptist Church June 22, 2014 John 2:1-11 JESUS: THE SON OF MAN Intro: John's majestic Gospel serves/magnificent gallery • Display/glory/Jesus/no other literature/earth can. • Enter/chap 1, John gives convincing evidence/deity/Jesus • proves him more

  • How The First Sin Affects My Life Series

    Contributed by Ricky Burke on Apr 6, 2001
    based on 114 ratings

    This message describes how we are still reaping the consequences of the first sin.

    We are currently studying the early chapters of Genesis which tells us how it all began. These chapters describe the first week, the first home, the first people, the first lie, and the first sin. Bible students refer to the first sin as "The Fall of Man." And the Fall of Man has six scenes: a more

  • The Blind Man: A First Person Narrative

    Contributed by Ned Bartlebaugh on Jun 25, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    A monologue of John 9:1-38 from the perspective of the blind man.

    INTRODUCTION Have you ever had one of those days that you know you will never forget; a day that had a profound impact on your life? I’m sure you have. We all have. Start with World/historical events Sep 11, 2001 – 9/11 attack on World Trade Center and Pentagon Dec 7, 1941 – more

  • The First Promise Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Apr 20, 2014
    based on 30 ratings

    What would you say to a man who was afraid of dying? A man who knew his death was just months away but couldn't handle that truth? Would you be able to turn his fear into hope?

    OPEN: I recently listened to a man named Chris tell of visiting his relatives in Kokomo, Indiana. One night his family took him out to and treated him to a special meal at the Texas Roadhouse restaurant. Sometime during the evening, Chris got up and went into the bathroom, and while he was there more

  • The First Covenant Series

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Aug 17, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    The sixth in our series on the Book of Genesis. In this particular sermon we discuss the first covenant between God and man.

    Genesis (Pt. 6) (The First Covenant) Text: Genesis 2:4 – 17 By: Ken McKinley (Read Text) Well we’ve been going through Genesis for a few weeks now, and we’ve looked at the creation of the heavens and the earth, we’ve looked at the 6 days of creation and last Sunday we more

  • The Blessed Man

    Contributed by Larry Jacobs on May 16, 2006
    based on 16 ratings

    The first Psalm is the doorway into the worderful book of Psalms. It is the first beatitude of the Bible.

    Our Web Site: -------------------------------- THE BLESSED MAN PSALM 1 Psa 1:1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. Psa 1:2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and more

  • 25. Born Of The Virgin Mary Series

    Contributed by Gary Regazzoli on Nov 4, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Adam the first man was born from below, the dust. Jesus was born from above, the first of the New Creation

    [IN GOD’S IMAGE 25 – BORN OF THE VIRGIN MARY] This message is part of a series of 90 sermons based on the title, “In God’s Image – God’s Purpose for humanity.” This series of free sermons or the equivalent free book format is designed to take the reader through an amazing process beginning with more

  • The Image Of Christ

    Contributed by Trevor Chuma on Mar 13, 2019

    1 Corinthians 15:45-49 says, the first man Adam came from dust, and therefore, every human being that was born on this earth was born in the image of dust

    1 Corinthians 15:45-49 says, the first man Adam came from dust, and therefore, every human being that was born on this earth was born in the image of dust. However, the last Adam, who is Jesus Christ was different from the first, the Bible says he came from heaven. The fist Adam was banished from more