Jesus: The Son Of Man
Contributed by Allan Kircher on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Pastor Allan Kircher
Shell Point Baptist Church
June 22, 2014
John 2:1-11
Intro: John's majestic Gospel serves/magnificent gallery
• Display/glory/Jesus/no other literature/earth can.
• Enter/chap 1, John gives convincing evidence/deity/Jesus
• proves him to be the God/man
• shown in all/majesty of His place/Godhead.
Chap/2 gives us 2 snapshots/life of Jesus
• v 1-11, He/wedding/v.12-25, Jesus/House of Worship
Latter scene:
• Jesus exerted His authority/Son of God to cleanse the filth from His Father's house!
• God has not changed His mind!
His House is still/House of prayer, praise/worship. Many in our day have tried to make God's House a place of merchandise, power and politics.
• Jesus still stands opposed to such practices.
This morning/not preach/scene/Temple/rather/scene/wedding.
• little snapshot/ministry of Jesus/seen in all of His humanity
• pictures/Jesus/concerned with/gets involved in
• problems and situations of ordinary, everyday life
• we encounter a Christ who cares
• who carry's through for His own!
• let's drop in on this little scene in Cana of Galilee and witness John's Portrait of Jesus: The Son Of Man.
The Circumstances /wedding/huge social event those days
• last as long as a week
• not told who is getting married/some close kinsman/Jesus
• brother, a sister, a cousin
• someone/close relation because Mary involved/festivities
Scene teaches us anything/tells us Jesus chose to participate in this common, routine, everyday event.
• Jesus isn't just for Sunday!
• He desires, and deserves to be included in all of life!
• He is either Lord of all, or He isn't Lord Acts 10:36
B. The Call - Jesus is here by invitation! Someone possessed the forethought and thoughtfulness to call Jesus to this event.
• Never be guilty/exclude Jesus/any areas of your life.
• If we are truly His, He has access rights to everything
Some, here today, need to open area of your life up to God
• Stop holding back and give God access to everything!
• In too many lives, Jesus is left standing outside looking in - Rev. 3:20
Times when Jesus stands ready/solution to your problem
• Instead of butting in, He waits patiently for your invitation!
Christ's Consideration - Notice that when He was called, Jesus came!
• All the events of life/child of God need never fear Jesus not coming to the aid!
• He cares and when we call, He will answer us and move in our need - Matt. 7:7-8; Jer. 33:3.
It may not be the Baptist way, but learn to run to Jesus before you climb on the rocking horse of worry
• Jesus will take you farther, faster!
A. V. 3 A Problem
• Sometime during these festivities, they ran out of wine
• To the Jews, it could be ruinous! matter of honor
• Bridegroom/responsible for providing adequate supplies.
• Better not run out!
• would cause public embarrassment/groom and his family.
• offending family could even be fined
• problem of considerable size to these people.
Life doesn't always go as we had planned it!
• Times when problems arise and troubles come our way.
• This is a common thing - Job 14:1; John 16:33; Eccl. 2:23,
Christ and His Disciples/storm tossed boat - Mark 4:36-41
• Disciples alone in the storm tossed ship - John 6:16-21
• Both instances, they felt Jesus/out of touch with their need.
• Both times they were wrong!
• Jesus knew their troubles and felt their need.
• He moved in on their problem/made a difference for them.
• He will do the same for you!
B. V. 3-5 A Procedure
Mary shows us/what we need to do/troubles arise in our lives.
• Gives us 2 steps we take/troublesome times of life.
Flee To Jesus - When the problem arose, Mary took it to the Lord. This is exactly what we need to do - Phil. 4:6-7.
Christ's response to Mary in v. 4 may seem cruel and cold
• "Woman" polite and common form of address
• simply reminding Mary He has a greater agenda to fulfil
• Luke 2:51,Jesus was "subject unto them", referring to Mary and Joseph.
• Now, He is reminding His mother that it is time for Him to begin to fulfil His Father's will.
Mary ran to Jesus. What a good example for us to follow!
2. Follow His Commands
• Just do as Jesus says
• Lesson for us is clear! When problems arise
• troubles toss our lives
• best thing we can do is simply to do what Jesus says to do.
• Now, what does He say to do?
• Matt. 11:28 - Come to Him.